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Open Apology to Tampa ET AL

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Nov 29, 2008
Reaction score

I want to apologize for any hurt I may have caused in the recent unpleasantness that led to the banning of a certain gentleman.

Specifically, I want to say that I did not consider the tremendous amount of work that many of you put into a thread that was deleted. I had advocated with that certain gentleman to delete the thread because of the anguish and turmoil that it was causing. I was wrong. Closure of the thread would have been a better choice, allowing others to see the wisdom that many of you contributed. I am sorry that I had a hand in its deletion.

I can only ask your forgiveness and mercy. Hopefully you will find it in your hearts to do so. If not, I will understand.

Humbly yours,

Dear Jayce,

My fraternity teaches that if forgiveness is asked, it is given. You have asked, so it is. But please remember that while you may have advocated deletion, you were not the one who did it. We all know who did. There is really little need to forgive someone for taking a position, unless they deliberately use the position to hurt others. The only thing I heard you say was that you were trying to reduce the unpleasantness. Either way, what you sought to do occured. Please smile Jayce, you did nothing wrong in my eyes.

God Bless You,. today, and always
My Dear Brother,

Your apology is accepted. Hindsight is wonderful in bringing clarity but not very useful without a time machine. I know that you had the best and purest of intentions. You wanted to calm down the tone of the rhetoric so that things would stay peaceful and harmonious. Who can dare fault you for that?

I too would be more than happy to get back to some humor and levity in the forum. Things in general had gotten a little too serious and uptight, if not even a bit unfriendly. I think we could all use a respite of sorts before attempting to debate really serious issues again. LOL

Why not take a while to catch our breaths and talk about penises again for a while? :thumbup:

Peace, Health and Love to you Jayce! :biggrin:
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Thanks Brother

My Dear Brother,

Your apology is accepted. Hindsight is wonderful in bringing clarity but not very useful without a time machine. I know that you had the best and purest of intentions. You wanted to calm down the tone of the rhetoric so that things would stay peaceful and harmonious. Who can dare fault you for that?

I too would be more than happy to get back to some humor and levity in the forum. Things in general had gotten a little too serious and uptight, if not even a bit unfriendly. I think we could all use a respite of sorts before attempting to debate really serious issues again. LOL

Why not take a while to catch our breaths and talk about penises again for a while?

Peace, Health and Love to you Jayce!

:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin: Thank you! You are a treasure.....And yes let's talk about penises!

I love penises :w00t: I like the fact that you know when you have a guy's attention! I see one standing up proudly and I want to make it chuckle.....
I love the way that the penis is attached to toes.... they seem to curl when the willie is very happy. I like a nice foreskin to nibble on. And cut guys have the advantage of being lickable from balls all the way to the tip.
Maybe we need to start a thread on penis worship, what I like about penises.

With love,

:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin: Thank you! You are a treasure.....And yes let's talk about penises!

I love penises :w00t: I like the fact that you know when you have a guy's attention! I see one standing up proudly and I want to make it chuckle.....
I love the way that the penis is attached to toes.... they seem to curl when the willie is very happy. I like a nice foreskin to nibble on. And cut guys have the advantage of being lickable from balls all the way to the tip.
Maybe we need to start a thread on penis worship, what I like about penises.

With love,


C'mon guys, my toes curled just reading this.

I am,
New thread

C'mon guys, my toes curled just reading this.

I am,

Your Majesty,

You are cordially invited with the rest of your loyal subjects in the land of forum to curl your toes in the new thread "Penis worship, what we love about cock".

Your loving servant,

Lord Jayce
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