I'm going to chime in. There is more Tyler episodes that will be posted that will be very surprising so don't judge this one scene and one episode. Don't assume!!! Keep watching the updates!!!
I'm going to chime in. There is more Tyler episodes that will be posted that will be very surprising so don't judge this one scene and one episode. Don't assume!!! Keep watching the updates!!!
I'm a big Tyler fan and glad to see that he has more scenes in the future. Thanks David for giving the heads up. I think all of the new models are looking great. Can't waiting until Leon's scene is out, thanks again for caring about the members and defending your staff.
I'm going to chime in. There is more Tyler episodes that will be posted that will be very surprising so don't judge this one scene and one episode. Don't assume!!! Keep watching the updates!!!
I love Tyler on this site as much as anyone, (Well, I take that back, not as much as Slim, but anyone elsehonestly guys? youre going to bad mouth a guy about one performance? sorry, but thats fucked up yall, tyler is a great guy and his dry sense of humor is one of the reasons i love him so much. is it just me or was nobody teared up by him referring to dustin? wft, dustbin are you serious? im not accusing anyone in this thread, as im not quite sure who coined the name but isnt that whole situation exactly why we shouldnt be unreasonably crude to some of the models? we name-called dustin, now hes gone. we cant take that shit back. im not saying dont give your input, but lets be real, these guys are people! they have feelings and the live and die like the rest of us. what if vicekid does a shitty job? are we gonna say the same shit to him that we are about tyler?
i dont mean to be over-emotional about this, but this is the reason i tried my damnedest to make straight life work, the deeper i got to know gay men the more i didnt want to have anything to do with the cattiness and the drama. and go ahead, blow me up all you want, because most of what you say (and i mean the haters) means nothing to me.
I love Tyler on this site as much as anyone, (Well, I take that back, not as much as Slim, but anyone else). ...............
I really don't really get it, when posters call people who may critique the models, the scenes, or even management of Broke Straight Boys over certain policies, "haters". This forum would be a boring "snooze fest" to read, if it only contained complementary posts and there was no discourse or disagreement among the posters. Controversy makes for interesting reading, where we all can express our honest feelings, and beliefs. I do not think that this kind of discourse necessates the posters as being called "haters".
I really don't really get it, when posters call people who may critique the models, the scenes, or even management of Broke Straight Boys over certain policies, "haters". This forum would be a boring "snooze fest" to read, if it only contained complementary posts and there was no discourse or disagreement among the posters. Controversy makes for interesting reading, where we all can express our honest feelings, and beliefs. I do not think that this kind of discourse necessates the posters as being called "haters".
you dont think calling dustin "dustbin" was over the line? well i do. and i read somewhere else that the bashing of dustin and cj started the same way that tyler is being talked about. look i agree full heartedly that negative constructive criticism should definately be allowed, but there is a point where you cross over to hater status, and that is getting pretty close here
JW you were not around at the time so unless you go back and read all the threads relating to Dustin then your post doesn't really have any substance.
Mike is absolutely correct in his post and most of us on hear were pissed off with Dustin and eventually CJ. Jeez man, if you look carefully even the management stated that they had had enough and were going to bin him.
The unfortunate thing is that Dustin died, but this had nothing to do with BSBs members opinions - Dustin chose to eat a bag of canabis - simple as.
You have to realise that people pay well earned money to subscribe to this site and if a model gets too cocky etc etc and upsets the members, then it is the managements responsibility to take on board the members' comments and act, with their own judgement, accordingly.
The situation with Tyler is not going down the same path as the Dustin or CJ scenario - well not in my opinion, but if you choose to compare it then so be it.
you dont think calling dustin "dustbin" was over the line? well i do. and i read somewhere else that the bashing of dustin and cj started the same way that tyler is being talked about. look i agree full heartedly that negative constructive criticism should definately be allowed, but there is a point where you cross over to hater status, and that is getting pretty close here
If you are referring to me in this broad stroke of your “haters” brush then I beg your pardon, I have not called Dustin "dustbin," I don't even know what that refers to.