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Pls somebody ask Bobby to lose weight pls pls

For Bobby, I pray that he take the lead of Logon, who came, wowed everyone with his stunning good looks and awesome personality, made a wad of cash and moved on with his life, that would be my ultimate wish for Bobby.
I completely agree Jason. It's amazing how many fans of Broke Straight Boys, many with divergent tastes, all seem to agree that Logan was one of the best ever here. And while I would have liked to have seen more of him, I am also pleased that he got his college education, and only used Broke Straight Boys as a "summer job" to help get himself through school.

Ultimately that would be a better route for Bobby, and all the model's on the site, than the route of some of the sadder stories we have witnessed here, as models physically "wore down" before our eyes on Broke Straight Boys, and some had tragic endings.
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Sunday Fetish Rant

Fetishists notoriously need to have it just exactly right for it to work. This is a self proclaimed niche fetish site, not a gay porn site per se. Management "officially" caters to guys who get their rocks off watching whom they perceive to be straight guys obliged because of financial difficulties to do a bunch of disgusting fag stuff with other straighties, and cum at the end, in front of a camera.

If you've been on this forum from the beginning you'll be able possibly to remember the pleas of punter after punter, paid up subscribers to the site who also posted on the forum, as I say, pleas for a tiny bit more of one thing and a tiny bit less of the other. Please can they be straight, or if they're not totally straight, please can they never admit it and always absolutely look and act 100% hetero. Can they have a few more tattoos. Please could they be a little more preppy. Can they be completely straight looking and acting, but please could they evolve in their attitude to sex with another guy, maybe someone they've been in a couple of scenes with where some rapport has sprung up, and seem to sort of like it once the scene gets going. Please can they be straight, but not homophobic; just when my dick is rock hard and dripping if the guy I'm depending on to get me off says something gratuitously antigay, even just a sneer or a look can do it, I go limp and have sore balls; but he has to look and act straight. Please could we have some openly gay guys to take a little of the hetero gloom out of the atmosphere, fags to suck and be fucked, and maybe take some macho flak from the hotties as further proof that they are KinseyZeros. What we're saying is: once you've got the formula right Mark, don't go fucking around with it. We're saying that we've adapted our fetish just enough (difficult because fetishes are very unforgiving) to work with the Broke Straight Boys scenes as we know them, and can get our rocks off on a satisfactory percentage basis to keep coming back next time. But if you show us a dude with abs and curls, be damned careful that you don't produce him in a future scene crewcut with a hint of baby fat.

This thread wasn't insulting to, dissing of, rude about anyone. This thread was a plea, a plea, from a member who had discovered something that worked with his fetish, and who then found that a little change in the formula had fucked it up a bit for him. Fetishists DEPEND on this stuff. I don't remember it verbatim, but he said he wasn't whining, that he liked the model, but please, please...he meant it just that way: please, please, please, don't bring my guy back so changed that he doesn't do it for me. I DEPEND on him for my fun. Him and the other straighties on here who comply with the tenets I understand this niche site to adhere to. Mikeyank and I have talked about this both here and in PMs. This site has a target audience people. Some of us aren't as "desperate" as others, but most of us will know what I'm talking about at least. When the girls started signing up the intensity of the fetish angle was slightly diluted. And some of the male members would say that I'm way off base to suggest they are fetishists. But in a real way the girls and the guys who just treat the scenes as porn are the larger target clients. The core customer is the guy who says, please, please, just keep doing what you do, don't fuck me up guys, it's a delicate balance between getting off and getting mad...help me.
This thread wasn't insulting to, dissing of, rude about anyone. This thread was a plea, a plea, from a member who had discovered something that worked with his fetish, and who then found that a little change in the formula had fucked it up a bit for him. Fetishists DEPEND on this stuff. I don't remember it verbatim, but he said he wasn't whining, that he liked the model, but please, please...he meant it just that way: please, please, please, don't bring my guy back so changed that he doesn't do it for me. I DEPEND on him for my fun. Him and the other straighties on here who comply with the tenets I understand this niche site to adhere to. Mikeyank and I have talked about this both here and in PMs. This site has a target audience people. Some of us aren't as "desperate" as others, but most of us will know what I'm talking about at least. When the girls started signing up the intensity of the fetish angle was slightly diluted. And some of the male members would say that I'm way off base to suggest they are fetishists. But in a real way the girls and the guys who just treat the scenes as porn are the larger target clients. The core customer is the guy who says, please, please, just keep doing what you do, don't fuck me up guys, it's a delicate balance between getting off and getting mad...help me.
I have long recognized that there are two basic audiences for this site, the core fetishists who enjoy "Broke Straight Boys" in the true definition of the words, and those who are looking for hot porn, regardless of the model's sexual orientation, or youthful hard bodied "twink" type look.

As the core audience is much smaller in the general population, I am totally in favor of integrating both types of scenes here. With three updates a week, there is enough content introduced that hopefully will please the varied audience that subscribes to this site to keep as all happy, at least part of the time.
I completely agree Jason. It's amazing how many fans of Broke Straight Boys, many with divergent tastes, all seem to agree that Logan was one of the best ever here. And while I would have liked to have seen more of him, I am also pleased that he got his college education, and only used Broke Straight Boys as a "summer job" to help get himself through school.

Ultimately that would be a better route for Bobby, and all the model's on the site, than the route of some of the sadder stories we have witnessed here, as models physically "wore down" before our eyes on Broke Straight Boys, and some had tragic endings.

Amen brother.

I am in quasi agreement. The ENTIRE premise of this site is that the guys, (for the MOST part), BROKE-STRAIGHT-BOYS. NOWHERE does it state BROKE-STRAIGHT-HOT-BOYS, or something of that nature. The fact that ALL of the models are not GQ quality, makes the site even that much more realistic!

In "real life", Bobby looks great the way he is in his latest scene on Broke Straight Boys He is a young, bright, cute guy with a great personality, an ever ready smile and could likely charm any girl or boy that he fancies.

However, he is working in the adult entertainment industry, where looks are everything. In my opinion, his longer shaggy "skater look" hair is adorable, and his lean, ripped body with washboard abs make him a "10" in my book for a porn star.

There is a difference between "the real world" and "the porn world", and for Bobby to excel in his chosen profession, I believe that to stay on top of his game, he would be wise to let his hair grow out, and to watch his diet, do some exercise, and at his age in a very short time, he will go back to looking like the Bobby who charmed all of our socks off on Broke Straight Boys

This is no put down of Bobby, or Broke Straight Boys in any way. It is just the reality of being a porn star, particularly on a site that caters to an audience who appreciates youth and beauty. If Bobby wants to pursue a career in business, or in industry or sales, he looks great just as he is, but in the world of porn, there is a premium on physical beauty and Bobby has it within his grasp to going back to being a "10" rather quickly with a little self discipline and work.

But whatever Bobby decides to do, I still love him and appreciate his work here on Broke Straight Boys :thumbup:
Fetishists notoriously need to have it just exactly right for it to work. This is a self proclaimed niche fetish site, not a gay porn site per se. Management "officially" caters to guys who get their rocks off watching whom they perceive to be straight guys obliged because of financial difficulties to do a bunch of disgusting fag stuff with other straighties, and cum at the end, in front of a camera.

If you've been on this forum from the beginning you'll be able possibly to remember the pleas of punter after punter, paid up subscribers to the site who also posted on the forum, as I say, pleas for a tiny bit more of one thing and a tiny bit less of the other. Please can they be straight, or if they're not totally straight, please can they never admit it and always absolutely look and act 100% hetero. Can they have a few more tattoos. Please could they be a little more preppy. Can they be completely straight looking and acting, but please could they evolve in their attitude to sex with another guy, maybe someone they've been in a couple of scenes with where some rapport has sprung up, and seem to sort of like it once the scene gets going. Please can they be straight, but not homophobic; just when my dick is rock hard and dripping if the guy I'm depending on to get me off says something gratuitously antigay, even just a sneer or a look can do it, I go limp and have sore balls; but he has to look and act straight. Please could we have some openly gay guys to take a little of the hetero gloom out of the atmosphere, fags to suck and be fucked, and maybe take some macho flak from the hotties as further proof that they are KinseyZeros. What we're saying is: once you've got the formula right Mark, don't go fucking around with it. We're saying that we've adapted our fetish just enough (difficult because fetishes are very unforgiving) to work with the Broke Straight Boys scenes as we know them, and can get our rocks off on a satisfactory percentage basis to keep coming back next time. But if you show us a dude with abs and curls, be damned careful that you don't produce him in a future scene crewcut with a hint of baby fat.

This thread wasn't insulting to, dissing of, rude about anyone. This thread was a plea, a plea, from a member who had discovered something that worked with his fetish, and who then found that a little change in the formula had fucked it up a bit for him. Fetishists DEPEND on this stuff. I don't remember it verbatim, but he said he wasn't whining, that he liked the model, but please, please...he meant it just that way: please, please, please, don't bring my guy back so changed that he doesn't do it for me. I DEPEND on him for my fun. Him and the other straighties on here who comply with the tenets I understand this niche site to adhere to. Mikeyank and I have talked about this both here and in PMs. This site has a target audience people. Some of us aren't as "desperate" as others, but most of us will know what I'm talking about at least. When the girls started signing up the intensity of the fetish angle was slightly diluted. And some of the male members would say that I'm way off base to suggest they are fetishists. But in a real way the girls and the guys who just treat the scenes as porn are the larger target clients. The core customer is the guy who says, please, please, just keep doing what you do, don't fuck me up guys, it's a delicate balance between getting off and getting mad...help me.

Very good explanation of some of the members needs. I am basically of the "other" camp. I don't have a fetish for young guys. In gay porn, they can be 20 to 40 and if they do it right, they can rock my boat.
I found this site really interesting because of it's premise. Straight guys doing it for money. I was leery when I joined, thinking it'd be another staged site, but soon found out that it was a site really like no other. David's rapport with the guys, the "drift" of many of the guys into realizing their sexuality (Tyler, Alden), the obviously bi/gay boys doing a poor job of trying to "pass", the occasional really hot straight/straight scene or straight/gay scene, and the general psychological machinations of young men working through the dicotomy of not being attracted to other guys, but having to stay hard and have sex with them. It's looking for the hints in each scene that give it flavor. What's the chemistry, do they look each other in the eye, how close together are they sitting during the interview, do their knees touch, body language in general, is there concern for their partner, does a hand briefly reach out to stroke a thigh during fucking, does a very hetero guy stay hard while sucking cock or getting fucked, and many more little signs of what's going on, alpha and beta boy, who's into it, who isn't.
Few come to this site for great gay sex. There are many other sites that do it much better. For me, it's the novelty of it all, the small gems of surprise absent in so much other porn, a great forum to have a place to banter and praise and argue, and the chance to see young guys explore gay sex, even if when they leave the site they never have sex with a man again. But they did, and that changes them; in small ways for some, large ways for others. Changed none the less.
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Come on baby light my fire!

I completely agree Jason. It's amazing how many fans of Broke Straight Boys, many with divergent tastes, all seem to agree that Logan was one of the best ever here. And while I would have liked to have seen more of him, I am also pleased that he got his college education, and only used Broke Straight Boys as a "summer job" to help get himself through school....

Fetishists notoriously need to have it just exactly right for it to work. This is a self proclaimed niche fetish site, not a gay porn site per se. Management "officially" caters to guys who get their rocks off watching whom they perceive to be straight guys obliged because of financial difficulties to do a bunch of disgusting fag stuff with other straighties, and cum at the end, in front of a camera.

If you've been on this forum from the beginning you'll be able possibly to remember the pleas of punter after punter, paid up subscribers to the site who also posted on the forum, as I say, pleas for a tiny bit more of one thing and a tiny bit less of the other. Please can they be straight, or if they're not totally straight, please can they never admit it and always absolutely look and act 100% hetero. Can they have a few more tattoos. Please could they be a little more preppy. Can they be completely straight looking and acting, but please could they evolve in their attitude to sex with another guy, maybe someone they've been in a couple of scenes with where some rapport has sprung up, and seem to sort of like it once the scene gets going. Please can they be straight, but not homophobic; just when my dick is rock hard and dripping if the guy I'm depending on to get me off says something gratuitously antigay, even just a sneer or a look can do it, I go limp and have sore balls; but he has to look and act straight. Please could we have some openly gay guys to take a little of the hetero gloom out of the atmosphere, fags to suck and be fucked, and maybe take some macho flak from the hotties as further proof that they are KinseyZeros. What we're saying is: once you've got the formula right Mark, don't go fucking around with it. We're saying that we've adapted our fetish just enough (difficult because fetishes are very unforgiving) to work with the Broke Straight Boys scenes as we know them, and can get our rocks off on a satisfactory percentage basis to keep coming back next time. But if you show us a dude with abs and curls, be damned careful that you don't produce him in a future scene crewcut with a hint of baby fat.

This thread wasn't insulting to, dissing of, rude about anyone. This thread was a plea, a plea, from a member who had discovered something that worked with his fetish, and who then found that a little change in the formula had fucked it up a bit for him. Fetishists DEPEND on this stuff. I don't remember it verbatim, but he said he wasn't whining, that he liked the model, but please, please...he meant it just that way: please, please, please, don't bring my guy back so changed that he doesn't do it for me. I DEPEND on him for my fun. Him and the other straighties on here who comply with the tenets I understand this niche site to adhere to. Mikeyank and I have talked about this both here and in PMs. This site has a target audience people. Some of us aren't as "desperate" as others, but most of us will know what I'm talking about at least. When the girls started signing up the intensity of the fetish angle was slightly diluted. And some of the male members would say that I'm way off base to suggest they are fetishists. But in a real way the girls and the guys who just treat the scenes as porn are the larger target clients. The core customer is the guy who says, please, please, just keep doing what you do, don't fuck me up guys, it's a delicate balance between getting off and getting mad...help me.

I have long recognized that there are two basic audiences for this site, the core fetishists who enjoy "Broke Straight Boys" in the true definition of the words, and those who are looking for hot porn, regardless of the model's sexual orientation, or youthful hard bodied "twink" type look.

As the core audience is much smaller in the general population, I am totally in favor of integrating both types of scenes here. With three updates a week, there is enough content introduced that hopefully will please the varied audience that subscribes to this site to keep as all happy, at least part of the time.

Very good explanation of some of the members needs. I am basically of the "other" camp. I don't have a fetish for young guys. In gay porn, they can be 20 to 40 and if they do it right, they can rock my boat.
I found this site really interesting because of it's premise. Straight guys doing it for money. I was leery when I joined, thinking it'd be another staged site, but soon found out that it was a site really like no other. David's rapport with the guys, the "drift" of many of the guys into realizing their sexuality (Tyler, Alden), the obviously bi/gay boys doing a poor job of trying to "pass", the occasional really hot straight/straight scene or straight/gay scene, and the general psychological machinations of young men working through the dicotomy of not being attracted to other guys, but having to stay hard and have sex with them. It's looking for the hints in each scene that give it flavor. What's the chemistry, do they look each other in the eye, how close together are they sitting during the interview, do their knees touch, body language in general, is there concern for their partner, does a hand briefly reach out to stroke a thigh during fucking, does a very hetero guy stay hard while sucking cock or getting fucked, and many more little signs of what's going on, alpha and beta boy, who's into it, who isn't.
Few come to this site for great gay sex. There are many other sites that do it much better. For me, it's the novelty of it all, the small gems of surprise absent in so much other porn, a great forum to have a place to banter and praise and argue, and the chance to see young guys explore gay sex, even if when they leave the site they never have sex with a man again. But they did, and that changes them; in small ways for some, large ways for others. Changed none the less

Dear fellow forumites,

Need I say more, I agree with 95% of what you have to say about the two camps of fans. I really don't have to see a twink to make me happy, just someone that is inshape, masculine looking, and not too hairy overall. But I certainly do enjoy seeing any guy possessing baby-smooth or near-baby smooth bodies bared for all to enjoy the view. Age really doesn't matter to me and, yes, I would enjoy seeing older guys up to their mid-forties+ and many more ethnicities of either the "cut" or especially "uncut" variety in similar episodes.

I am all about the eye-to-eye contact with a strong preference for the "missionary position" filmed from above and behind the top:pornshoot:, the unplanned kiss, luxuriating in the bottom's pre-cum, swallowing loads:swallow:, and the passion demonstrated during their intermingling on the futon. This fetishist likes viewing new converts "trying something on for size" from the "gay repertoire" for the first time and seeing how they grow in their newly found appreciation for these different sexual experiences.:cumbuddy:

I hate viewing pain and I hate scenes that prey on the destitute, such as the straight deaf-mute boy that wanted to purchase a ticket to Germany to see his mother he had not seen for several years. Anyway you look at it, having his best friend(gay) fuck him to earn the money necessary for his airline ticket smacks of betrayal and by a personal friend, although the deaf boy agreed to the terms prior to being fucked. I hope never to see a similar Broke Straight Boys scenario, whether it is "truthful" or "total fiction". I have the need to believe what people say and, unless it is cast in a highly suspicious manner, I want to give them the benefit of the doubt! I have been corrected frequently by other forumites over my willingness to believe in others. It is something in my nature to want to believe others, that is unless they are a conservative politician.:lol:

And to think, all of this came out of Bobby's getting a crew cut.

Thanks for listening! Here is a final word from Jose Feliciano. Definitely worth a listen.:


By this, I was referring to the fact that Mark, and Chuck didn't HAVE TO let Bobby return/do any more scenes, if they didn't think it wouldnt be an overall GOOD SCENE. (That is/what I was pointing out)

Agreed, SGVBOB!

The part about superficiality anyways. Not sure I read or recognized the insult to the Broke Straight Boys staff, et al. I think Bobby is gorgeous ! And I think he looks a bit more mature with the stockier look.
But please, people, are you saying you wou;d kick him out of bed for those few extra pounds? Give the kid a break, at that age they are very self conscience about their bodies, he'll be his lean,mean self before you know it.
And if he isn't, I'll be fine with that too.
I think the entire original intent and title of this thread is rude and entirely inconsiderate. Even if Bobby was the exact opposite of my taste (he's not), I would NEVER have the gall to express the opinion that "blueboyy" started here.

Critiquing the models on their performance or attitude is one thing, that's what they're getting paid for, but this is utterly shallow and devoid of any feeling whatsoever.

Shame on you!
I think the entire original intent and title of this thread is rude and entirely inconsiderate. Even if Bobby was the exact opposite of my taste (he's not), I would NEVER have the gall to express the opinion that "blueboyy" started here.

Critiquing the models on their performance or attitude is one thing, that's what they're getting paid for, but this is utterly shallow and devoid of any feeling whatsoever.

Shame on you!
Wow, I am in total disagreement with your post. When I want to watch a porn scene, I am interested in watching very good looking guys with very good bodies. That is what I am paying to watch. A model's "attitude" is such a subjective thing, and I am "offended" when a member of the forum is pompous enough to think that he or she can interpret a model's attitude.

But the model's on a porn site are the same as professional dancers, skaters or athletes, who earn their living with their bodies and keeping in top shape. It is incumbent upon them to eat properly and exercise to stay in shape to give an optimum performance in their chosen field.

I do not necessarily believe that Bobby looked all that out of shape in this episode, and of course the circumstances presented in his scene offer a plausible explanation for the weight gain, as he says that he was incarcerated for a DUI. My objection is the notion that the original poster should be ashamed for making an honest observation on the looks of one of the cutest, and most popular model's on the site.

Blueboyy stated that "Bobby had an awsome perfect lean body, without one gram of fat", which is true and he urged someone to ask him to lose a few pounds to maintain his beautiful body. If Bobby was an accountant or the manager of a fast food restaurant, or any one of a thousand different professions, his post could be considered rude, but under these circumstances I thought it was an appropriate comment.

It is totally within the control of a young man Bobby's age to maintain his beautiful body, and it is totally acceptable for us, the paying members of this site, to comment on an open and uncensored forum, if we are disappointed in the physical appearance of a model, particularly when he is totally capable of improving.

I look forward to Bobby's next scene, and I am hopeful that he will have watched his diet, worked out, and once again have that lean, tight taut "skater boy" body that I take so much pleasure in watching, as he performs using his God given good looks and awesome body and cock to entertain his fans.
Wow, I am in total disagreement with your post. When I want to watch a porn scene, I am interested in watching very good looking guys with very good bodies. That is what I am paying to watch. A model's "attitude" is such a subjective thing, and I am "offended" when a member of the forum is pompous enough to think that he or she can interpret a model's attitude.

But the model's on a porn site are the same as professional dancers, skaters or athletes, who earn their living with their bodies and keeping in top shape. It is incumbent upon them to eat properly and exercise to stay in shape to give an optimum performance in their chosen field.

I do not necessarily believe that Bobby looked all that out of shape in this episode, and of course the circumstances presented in his scene offer a plausible explanation for the weight gain, as he says that he was incarcerated for a DUI. My objection is the notion that the original poster should be ashamed for making an honest observation on the looks of one of the cutest, and most popular model's on the site.

Blueboyy stated that "Bobby had an awsome perfect lean body, without one gram of fat", which is true and he urged someone to ask him to lose a few pounds to maintain his beautiful body. If Bobby was an accountant or the manager of a fast food restaurant, or any one of a thousand different professions, his post could be considered rude, but under these circumstances I thought it was an appropriate comment.

It is totally within the control of a young man Bobby's age to maintain his beautiful body, and it is totally acceptable for us, the paying members of this site, to comment on an open and uncensored forum, if we are disappointed in the physical appearance of a model, particularly when he is totally capable of improving.

I look forward to Bobby's next scene, and I am hopeful that he will have watched his diet, worked out, and once again have that lean, tight taut "skater boy" body that I take so much pleasure in watching, as he performs using his God given good looks and awesome body and cock to entertain his fans.

I bet he's already back to hot as hell. He is such a great Broke Straight Boys model, partly because he's very in touch with his own talent. This dude is even smart enough to have got his expressions nuanced for closeup (those glances at the cam searching for support, for cues, conveying humor or irony). All that makes me think he is interested in the image he projects and will have done whatever he needed to do to get back in shape.

mikeyank, you know I'm personally not the fetishist that I described above. That post was a defense of core guys who plead for continuity in what does the orgasm trick for them. My enthusiasm for this site is much closer to the one Stripe222 described. I love picking up on the undercurrents, emotional and physical, that are the backstory of the shoot, maybe evaluating any given model's probable position of the Kinsey scale, checking the nuances of body language, and trying to guess their IQs. Not to mention the, uh, you know...
No, I am not ashamed at all !
Bobby could and can be the greatest dude on the planet, I did not mean to offend him, not at all. But the fact is that if more models start gaining weight, it is very likely that some members will consider to move to another sites. Some of us, if not most of us, come to Broke Straight Boys to have fun and enjoy the view these lean sexy guys in action. If Bobby wants to keep his job, he should get into a diet and most likely his boss already made the suggestion.
Sadly, we who live in this country (USA) live in denial, we tell ourselves that being stocky or chubby is a normal condition, "it just happens". No, it is not, it is not healthy first of all, it is broking the medical system, and it can and should be changed. Junk food and ignorance is killing us.
Should we be talking about this in a porn site? No, not at all, at least not in Broke Straight Boys There are some other sites for bears and chubbies.
And yeah, I am looking forward to see Bobby again.
Fetishists notoriously need to have it just exactly right for it to work. This is a self proclaimed niche fetish site, not a gay porn site per se. Management "officially" caters to guys who get their rocks off watching whom they perceive to be straight guys obliged because of financial difficulties to do a bunch of disgusting fag stuff with other straighties, and cum at the end, in front of a camera.

If you've been on this forum from the beginning you'll be able possibly to remember the pleas of punter after punter, paid up subscribers to the site who also posted on the forum, as I say, pleas for a tiny bit more of one thing and a tiny bit less of the other. Please can they be straight, or if they're not totally straight, please can they never admit it and always absolutely look and act 100% hetero. Can they have a few more tattoos. Please could they be a little more preppy. Can they be completely straight looking and acting, but please could they evolve in their attitude to sex with another guy, maybe someone they've been in a couple of scenes with where some rapport has sprung up, and seem to sort of like it once the scene gets going. Please can they be straight, but not homophobic; just when my dick is rock hard and dripping if the guy I'm depending on to get me off says something gratuitously antigay, even just a sneer or a look can do it, I go limp and have sore balls; but he has to look and act straight. Please could we have some openly gay guys to take a little of the hetero gloom out of the atmosphere, fags to suck and be fucked, and maybe take some macho flak from the hotties as further proof that they are KinseyZeros. What we're saying is: once you've got the formula right Mark, don't go fucking around with it. We're saying that we've adapted our fetish just enough (difficult because fetishes are very unforgiving) to work with the Broke Straight Boys scenes as we know them, and can get our rocks off on a satisfactory percentage basis to keep coming back next time. But if you show us a dude with abs and curls, be damned careful that you don't produce him in a future scene crewcut with a hint of baby fat.

This thread wasn't insulting to, dissing of, rude about anyone. This thread was a plea, a plea, from a member who had discovered something that worked with his fetish, and who then found that a little change in the formula had fucked it up a bit for him. Fetishists DEPEND on this stuff. I don't remember it verbatim, but he said he wasn't whining, that he liked the model, but please, please...he meant it just that way: please, please, please, don't bring my guy back so changed that he doesn't do it for me. I DEPEND on him for my fun. Him and the other straighties on here who comply with the tenets I understand this niche site to adhere to. Mikeyank and I have talked about this both here and in PMs. This site has a target audience people. Some of us aren't as "desperate" as others, but most of us will know what I'm talking about at least. When the girls started signing up the intensity of the fetish angle was slightly diluted. And some of the male members would say that I'm way off base to suggest they are fetishists. But in a real way the girls and the guys who just treat the scenes as porn are the larger target clients. The core customer is the guy who says, please, please, just keep doing what you do, don't fuck me up guys, it's a delicate balance between getting off and getting mad...help me.

Slimmie, your writing is amazing. I could read you for hours on end, it's like sipping fine wine. I'm going to have to set down the glass as I don't want to get tipsy...but this post has really made me think!

And just who here is going to be appointed the arbiter of physical ratings and disqualification? How much is to be agreed upon as overweight? 10 lbs? 5 lbs? 2 lbs? Or do we go with body fat percentage? Will there be a chart posted here on the site somewhere that will correspond weight, height, etc. that we can refer too and then use as ammunition to hurl personal physical insults at the models? What about other aspects too, like hair? Just think, we can start measuring hair lines and loss ... a few strands over and under the line and off you go!

Blueboyy, you must be a perfectly stunning creature to behold and the epitome of physical perfection ... too bad it didn't come with an equal helping of manners ...
And just who here is going to be appointed the arbiter of physical ratings and disqualification? How much is to be agreed upon as overweight? 10 lbs? 5 lbs? 2 lbs? Or do we go with body fat percentage? Will there be a chart posted here on the site somewhere that will correspond weight, height, etc. that we can refer too and then use as ammunition to hurl personal physical insults at the models? What about other aspects too, like hair? Just think, we can start measuring hair lines and loss ... a few strands over and under the line and off you go!

Blueboyy, you must be a perfectly stunning creature to behold and the epitome of physical perfection ... too bad it didn't come with an equal helping of manners ...

I agree with you Deeteedub, I don't even see what they're talking about!!! It would be one thing if Bobby truly was getting fat, but he's not at all! I mean maybe he put on a little weight, but to me he still looks absolutely stunning. When I say he put on a little weight, I simply mean that he is perfectly well proportioned. Everyone has a little fat on them, and I'd say instead of having 0 grams of fat on his entire body, maybe he has gained perhaps 5 pounds max. I've heard of putting someone under a microscope, but this is ridiculous! Yes you can be too fat, but you can also be too skinny. Bobby has never been neither, he is an absolutely beautiful guy and I daresay if anyone of you who are saying he needs to lose weight saw Bobby on the beach, you would have to pop your eyes back into your head.

I think if any model on here was actually getting a bit too chunky for the camera (it's true that the lense seems to add pounds that aren't even there), it would be addressed in private, without anyone knowing except the model and Broke Straight Boys management. For crying out loud people, how do you think that must make Bobby feel if he reads some of the comments? When you were in your early 20's how would you feel about getting naked and having sex with guys on camera and participating with them on a forum, and then have to read people asking you to lose weight.

I think for sure you would feel really bad, and like something was wrong with you. I know I would!

Living in Florida and within 4 miles of the gulf of Mexico, I can tell you from first hand experience that the older and fatter you are, the more likely you are to wear very little at the beach. I see 300 pound 60+ year old men walking around the beach all the time wearing skimpy, skin tight Speedos while the hot 25 year old muscle boys wear shorts down below their knees and wife beaters or t shirts to the beach. And it's probably in large part because they are really self conscious, and don't want people to think they're ugly or unattractive.

To me Bobby is a beautiful young man, and he should be very proud of that amazing physique he's sporting.

This is just a random screen shot of him in his last scene with Darren, and I cannot for the life of me figure out how anyone can say he needs to lose weight. SHEESH! :mad:



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while I, (for the most part)m agree with you, deetee, I DO believe in, and therefore have to respect the "Freedom of Speech"/"Freedom of Expression", that is spoken about here. (Just MY opinion).

I think the entire original intent and title of this thread is rude and entirely inconsiderate. Even if Bobby was the exact opposite of my taste (he's not), I would NEVER have the gall to express the opinion that "blueboyy" started here.

Critiquing the models on their performance or attitude is one thing, that's what they're getting paid for, but this is utterly shallow and devoid of any feeling whatsoever.

Shame on you!

Quoted from Abe here: "This is just a random screen shot of him in his last scene with Darren, and I cannot for the life of me figure out how anyone can say he needs to lose weight. SHEESH!", about which sums it up for me
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Just as Bobby had to cut his hair due to his incarceration (no shampoo in jail), he put on the few pounds due to the lack of exercise in jail. The time he spent in the slammer, about the only thing he probably was able to do was sleep, eat, and watch TV. Now that he is out, he will start his skateboarding, and whatever else he does for exercise, and the added pounds will melt away. Then the Bobby image we are so used to seeing will once again grace our computer monitors. Bobby was, is and will always be a beautiful man to me.
Big Time Mutuality

Slimmie, your writing is amazing. I could read you for hours on end, it's like sipping fine wine. I'm going to have to set down the glass as I don't want to get tipsy...but this post has really made me think!


When you're on a roll mister you are total bliss. You can keep the riff soaring through a series of paragraphs like no one else. Besides which I love you.
how do you know what "I" look for in a model?

No, I am not ashamed at all !
Bobby could and can be the greatest dude on the planet, I did not mean to offend him, not at all. But the fact is that if more models start gaining weight, it is very likely that some members will consider to move to another sites. Some of us, if not most of us, come to Broke Straight Boys to have fun and enjoy the view these lean sexy guys in action. If Bobby wants to keep his job, he should get into a diet and most likely his boss already made the suggestion.
Sadly, we who live in this country (USA) live in denial, we tell ourselves that being stocky or chubby is a normal condition, "it just happens". No, it is not, it is not healthy first of all, it is broking the medical system, and it can and should be changed. Junk food and ignorance is killing us.<~~~a GOOD THING you live in this country where you are able to voice your OPINION freely!! Should we be talking about this in a porn site? No, not at all, at least not in Broke Straight Boys There are some other sites for bears and chubbies.
And yeah, I am looking forward to see Bobby again./WHY? to point out more of his 'so-called flaws"???[/QUOTE]
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Wow you people are sickening. And people wonder why people develop eating disorders, etc. It is because of garbage like this topic. Not everyone is on here looking for anorexic looking models. There are several I've seen that aren't exactly lean, but I still watch them. It is always easier to point out other people's flaws than our own. Bobby isn't necessarily my favorite model on this site, but I do think he's attractive just as he is. Bobby, if you're reading this (which you probably aren't), don't get distracted and hurt by this type of nonsense.