BSB Addict
Thank you paris. I share your hope, but if not, perhaps I can reconstruct them.
OK, Markymark here is one story...
Originally Posted by Markymark
Well, since we're all on the internet, fishing somehow seems the more appropriate place to start.
Mid sixties, 6th or 7th grade. I was already quite knowledgeable, thanks to a neighborhood boy. My dad and his brother Max took me, and my two cousins on several fishing trips up into the high Sierra lake region. At the time, Ice House resevoir was a very rustic and remote location with almost no services, but those Rainbow trout were delicious cooked over an open campfire. Dad and Uncle Max stayed with a friend in his trailer while we boys "roughed" it in a tent down by the water. Early on, Paul would produce cards, strip poker would ensue, and then the usual question, "Well, now what do we do?" At this point, I always became the guide. First, the cautionary warning to my younger cousin, not to say anything, and then I would slowly crawl over the top of my sleeping back, reach out and grab Paul's dick, which I would begin stroking. Then I would get Rick to do the same thing to his brother while I would touch him and usually rub his butt. Once Paul was hard, we would put Vaseline all over his dick, and he would lay me back, with my legs up, so he could fuck me. Rick would then climb over to my side of the tent so he could get on my face. Even though he was too young the first couple of times to achieve a full orgasm, I still liked to "suck him off", and it made him feel like he was one of the guys. Meanwhile, "back at the ranch" so to speak, Paul would fuck me as hard as he could, stopping every time we heard a sound outside. "What was that?" "Go look, NO! YOU go look" Finally one of us, then the others, would "bravely" exit the tent, sans clothing, to determine the cause of the noise. This always engendered the desire to run around naked for a minute or so, daring the adults asleep in their warm trailer, to awake and discover our naughty secret. Then back to the tent, always after peeing side by side into the lake. Once back, the fucking and sucking would begin anew, until Paul would cum in me. In later years, Rick would also fuck me, but always wanted me to "eat" his load so he could see how much there was. I was very obliging. Rick also liked to jack me off, licking his fingers when I had busted my nut.
Next time: Catholic Boys Camp, or Fag factory? You decide!
Love to all
I like this post...I don't come onto this part of the forum often...but I like the threads that are here as well.
Its interesting about growing up and learning about ones sexuality. I was born in 1967 so that makes me 42 years old. I was born & raised in a small town in upstate New York. Growing up in a small town was difficult enough but I knew ever since I was different compared to many of my friends growing. At the time, I didn't know I was gay and didn't even know the meaning of the word gay. I knew I was a lot more advance sexually compared to my friends and I knew I had an attraction to my friends but I didn't act on it.
My first time that anyone ever touched me was the pediatrician office/Doctor's office, this is how I might have started my medical fetish. Growing up as far as I can remember, I would always be sick. I never had my tonsils removed so I would get sever sore throats and temperature. I would be at the doctors at least 3X in one year. The doc would have my mom site in the waiting area, and the nurse would take me back into the exam room and take my temp. and weigh me and stuff. Then the Doc would come in and examine me...everytime he would thoroughly examin my dick and he would jerk me off and tease my dick until I would have a dry orgasm...this went on for years.
As I got older, I had a friend...his name was Howard and we would play "cowboy & indians" and "doctor" and it would lead to jerking off and sucking dick. Howard also went to the same Doctor as me so most of the time, we would play doctor with each other. He would jerk and suck me off and I would do the same to him. Again, at the time I didn't know that what we were doing was a "gay" was just fun and exciting for both me and my friend Howard. As we got older, we no longer played and he moved away.
Growing up I had many friends. Besides Howard, I had a friend and he had 2 older brothers and everyone in there home walked around in there white brief tighty whites. My friend and his older brothers were ALL hot jocks and had beautiful bodies and I loved going over his house to see this eye candy (I think this is one reason why I have a white brief undie fetish...LOL). I never made a move nor he made a move towards sex. As I got older and entered high school...I was much to afraid of doing anything with guys and "coming out of the closet". I knew then I was gay and back in the 80's, in my town it was taboo to even say or think about being gay. I kept it to myself. The boys that did come out of the closet or were femme, got beat up at the time and stopped going to school. I was very popular and very active in my HS, so I wasn't about to do anything that anyone was going to make fun of me. My biggest thrill was going to gym class and watching all the hot boys get undressed.
I was always afraid and frustrated that I didn't have any real gay experiences growing up. I knew once I graduated HS, I was going to come to Florida and come out of the closet here and start going to gay bars and having fun.
Well 1986 came and I graduated HS and off I went to South Florida. I got a job as a waiter and took some TV and Radio classes and become a "whore" and went to all the bars that South Florida had to offer and I made up for lots of lost times. I don't regret anything after coming out and I have always been very lucky to meet some very hot boys here in Ft.Lauderdale. I'm not the most prettiest....I don't have a toned/jock body but I always had a knack for getting hot boys. Thus the porn business!!!!
I hope you enjoyed my personal quick journey......
Thank you David for your detailed and honest description of growing up in your small town. And you've certainly explained your fetish for both doctors, and for guys in white brief tighty whites. Hanging out at your friends house with him and his older brothers in just jockey shorts must have been an incredible sight. Of course what your doctor did to both you and Howard would be considered child molestation today, and he would probably be arrested and lose his licence. But you obviously enjoyed it to the extent that you now have your own web site where young guys get jerked off by the doctor all the time.I like this post...I don't come onto this part of the forum often...but I like the threads that are here as well.
Its interesting about growing up and learning about ones sexuality. I was born in 1967 so that makes me 42 years old. I was born & raised in a small town in upstate New York. Growing up in a small town was difficult enough but I knew ever since I was different compared to many of my friends growing. At the time, I didn't know I was gay and didn't even know the meaning of the word gay. I knew I was a lot more advance sexually compared to my friends and I knew I had an attraction to my friends but I didn't act on it.
My first time that anyone ever touched me was the pediatrician office/Doctor's office, this is how I might have started my medical fetish. Growing up as far as I can remember, I would always be sick. I never had my tonsils removed so I would get sever sore throats and temperature. I would be at the doctors at least 3X in one year. The doc would have my mom site in the waiting area, and the nurse would take me back into the exam room and take my temp. and weigh me and stuff. Then the Doc would come in and examine me...everytime he would thoroughly examin my dick and he would jerk me off and tease my dick until I would have a dry orgasm...this went on for years.
As I got older, I had a friend...his name was Howard and we would play "cowboy & indians" and "doctor" and it would lead to jerking off and sucking dick. Howard also went to the same Doctor as me so most of the time, we would play doctor with each other. He would jerk and suck me off and I would do the same to him. Again, at the time I didn't know that what we were doing was a "gay" was just fun and exciting for both me and my friend Howard. As we got older, we no longer played and he moved away.
Growing up I had many friends. Besides Howard, I had a friend and he had 2 older brothers and everyone in there home walked around in there white brief tighty whites. My friend and his older brothers were ALL hot jocks and had beautiful bodies and I loved going over his house to see this eye candy (I think this is one reason why I have a white brief undie fetish...LOL). I never made a move nor he made a move towards sex. As I got older and entered high school...I was much to afraid of doing anything with guys and "coming out of the closet". I knew then I was gay and back in the 80's, in my town it was taboo to even say or think about being gay. I kept it to myself. The boys that did come out of the closet or were femme, got beat up at the time and stopped going to school. I was very popular and very active in my HS, so I wasn't about to do anything that anyone was going to make fun of me. My biggest thrill was going to gym class and watching all the hot boys get undressed.
I was always afraid and frustrated that I didn't have any real gay experiences growing up. I knew once I graduated HS, I was going to come to Florida and come out of the closet here and start going to gay bars and having fun.
Well 1986 came and I graduated HS and off I went to South Florida. I got a job as a waiter and took some TV and Radio classes and become a "whore" and went to all the bars that South Florida had to offer and I made up for lots of lost times. I don't regret anything after coming out and I have always been very lucky to meet some very hot boys here in Ft.Lauderdale. I'm not the most prettiest....I don't have a toned/jock body but I always had a knack for getting hot boys. Thus the porn business!!!!
I hope you enjoyed my personal quick journey......