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Scott On CBP


Well-known Member
Oct 24, 2008
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The latest performer, Scott, is a real cutie. You should at least stream the video. It's a better than average one for that particular bonus site...
Wow this film pushed all the buttons for me. Sports gear, jocks, socks, full massage, ass play and what a great cock Scott has. The Doc is one lucky MF..

I am normally not into the health care fetish but this was a dam good video and Scott was one of the best actors they have ever had on any porn site. I actually believed he was hurt for a while.
David, don't you get jealous of Eddie when he has to do the things to young cutties like in this film :drool:

Wow! That is a really great question and nobody has asked me that question before. To be honest NO! This is our business and we are accustom to having boys around. The boys stay with us in our home when they are filming for the week, when we are filming, we have boys coming and going each week so we get to know them more on a personal level so I don't mind at all. Eddie and I have been together for 18 years so our relationship is pretty solid and remember I sometimes play the doc in College Boy Physicals as well so I get my turn at stroking hot boys. We also take turns stroking the boys on the new Boy Gusher.com site so I guess both Eddie and I are use to it by now.

Also remember, I film the scene so I'm there in the room and Tyler was taking the pics and there are lights, boom mics and we are on set so its not really an intimate moment. For Eddie and I, its business and we have to do what we got to do to get the scene completed so we really don't look at it as jealous or cheating.

When I have the camera in my hand and I'm filming, I go into another world. The sky can be falling but when I'm filming its all about the scene and what I need to get completed to make the scene look hot....it kind of silly but I become one with the camera and its all about the shoot and I go into my porn mode.

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Wow! That is a really great question and nobody has asked me that question before. To be honest NO! This is our business and we are accustom to having boys around. The boys stay with us in our home when they are filming for the week, when we are filming, we have boys coming and going each week so we get to know them more on a personal level so I don't mind at all. Eddie and I have been together for 18 years so our relationship is pretty solid and remember I sometimes play the doc in College Boy Physicals as well so I get my turn at stroking hot boys. We also take turns stroking the boys on the new Boy Gusher.com site so I guess both Eddie and I are use to it by now.

Also remember, I film the scene so I'm there in the room and Tyler was taking the pics and there are lights, boom mics and we are on set so its not really an intimate moment. For Eddie and I, its business and we have to do what we got to do to get the scene completed so we really don't look at it as jealous or cheating.

When I have the camera in my hand and I'm filming, I go into another world. The sky can be falling but when I'm filming its all about the scene and what I need to get completed to make the scene look hot....it kind of silly but I become one with the camera and its all about the shoot and I go into my porn mode.


Thanks for answering my question David and yes we all forget what's happening behind the cameras. We as viewers also go into another world and I often think I'm in the doctors uniform and sometimes dream about being the patient. Please please tell me that Scott is making a return visit. Oeer this brings me to another point with College Boy Physicals - why don't they let us see whats coming up in the next few episodes, like Broke Straight Boys does ?

Congratulations to you both for lasting 18 years. I managed 18months and the bastard went off with someone else, but I'm better off now. I've got more questions to ask you both but will do that in another thread in the non film section. Jeez, I'm beginning to sound like dear Casper. :drool::001_huh::thumbup1:
Wow! That is a really great question and nobody has asked me that question before.

Very cool post David, I have always wondered that but never got around to asking. Congrats on 18 and I wish you many more. For what it's worth me and Jeff are going on 29 years. Since one question leads to another please tell me just to intensify the experience that you have naked boys frolicking through your home on a regular basis? :) And also do your neighbors know the line of work your in or do they question why you always have so many young hot guys running around?
And also do your neighbors know the line of work your in or do they question why you always have so many young hot guys running around?

Great question Denny. I've wondered about that myself. What do the neighbors think or say when they see all these different young guys parading in and out of the house on a regular basis? :blink: It's sure to look suspicious and raise a few eyebrows. Among other things. hehe You can only use the nephew and cousin excuse so many times. Are you out as a couple to the neighbors? How do you get along with the neighbors?
Well they must know otherwise they'd have the cops around pretty toute suite. Another question to you Americans - Which states are gay friendly and which ones are not ?
Well they must know otherwise they'd have the cops around pretty toute suite. Another question to you Americans - Which states are gay friendly and which ones are not ?
This is hardly scientific Jon, but I would start by looking at the results of our last Presidential election, and I would bet that the majority of the Blue states (Democratic) are more gay friendly than the Red States (Republican).:biggrin:
Wow! You guys are asking really great questions. We normally have about 2-4 boys at a time. The boys arrive on a Monday. Monday is the day that all the models get to meet for the first time. Some already know each other and some have been here so many times that our home is there second home. Some of the boys that arrive are all new and some are mixed with new boys and the return model boys.

When they arrive on Monday, I usually try to book there flights so they arrive in Ft.Lauderdale all at the same time and on the same flights and such. I pick up the models at the airport on Monday and depending on the time...I will bring them to the office or back home. When they arrive, we go over strict house rules. No drugs, No alcoholic drinking, no sex off camera, the models have to get to sleep by 1am...and they have to keep clean and neat. We are not militant but we make sure that we don't let the models runaround like a bunch of animals.

The models are NOT allowed to walk around the house nude...we have nice furniture furniture and we don't want "ass" on our sofa...LOL. The models do walk around the house usually in shorts or undies or boxer shorts and either with or without a shirt. As for the neighbors, we never had a problem all our neighbors know what we do and they don't care. We are not noisy or loud.

A typical day is that when the models arrive on Monday and we do the "house rules", we then figure out dinner...the first day we normally just order Italian food and eat at home. The next day (Tuesday) I leave the house to get to the studio/office around 7:30am and when I leave, Eddie starts waking the models up so they can get ready...they eat breakfast or drink coffee or whatever...then Eddie arrives at the office/studio around 10am and the models have to fill out paperwork before we start filming. I go over the production schedule with the models and then Eddie takes them to the studio and starts make-up and Tyler starts setting up the sets and starts putting the lights and getting everything ready. In the meantime, I'm on the phone interviewing models, are chatting with Mark....replying to this forum....looking at stats of the sites...booking flights and working on production schedules for the next week. Answering emails and following up with post-production to make sure that content is being worked on and getting ready to send to Mark. Working with our office secretary making sure our files are in order and signing paperwork. Then approx. 1pm Eddie calls me and he's ready for me to start filming...I go from my office and a few doors down I enter the studio and then go over the scene once again with the models...and then the filming begins. A scene takes about 3 hours to film sometimes longer and we film two scenes in one day...it depends if we are going to do two Broke Straight Boys scenes or just one or a combo of Broke Straight Boys and College Boy Physicals scenes that day. Then we break for lunch. We then film the 2nd scene but if we only do one scene the models get finished early and then Eddie takes them to the beach. If we do two scenes in one day we normally get done around 6pm or 7pm.

By 7:30-8pm...we get home and figure out dinner. Pending if I'm tired or not...we may just order some Chinese food or I will cook chicken Parm. or chicken francaise and then after dinner the boys either hang out, we watch DVDs or TV..usually Family Guy or we go to the Jacuzzi and then the boys go to sleep and everything again happens the next day...Saturday morning the models flights leave and by that time...we are ready for the models to go home. Eddie early in the AM brings the models to the airport and they leave to go home. We never say goodbye...we say until next time and based on the models performance and how they are off camera will determine if they come back or not and also what you guys think as well will determine if the models comes back or not...that is if we can get a hold of the model again.
That's really cool to hear so much of the behind the scenes stuff of how the operation works. That is alot of work! Thanks for taking the time to explain all of that David. And you don't even get alot of free time, even in your own home. If I were a straight model, probably my favorite time of the day would be dinner time and jacuzzi time. LOL I assume that jacuzzi time can be clothing optional. haha
Wow! You guys are asking really great questions.

Wow David that is nothing but impressive. I am amazed by this and it sounds like you really run a tight ship. Of course I was disappointed to hear they don't get to run around naked but I can imagine the cum stains you would end up with on the furniture. With all those things going on it is no wonder why it is hard to get the models to perform some times. I get nervous just thinking about it. LOL Anyway in all the stuff you do, were just dam glad you do it. Many Thanks
Thanks for the info David, very informative and interesting. Regarding CPB regulars like Sean and Ajay; How do they fit in to all this ? Also has Dr James left for good ?

I guess from what you're saying by filming some Broke Straight Boys and some College Boy Physicals that all the models stay for a week. In that case I would have thought we would have seen more of the College Boy Physicals guys on Broke Straight Boys

Sorry for being a nosey brit. x
This is hardly scientific Jon, but I would start by looking at the results of our last Presidential election, and I would bet that the majority of the Blue states (Democratic) are more gay friendly than the Red States (Republican).:biggrin:

Mike, I'm not a scientist, neither did I major in US politics however, I am interested in gay issues in my and other peoples countries and how they've changed over the years. I also do not have a photographic memory from the last US presidential election so I cannot recap on which are blue and which are red states.

One thing that I have observed is that there are not many models from California. I note this because I've visited CA quite a few times and I would have picked up on the placenames.
California has so many outlets for this kind of money making endeavor that I suppose few guys would need to travel as far as Broke Straight Boys..
Thanks for the info David, very informative and interesting. Regarding CPB regulars like Sean and Ajay; How do they fit in to all this ? Also has Dr James left for good ?

I guess from what you're saying by filming some Broke Straight Boys and some College Boy Physicals that all the models stay for a week. In that case I would have thought we would have seen more of the College Boy Physicals guys on Broke Straight Boys

Sorry for being a nosey brit. x

David, sorry for being a pain, but could you enlighten me on the above. thanks x