My opinion about Russia and Ukraine might be less then popular in this thread, but here I go.
Russia(Putin) was pressured into acting by the US and other NATO nations pushing all his buttons, doing nothing would have been political suicide for him with his own people eventually.
Why do I need to pay for a pointless war that was essentially started by my own politicians?
Ukraine has always been corrupt and anyone who denies this is ignorant, so how much of the aid being sent to Ukraine is even staying there and how much of the aid is being sold to the highest bidder to line someone's pockets?
No one actually knows where anything is going because the US government refused to track anything stating that it would slow down the support.
This war is horrible for all the people involved, but the people who benefit are no where near the front line. I am not convinced western life is best.
When will politicians (yes i mean US politicians) start caring about the people involved in their crusades?
You are absolutely entitled to your opinion Tyrgineer. As pro-Ukraine as I am at the moment, I am also intellectually honest with myself. As one of the vids I posted earlier (from Peter Zeihan I believe) made the point....Russia sees Ukraine as pivotal to its longterm security. Russia has always looked for "forward depth" facing the West. Wanting enough geography and distance so that Moscow and the rest of Mother Russia would be far enough away from Germany, France, (even Sweden and Turkey) so that any conventional war starting from the West primarily would take an invading army until wintertime to reach Moscow. Distance and brutally cold weather have been the only things that have saved them in the past (or at least given them time to sort out terms of surrender) from attacks emanating directly from the West. (Think Napoleon, Kaiser Wilhelm II and Adolf Hitler.)
You're right that with Ukraine and NATO playing footsies and being coy about ever allowing Ukraine into the alliance before the war, it sparked alarm from the Russian side. I grant you that all of that is true. Russia sees seizing more territory in Eastern Europe as essential for its long term survivial. And I'll even go so far as to say that they are probably right. (In the long, long term that is.)
However they ARE a nuclear power. So they will always have that deterrant factor for any direct threats to their own internationally recognized borders. It's not like they have to worry that a simple large tank assault towards Moscow will find them defenseless and in mortal danger with no defense options. They could still unilaterally turn the planet into an uninhabitable cinder. And therein lies the rub. The borders of Eastern Europe have shifted like waves of sand in the desert over centuries and even the last several decades. So yes it's been possible through wars, the economic decline of one power and the economic rise of another (or others plural) that the far western borders of Russia today could fall under the sway of other countries. But that alone doesn't mean Russia will fully cease to exist.
Plus, given the fact that Russia had already invaded Ukraine to seize Crimea and Ukraine's eastern border provinces gave Ukraine and NATO itself the justification for taking a much harder military stance towards Russia, and to be very suspicious of its future intentions. So Russia itself has plenty of blame for the predicament it finds itself in now. In trying to prevent a deteriorization of its military strength and the loss of its claimed "sphere of influence" in Eastern Europe, Russia through its own hubris, incompetence (and rampant corruption) has actually brought about the very situation it had hoped to avoid. Russia is now less secure than it was a year ago. Instead of "demilitarizing" Ukraine... It's Russia's own armed forces and equipment that are being demilitarized.
As much as Erdogan huffs and puffs right now to get what he wants to try to seek the silence, deportation, and prosecution in some cases of Kurds and his other political enemies in the diaspora, I'm betting that he will eventually relent before the end of the year and allow Sweden and Finland to join NATO. And the reason that NATO will be getting two new members is not the fault of a predjudiced rabidly "anti-Russian West", but Putin himself for launching this war.
Also you talk of the rampant corruption of Ukraine. I don't deny that high level of corruption. Nor do I deny it's possibly still going on (to some degree) today. But when Russia accuses Ukraine of corruption, the hypocrisy is laughable. Russia is as corrupt or even more so than Ukarine is. The fact that Russia is struggling on the battlefield now (when it shouldn't be) is testament to the fact that a huge portion of the trillions of dollars Russia spent on the military over the last 20+ years ended up lining other people's pockets and landing in Swiss bank accounts, multiple presidential palaces and mansions for Putin, in tony London real estate, and elsewhere abroad. It obviously didn't truly get spent on all of the supposed modernizations and training.
So the arguments go like a house of mirrors, with a whole lot of the proverbial chicken and the egg thrown in as well. Who did what first (in Russia or the West) to cause one side or the other to respond in this way? Which country is more corrupt than the other between Ukraine and Russia? House of mirrors again. Was pre-war Ukraine a well functioning and nearly perfect country? Oh, hell no. But was Russia? It's possible (and probable) that neither side between Russia and the West has completely clean hands for how we ended up in this proxy war. But given the historical baggage of the behavior of the post-WWII Soviet Union, and the behavior of Russia today under Putin....I side with Ukraine and the West.