Active Member
Yeah it would be great I have a cousin in tx would love to go down for warm weather or at least weather that is the same everyday for a month lol
Yeah it would be great I have a cousin in tx would love to go down for warm weather or at least weather that is the same everyday for a month lol
Yeah it would be great I have a cousin in tx would love to go down for warm weather or at least weather that is the same everyday for a month lol
hey blake. today is the type of day that makes me glad i am in texas. but i do dread the summers. looking forward to your next video. really liked the last one. you are great
Well, here in Texas, we don't have that, last Monday, it was cold enough to snow, and it did, hard. But then two days later after the clouds broke up... 73degrees. Lol not even 24 hours after it had snowed it was warm enough to take a dip and feel good.
Hi Blake
I am in the land down under. In Sydney it is supposed to be summer, but unfortunately, very disappointing this year. It has been quite wet and cold - the average temperature here yesterday was around 12deg or for you 53deg fahrenheit and very stormy. The area I am in currently is on severe weather alerts for flooding!!
so what your saying you live in the opposite of what i have lol i think with would be better for me lol
Well u could do what college guys up here do like me the heat is only set at 60 and u wear heavy cloths and in the summer open windows and a fan lol
We broke our own state record last year!
Thank you so much. I'm nervous and excited. It literally is my first time to do something like that, with another dude. I will never live this down with my friends, but they are being really supportive too, especially when I showed them the check. haha
It sounds weird but when I was in downtown LA I wanted an earthquake to happen so bad. I know if it was the big one I would probably be dead especially working out under this skyscraper that was built to only withstand a 6.0 or less. I've only been in one earthquake and it was so cool but I'm fascinated by all that stuff tornados, earthquakes, hurricanes so bring them on lol.
I hate the summers here! We try to get to Alaska during the worst of the heat. Want to find a Texan in Alaska during the summer? All you have to do is go outside in the rain...I'm serious. It is so fun to just stand outside in the rain, knowing it's summer time; just doesn't happen in Texas. We actually meet tons of people up there that are "getting out of the heat for a while." Here is a photo we took of a mother and calf humpback whale in Juno:
LOL I had the same experience when I was in L.A. in October. I wanted so badly to at least feel a tremor or at least a minor quake. But alas...nothing. I just wished I could have had the life experience. It sounds awful to say that. haha But for the record I didn't wish for major property damage or any loss of life.
I guess many of us like the idea of an adrenaline rush and thrill, courtesy of Mother Nature herself. haha
I hate the summers here! We try to get to Alaska during the worst of the heat. Want to find a Texan in Alaska during the summer? All you have to do is go outside in the rain...I'm serious. It is so fun to just stand outside in the rain, knowing it's summer time; just doesn't happen in Texas. We actually meet tons of people up there that are "getting out of the heat for a while." Here is a photo we took of a mother and calf humpback whale in Juno:
That's probably the best way to handle this with your male friends in particular. That you have done what's called in the industry "Gay for Pay" video work. It means straight guys who agree to perform gay sex acts strictly for money. That it doesn't mean that you are gay or have stopped liking women, or that you are going to start making passes at them. That it's all about the cash.