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OK, lets be honest about this Tyler thing!!!

I am so fucking looking forward to Tyler and Leon. And I don't even mind if the scene-as-scene bombs a bit. There's just something about that guy that none of the other Brokies has. Logan and MikeR come close to the perspicacity and manic humor, Preston and Damien to some of the early adorability and innocence. But add those attributes to the fact that this kid has become the sidekick and maybe even mentor of D&E (maybe that's overstating it, but...) and you can see what a multi-talented, intelligent, grounded boy he is. Add to that his irreverent lightning wit and you've got someone you'd so like to hang with. I actually don't mind at all his so-called diva attitude. I love seeing young guys who are doing some major achieving in their lives gain enough confidence to be cocky. They get over it sooner or later and it was cute to see them go through the phase.

The video with Jake was so very not a normal shoot, more like a David and Tyler BTS banter fest in fact, with a cute third guy decorating the futon to whom they were very sweet mostly, and more or less polite to depending on whether they remembered he was there or not. Jake got caught in the crossfire of two workmates who know each other way too well, talking shop, tossing out insider jokes and having a laugh. At times he was like a cute cat who really isn't allowed on the furniture.

I haven't been logged on for days, and understand from reading this thread that there are even more threads out there dealing with the same theme. Great.

PS, you guys write awfully well I must say. And the really articulate people have outdone themselves posting here.
you dont think calling dustin "dustbin" was over the line? well i do. and i read somewhere else that the bashing of dustin and cj started the same way that tyler is being talked about. look i agree full heartedly that negative constructive criticism should definately be allowed, but there is a point where you cross over to hater status, and that is getting pretty close here

My Dear JW,

I think you are taking this Dustin/Dustbin (may he rest in peace) a little to far. I do not for a moment think this version of his name was use for anything negative. I believe it is nothing more than a "PETNAME". I believe it started with other models calling him that and then spread to the forum. (I could be wrong on this). Lots of us have "petnames", even within this forum. As I just referred to you as JW (my Petname for you) I've been called vice, kid, genius as the first ones that come to mind. I take it as a compliment or grain of salt. And from what I know of Dustin, which is only via his vids, I think he did take it as fun.

Having spent a couple of days reading and re-reading all these Thread & Posts regarding the Tyler/Jake just a few points.

1. I don't expect nor should I expect management to respond to every little or big question we have regarding any episode. For two reasons: First, if they did within about 3-4 months we have no more episodes to watch as they would be spending all their time answer these question and the zillion more that each answer would generate. The response David did provide here was perfect. The fact that they don't respond does not mean they don't care. I am sure they read, evaluate and act, behind the scenes as needed. Second, how many times when David has responded it just inflamed the fires. I will admit, and I think David would too that it can be caused by what he says or how it says it. His passion for the company brings out both the good and bad, but without passion you can keep striving for the best.

2. Tyler has been in more episodes than any other model. Some were great, others not. That's life. Diesal has been in great episodes, and some not. That's life. Logan has been in some great episodes, and some not. That's life.
I can go on and on, but the point is, form each of our own unique POINT-OF-VIEW each episode has a different meaning and rating. If it's HOT we hope we don't electrocute ourselves at our computers. If not, there is always tomorrows episode.

3. When Tyler is filmed these days its not the same as before. AS a full-time employee he has a totally different rapor and understanding with the staff. His comments, actions may be based on those types of experiences we don't know about. We have all said (or at least most of us have) that Tyler is a sharp kid (this is a compliment Tyler if your reading this). I would not be surprise if he is think about how he would do the shoot he is in. Tyler is in what I feel is the Transition stage of model/performer to model producer/director. I think that is terrific for Tyler. How many of us were in a career possibility at the bright old age of say 19/20? How may of us were still sucking our thumbs wondering, "Do you know where you're going to?" Bel Ami has had several of their HOT models go from the front of the camera to behind. For a while they did both and slowly phased out the front. We should prepare ourselves for the day that Tyler goes full time behind the camera. With the way Broke Straight Boys/Blue media is expanding, there is a finite limit to what David can film himself. WE have all been blessed with watching Our Tyler develop and grow. The road has had bumps on it, but is that not how we all learn.

JW I hope my "job" here was acceptable.

Live Long and Prosper,

Last night Joe (JW) and I did a keyword search of the forum and read each post with the word "dustbin" in it. Now he may not have been around during that time, but we did read every post, and I think its absolutely valid what he has to say. After all everyone here always defends themselves by saying they are entitled to their opinion, well so is Joe! I was the one who encouraged Joe to make his initial post because after talking to him, which we do every night, I could tell he was frustrated. That is the beauty of this whole forum, right, to be able to voice what is on our minds.

And as far as the "hater" debate goes. If you are just complaining you aren't a hater. You know when you are "hating", so don't make it so personal. If you aren't hating, then it isn't meant for you.
Nice job vice-kid, but why was it all aimed at JW? He's not the one who insisted that David respond. That was our 23 year old who has to have everything spelled out for him from Liverton-Leeds.

Management has spoken several times about the 'negativity' in the forum. There's a big difference between negativity and hate. I think it very seldom shows up as hate, but we do have a problem with running things into the ground. There's nothing at all wrong with speaking your mind - especially if its done with wit and style - but don't burn the barn down and slaughter the stud because he didn't get you off this time. Remember how much people put down Austin and now he's in the number two scene and people wish he hadn't quit the business; and Dustin's old scene was released and it's number one. Say you don't like a scene, say you don't like a performer, tell why - be funny about it, but there's no need to be cruel. Look how many of you were horribly embarrassed when you had to face up to the things you said about effeminate boys when cousin Michael turned out to be such a wonderful forumite to talk to.
Deidra very nice to take up for JW, he is a nice guy. Aquarius very well put, I totally agree with you.
There have been "haters" and people who crossed the line of civility and "live and let live" on the forum. Most of them are no longer with us for whatever reason. I am trying to be a more gracious and open minded poster, but I also acknowledge that I can fall of the wagon! LOL
I agree Jayce that there have been a very small number of posters who have "gone over the line", and we have both been here pretty much since the forum has been around.

I enjoy controversial posters who I may disagree with. A healthy debate can be very stimulating, (in a different way that the videos can be stimulating :001_cool:). It is somewhat disconcerting when a poster offers a viewpoint that may criticize a model or an aspect of the site, and they are called haters. I call it being adults, who can handle some difference of opinion.
I said all of this in hope that if Tyler or any other model were to read this thread or for that matter some of the other threads on this forum, they would be helped a great deal. I hope so because I along with many other contributors who have at times expressed critical opinions are definitely NOT HATERS.
You make a lot of sense, my friend, Mactee :thumbup:
................. yes buddy, you might have been here before me, but i am here to stay, so get used to hearing me talk about any issue i want to, past present or future.
JW. I may not always agree with what you have to say, but you are a great addition to the forum, because you do say exactly how you feel, and I like people like you, so please do keep on posting and talking about anything at all that you feel like, because you are a very interesting person. :thumbup:
The video with Jake was so very not a normal shoot, more like a David and Tyler BTS banter fest in fact, with a cute third guy decorating the futon to whom they were very sweet mostly, and more or less polite to depending on whether they remembered he was there or not. Jake got caught in the crossfire of two workmates who know each other way too well, talking shop, tossing out insider jokes and having a laugh. At times he was like a cute cat who really isn't allowed on the furniture.
Slim, you have summed up that video exactly in your post. I have often said that David is the true star of Broke Straight Boys He is in 99% of the scenes, and his personality dictates the course of the scene as well. This was like a Behind The Scenes episode, with a regular Broke Straight Boys scene built into it. And poor Jake was a supporting player. As usual, you are the expert at dissecting Broke Straight Boys, and I'm fascinated, and appreciative of how good you are at it.:thumbup:
I think it very seldom shows up as hate, but we do have a problem with running things into the ground.
I agree that criticism very rarely turns into hate here, but one thing that I do "hate" is when you decide to become the arbiter for the Broke Straight Boys forum, and decide when a subject has been run into the ground. Just because you are "done" with a subject, does not necessarily mean that everyone else is. A topic on a board such as this has it's own life span, and when folks are done talking about it, the thread dies. No need to try to force the cessation of topics that bore you, or perhaps make you feel uncomfortable. We all have our own sensibilities and we do not all think the way you do.
True, Mike. And one thing I admire about you is your hypocrisy. For you claim such devotion to freedom of speech. And yet, when you get challenged on something, like your tendancy to repeat yourself so often for example and you choose to respond that your have the right to say anything you want to - two totally different topics - instead of accepting the fact that others 'have the right to say what they want' - me for example - you run pm'ing to management to complain. Call me what you want, but understand, many of your friends repeat what you say. If you're such a believer - practice what you believe.

Oh, and Mike, I never speak for anyone but myself except when one of you attacks someone unjustly and I am likely to speak out in their defense. And, I don't arbitrarily extend the life span of a topic - say a 'grudge' - by the constant expression of slice and dice comments. You really need to get a few new viewpoints and a few new ideas. You also need to get off your soap box. You do not speak for this forum either. The soap you are peddling is soft and soft soap is 90% lye.
I personaly only have one thing to say, WHY FOCUS ON THE BAD WHEN THERE IS SO MUCH GOOD?! U HAVE HOT ASS YOUNG GUYS BASICALLY AT UR FINGER TIPS TO CONTROL (TO A POINT) MAKE SUGGESTIONS TO DAVE INSTEAD OF RANTING, BE NICE TO EACHOTHER, IF U HAVE A PROBLEM WITH SOMEONE TAKE IT UP WITH THEM, MAYBE THEN YOU WILL BE ABLE TO UNDERSTAND WHY THINGS HAPPENED THE WAY THEY DID. now i understand some people may not like certain models, so stay clear of them and focus on the ones you like. other people like the ones you dont like so ur offending them by bashing them. think before you speak, and learn to accept others opinions.
instead of accepting the fact that others 'have the right to say what they want' - me for example - you run pm'ing to management to complain.
I see you're delusional too rifle. I assure you that I've never PM'ed management about any member of the forum. And I apologize to the forum for engaging in such a juvenile discussion here. If you have anything further to say to me, you can PM me.
I personaly only have one thing to say, WHY FOCUS ON THE BAD WHEN THERE IS SO MUCH GOOD?! U HAVE HOT ASS YOUNG GUYS BASICALLY AT UR FINGER TIPS TO CONTROL (TO A POINT) MAKE SUGGESTIONS TO DAVE INSTEAD OF RANTING, BE NICE TO EACHOTHER, IF U HAVE A PROBLEM WITH SOMEONE TAKE IT UP WITH THEM, MAYBE THEN YOU WILL BE ABLE TO UNDERSTAND WHY THINGS HAPPENED THE WAY THEY DID. now i understand some people may not like certain models, so stay clear of them and focus on the ones you like. other people like the ones you dont like so ur offending them by bashing them. think before you speak, and learn to accept others opinions.


I have been trying to word this exact response myself, and i dont hink i could have put it better.....
Excellent Mike Robbins! Others have tried to say this before. Maybe your voice will have enough force to make it stick.
Jaysus, JohnUK, another actor who hates drama!
My Dear JW,

I think you are taking this Dustin/Dustbin (may he rest in peace) a little to far. I do not for a moment think this version of his name was use for anything negative. I believe it is nothing more than a "PETNAME". I believe it started with other models calling him that and then spread to the forum. (I could be wrong on this). Lots of us have "petnames", even within this forum. As I just referred to you as JW (my Petname for you) I've been called vice, kid, genius as the first ones that come to mind. I take it as a compliment or grain of salt. And from what I know of Dustin, which is only via his vids, I think he did take it as fun.

Having spent a couple of days reading and re-reading all these Thread & Posts regarding the Tyler/Jake just a few points.

1. I don't expect nor should I expect management to respond to every little or big question we have regarding any episode. For two reasons: First, if they did within about 3-4 months we have no more episodes to watch as they would be spending all their time answer these question and the zillion more that each answer would generate. The response David did provide here was perfect. The fact that they don't respond does not mean they don't care. I am sure they read, evaluate and act, behind the scenes as needed. Second, how many times when David has responded it just inflamed the fires. I will admit, and I think David would too that it can be caused by what he says or how it says it. His passion for the company brings out both the good and bad, but without passion you can keep striving for the best.

2. Tyler has been in more episodes than any other model. Some were great, others not. That's life. Diesal has been in great episodes, and some not. That's life. Logan has been in some great episodes, and some not. That's life.
I can go on and on, but the point is, form each of our own unique POINT-OF-VIEW each episode has a different meaning and rating. If it's HOT we hope we don't electrocute ourselves at our computers. If not, there is always tomorrows episode.

3. When Tyler is filmed these days its not the same as before. AS a full-time employee he has a totally different rapor and understanding with the staff. His comments, actions may be based on those types of experiences we don't know about. We have all said (or at least most of us have) that Tyler is a sharp kid (this is a compliment Tyler if your reading this). I would not be surprise if he is think about how he would do the shoot he is in. Tyler is in what I feel is the Transition stage of model/performer to model producer/director. I think that is terrific for Tyler. How many of us were in a career possibility at the bright old age of say 19/20? How may of us were still sucking our thumbs wondering, "Do you know where you're going to?" Bel Ami has had several of their HOT models go from the front of the camera to behind. For a while they did both and slowly phased out the front. We should prepare ourselves for the day that Tyler goes full time behind the camera. With the way Broke Straight Boys/Blue media is expanding, there is a finite limit to what David can film himself. WE have all been blessed with watching Our Tyler develop and grow. The road has had bumps on it, but is that not how we all learn.

JW I hope my "job" here was acceptable.

Live Long and Prosper,


dude, vicekid, i wasnt saying you did an awful job, you were just an example of someone who has been in both worlds.
JW. I may not always agree with what you have to say, but you are a great addition to the forum, because you do say exactly how you feel, and I like people like you, so please do keep on posting and talking about anything at all that you feel like, because you are a very interesting person. :thumbup:

well thank you! im blushing! i didnt realize what i said was so entertaining. most people just roll their eyes when i speak! lol