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Raise Awareness, pass it on VIDEO Blake Bennet


BSB Model
BSB Model
Feb 21, 2012
Reaction score
I must insist that i warn you all of this video. I made it and it gets very emotional for me. If you are in any mood and would like to stay that way, i suggest watching this video at another time when you have some down time, because it hits home. I made it to raise awareness. I post it on YouTube, My Twitter, and Facebook. More people see it, maybe even just one life can be saved. Please be open minded. DO NOT WATCH if you dont want to talk about dead people.

This is a porn site, and this is general chat, and i am just trying to save lives so that this.... doesn't happen again. It will happen i know this.. but maybe.

I cannot watch this video at this moment in time but there is no excuse for being drunk at the wheel of a car. And if you kill someone whilst driving drunk then to me it is murder and you should be given life imprisonment.
Thank you. Very raw and intense but a tribute to the friend you lost and your own emotions, which you are entitled to. Years ago, one of my first counseling jobs after graduate school was in a drinking driver treatment program. The stories would curl your hair. Last year one of my friend's husband was run over when he was walking and killed. The 19 year old driver was texting. This is the other big menace on our highways. Don't drink and drive. Don't drink and text.
Do net get into a car as a passenger if the driver is intoxicated. It can cost you your life, remember Lady Diana.

Blake, I appreciate your video so much. It's so important. You also taught me something I didn't realize Siri would do for me, and I will use that feature in the future. Hugs!
Tonight one of my friends brought by his PC. Vasile is a truck driver by profession. If he drives on a Monday, he won't drink the Sunday before. He has a ten year old daughter, and his son Roberto is eight; named after me.

Vasile said we'll drink a beer next time. Next "Blake Awareness" sprang to my mind. You should not drink and drive at all I warned him! Even if you only drink one beer and stay under the legal limit. In case of an accident you'll regret even that one beer...

Tomorrow I'll buy alcohol free beer for in the fridge. Cheers!

We have to remember that not all alcohol drinkers are drunk drivers. It's the people who get behind the wheel of a vehicle drunk who need locking up. Alcohol can be fun in moderation, so let's not all go Tea Total because of a loss.
Okay, dumb question, how do I put this on my Facebook page? Thanks, Beth
Hi, Beth:

If you would like to post Blake's video on your FB page:
1) Go to Blake's video on YouTube, right-click on the "url" (full address) which appears in the address line above it, and click "copy".
2) Go to your FB page, click on your name, and on your "name-page", or "homepage" on FB, you will see (on the left-hand-side) a box which says, "What's on your mind?")
3) Any explanation or discussion you would like to share regarding Blake's video, type in this box.
4) Then after you've done that, click "paste".
5) If all has gone well, you'll see an icon representing Blake's video appear in your "What's on your mind?" box: following whatever introduction you've shared.
6) Finally, click "send" under the now-filled-in "What's on your mind?" box - and voila! - it will post to your FB page, and all your friends and contacts should be able to see it!

Other members may know of better ways to do it, but I think this will work! (Guys, please let Beth, and me, know if there IS a better or more effective way to do this - or, if I have missed out any steps, or gotten this wrong. I really am a computer newbie, in most important respects.)

Your certified technomoron,
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Jon ~

I am with you on this, to some significant degree: I am not a great "fan" of Facebook, either. It was founded for silly, salacious, ends, and now continues as a vehicle for advertising, the harvesting of personal data, and the violation of people's privacy ~ even the founder's sister's: http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20...derstand-facebooks-privacy-rules-either.shtml

And Mark Zuckerberg HIMSELF is not a very nice person. When, just after the inauguration of FB, a friend asked him how he got people to confide so much personal information to him, he replied: "They trust me. Dumb f***s." (You might enjoy this article from The New Yorker, Jon: http://www.newyorker.com/reporting/2010/09/20/100920fa_fact_vargas

However, these are distinctly separable questions. As much as Luddites such as I detest it, Facebook is now a near-universal medium of communication and exchange. Many, many, people use it - and I have no more control over it, than I have over the inner workings of GE, NBC, or BMW. Alas. And so, I reluctantly acquiesce: I can no more stop people from using FB, than I can stop them from buying light-bulbs, or automobiles: or watching television.

So, if Blake and some of his friends can make good use of FB to promote a good cause, I say, "hear, hear!" It's surely no worse than buying an advertisment in one of Rupert Murdoch's newpapers, anyway ;-)

"A" ;-)
The Worlds governments spend billion on anti drink driving advertisements - especially at Christmastime. It's a pity they didn't spend as much on HIV/Aids awareness as they did in the 80s.

That's true. I think neither campaign is misplaced, however.

thank you thank you thank you

I won't go into details, suffice it to say this is a subject near and dear to my heart. It needs to be talked about openly. I appreciate your openness and ferocity in your video. bless you and never feel like your individual contribution isn't enough. It is what each of us can do.

Keep on Keepin' on

Richard (and I was a fan before this :001_rolleyes:

I must insist that i warn you all of this video. I made it and it gets very emotional for me. If you are in any mood and would like to stay that way, i suggest watching this video at another time when you have some down time, because it hits home. I made it to raise awareness. I post it on YouTube, My Twitter, and Facebook. More people see it, maybe even just one life can be saved. Please be open minded. DO NOT WATCH if you dont want to talk about dead people.

This is a porn site, and this is general chat, and i am just trying to save lives so that this.... doesn't happen again. It will happen i know this.. but maybe.
