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Politics Discussion

Anthony Scaramucci very clearly explains how he operates. He says that he can’t win. I hope he’s right

I hope so too. But it's the millions of delusional people that vote for him I worry about. He has nearly singlehandedly taken the Republican party and made it the party of Trump in a short time. It reminds me of the old game Lemmings from the 90s, people will follow a person to their own death, no thinking on their part, just do what the leader says.
I hope so too. But it's the millions of delusional people that vote for him I worry about. He has nearly singlehandedly taken the Republican party and made it the party of Trump in a short time. It reminds me of the old game Lemmings from the 90s, people will follow a person to their own death, no thinking on their part, just do what the leader says.
I agree 100%. Nothing he says or does moves the needle an iota with his base. He is a modern Pied Piper who will lead his base into the sea to drown. As Scaramucci said it is an old playbook used by autocratic leaders like Hitler to repeat the big lie over and over until it becomes the truth to his lemmings. Sad and Pathetic.
Good news from Nate Silver, one of the nation's best pollsters: In the swing states of Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennslvania and Nevada, Harris has taken the lead. The leads are still within the three point margin of error, but small leads are something to build on and the Dems still have their "convention bounce" upward in the polls still to come later this month. In national polling, Harris leads with one being a 4% lead outside of the three point margin of error. So no question things are improving for the good guys! Also, two small but potentially important facts about the VP nominee: 1) 400,000 Wisconsins get their television from the Twin Cities and heard all of Governor Walz's daily COVID briefings, so they know him well, and 2) Walz was a member of the teachers' union when he was a high school teacher and coach, which has ignited all of organized labor in Michigan, our nation's #1 union state, in support of the Harris/Walz ticket.
Good news from Nate Silver, one of the nation's best pollsters: In the swing states of Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennslvania and Nevada, Harris has taken the lead. The leads are still within the three point margin of error, but small leads are something to build on and the Dems still have their "convention bounce" upward in the polls still to come later this month. In national polling, Harris leads with one being a 4% lead outside of the three point margin of error. So no question things are improving for the good guys! Also, two small but potentially important facts about the VP nominee: 1) 400,000 Wisconsins get their television from the Twin Cities and heard all of Governor Walz's daily COVID briefings, so they know him well, and 2) Walz was a member of the teachers' union when he was a high school teacher and coach, which has ignited all of organized labor in Michigan, our nation's #1 union state, in support of the Harris/Walz ticket.
My prediction on the convention bounce. During the convention, Trump will announce he is kicking Shady Vance off the ticket and replacing him, most likely with North Dakota Governor, Doug Burgum. I think this will happen for the following reasons:

1. Vance has been sucking all the air out of the room and not in a good way at all.
2. Trump selected Vance when Biden was still the candidate. Trump was certain he had Biden on the ropes and was going to win. He wanted to go for a landslide and he thought Vance would help motivate the base to get out and vote in massive numbers.
3. Word is he likes Burgum who is not going to upstage him and who would appeal to more moderate Republicans and independents.
4. If he announces a switch it has to be done no later than the end of the Democratic Convention. The states are preparing to send ballots to the printers. They are just waiting for Walz to be anointed as the Democratic vice president candidate.
5. If Trump announces the switch at the end of the convention or immediately after it ends, he steals the media spotlight from the Democrats, hopefully impacting their convention bounce and giving his numbers a bounce.
Not really politics but in a fashion, it is. I was delighted to see that the Algerian female boxer got the gold. That entire escapade was a disgusting display of misogyny and homophobia on a scale we have not seen for many years. The fact that a biological woman was subjected to attack simply based on the fact she looked a little too butch was repulsive.
My prediction on the convention bounce. During the convention, Trump will announce he is kicking Shady Vance off the ticket and replacing him, most likely with North Dakota Governor, Doug Burgum. I think this will happen for the following reasons:

1. Vance has been sucking all the air out of the room and not in a good way at all.
2. Trump selected Vance when Biden was still the candidate. Trump was certain he had Biden on the ropes and was going to win. He wanted to go for a landslide and he thought Vance would help motivate the base to get out and vote in massive numbers.
3. Word is he likes Burgum who is not going to upstage him and who would appeal to more moderate Republicans and independents.
4. If he announces a switch it has to be done no later than the end of the Democratic Convention. The states are preparing to send ballots to the printers. They are just waiting for Walz to be anointed as the Democratic vice president candidate.
5. If Trump announces the switch at the end of the convention or immediately after it ends, he steals the media spotlight from the Democrats, hopefully impacting their convention bounce and giving his numbers a bounce.
Good analysis, and I have no doubt that Trump now regrets picking Vance over Burgum, but I don't see ego of Trump permitting him to admit that he made a mistake.
Not really politics but in a fashion, it is. I was delighted to see that the Algerian female boxer got the gold. That entire escapade was a disgusting display of misogyny and homophobia on a scale we have not seen for many years. The fact that a biological woman was subjected to attack simply based on the fact she looked a little too butch was repulsive.
Good news from Nate Silver, one of the nation's best pollsters: In the swing states of Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennslvania and Nevada, Harris has taken the lead. The leads are still within the three point margin of error, but small leads are something to build on and the Dems still have their "convention bounce" upward in the polls still to come later this month. In national polling, Harris leads with one being a 4% lead outside of the three point margin of error. So no question things are improving for the good guys! Also, two small but potentially important facts about the VP nominee: 1) 400,000 Wisconsins get their television from the Twin Cities and heard all of Governor Walz's daily COVID briefings, so they know him well, and 2) Walz was a member of the teachers' union when he was a high school teacher and coach, which has ignited all of organized labor in Michigan, our nation's #1 union state, in support of the Harris/Walz ticket.
New polls announced this morning for Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania have Harris/Walz up 50% to 46% in two of them, and 51% to 45% in the other one.
Remember back four years ago when Biden announced he wished to look for a qualified black woman to run as his vice president? Recall how the Republican pundits all screamed about tokenism, etc? Any dog whistle they had when they wanted to scream ni^^er. It did not work out well for them, especially with women and Black voters. Here we are in 2024 and the new dog whistle is DEI and here they are again, screaming it all over the place, along with some vulgar way of suggesting Kamala Harris slept her way into her various positions in public office. Once again, I wonder how it is that they think this is going to work out well for them.

BTW, back before I retired, I was an attorney practicing law in San Francisco. Kamala was a prosecutor and later DA in San Francisco. Ms. Harris and I have met. We most definitely are not friends. Nor even acquaintances. I doubt she would even recognize me, it's been a while. But she was a very competent prosecutor and she was a very qualified and efficient DA. She did a good job as AG when she was elected to that post. Did the fact she was tight in Democratic political circles assist her in her campaigns for election as DA, AG, Senator, and Vice President? Of course, they did, just like the same connections assist anyone in any political party trying to secure a public office. Kamala is a smart, competent person. She works and plays well with others. I have no concerns about her competency for the office of President. Would I prefer it was Pete Buttigieg being elected as president? Of course. But that is not one of the options this cycle [may it come soon]. So, may it be Kamala, and by such a massive margin that this orange-faced baboon gets taken back to the zoo and never allowed out again.
Remember back four years ago when Biden announced he wished to look for a qualified black woman to run as his vice president? Recall how the Republican pundits all screamed about tokenism, etc? Any dog whistle they had when they wanted to scream ni^^er. It did not work out well for them, especially with women and Black voters. Here we are in 2024 and the new dog whistle is DEI and here they are again, screaming it all over the place, along with some vulgar way of suggesting Kamala Harris slept her way into her various positions in public office. Once again, I wonder how it is that they think this is going to work out well for them.

BTW, back before I retired, I was an attorney practicing law in San Francisco. Kamala was a prosecutor and later DA in San Francisco. Ms. Harris and I have met. We most definitely are not friends. Nor even acquaintances. I doubt she would even recognize me, it's been a while. But she was a very competent prosecutor and she was a very qualified and efficient DA. She did a good job as AG when she was elected to that post. Did the fact she was tight in Democratic political circles assist her in her campaigns for election as DA, AG, Senator, and Vice President? Of course, they did, just like the same connections assist anyone in any political party trying to secure a public office. Kamala is a smart, competent person. She works and plays well with others. I have no concerns about her competency for the office of President. Would I prefer it was Pete Buttigieg being elected as president? Of course. But that is not one of the options this cycle [may it come soon]. So, may it be Kamala, and by such a massive margin that this orange-faced baboon gets taken back to the zoo and never allowed out again.
Love your sentiments!