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OK, lets be honest about this Tyler thing!!!


Well-known Member
Oct 19, 2008
Reaction score
Padre Island Texas
I was NOT going to chime in on the Tyler and Jake shoot. Especially since the staff at Broke Straight Boys have opted to not do so.

I respect and admire David, Eddie and Mark VERY much! I like Tyler a lot, but IS he the god that many of you have make him out to be!! HELL NO!!!
Tyler is just a good kid. As far as his hotness, Diesal and Logan and in many ways Jacob Anthony because of his personality in "my" mind are WAY hotter the Tyler. But that to me at least, takes nothing away from Tyler. I like him too!

HELL yes, I think Tyler was VERY dry and maybe even arrogant in this shoot.
Jake is a beautiful kid. At least in body. Very cute face but there is "still" something about this kid that doesn't add up.
Of course I am on board with many of you and even though Jake may have limited exposure, he is in NO way BI. Like many of you have said, he is a gay boy just figuring things out.

HELL YES, Jake would have given Tyler the most amazing oral, kissing, body kissing and maybe even cum eating ever IF[/B] HE WAS given the chance!!!! But that was not allowed to happen!! That IS sad because it would be a member favorite for months and months including mine!

I agree it was like like Tyler was looking at his watch because he had a flight to catch or something.

As far as Nu and Jake, I have always liked Nu VERY much!! Especially Nu's willingness to do oral and suck down some cum. If given the chance, when Jake was wanking at the end of the shoot and blew his load on Nu's ass, IF and this is a BIG IF it would have been allowed, Nu WOULD have taken Jake's load in his mouth in a heartbeat!!!!!
Nu is mostly straight but he has proven himself that with the right guy, he will go all the way as gay for pay.
Nu is a very good kid at heart and I always love seeing him and want to see more.

Look from day one, Tyler was a sweet kid that was probably bi or curious from the start, or maybe even gay inside. Broke Straight Boys brought him a LONG way.

But it was the MEMBERS that made him out to be a god and now you guys bitch he acted this way???? What do you expect from him?? Don't blame David or anyone else!

I am sure Tyler is very smart, a massively hard worker and does and excellent job for Broke Straight Boys That is pretty obvious and great for him!! He IS a good kid at heart!
BUT, maybe what a lot of you are saying is right! He needs to stay behind the camera. PLEASE STOP bitching at David and the gang about Tyler being this "Greek God" from the Heavens and that he is so hot.WAKE UP HE ISN"T!!

He is a very cute, VERY nice guy and yeah probably because of the MEMBER bullshit over the past year, NOT the Broke Straight Boys staff, Tyler now has a massive head over all of this member lust!

Please leave David and the Broke Straight Boys gang alone. ALL of this is 75% the members fault, and 25% or less Tylers fault that many are pissed at this shoot.

YES, YES, YES, Tyler DOES probably have some soul searching "himself" to do in all of this. But gang, that is TRULY up to Tyler because it is HIS life, not ours or Broke Straight Boys's. Let Tyler figure it out!
Okay, let's get over this bullshit right away, shall we. You people amaze me. You would rather make mountains out of mole hills that watch porn. I have never seen so much crap pour out of so many people in my life that could have been avoided if you just bother to read and pay attention.

First. Tyler is a consummate professional. He follows the script. And the script was decided from the beginning. There was to be no kissing in this scene. And Tyler does not tolerate changing the script. He is not big headed. He is not a smart alec. He is a director on the staff and when Jake started to change the script, Tyler put him back into the scene as it was designed. It was to be oral. Good Lord, have you not ever been assigned to work with someone who wanted to change the project in the middle of things and you've had to nudge them back in place. It's not a pleasant job but somebody has to do it.

Second. They started filming HD a little over six months ago which would have put this scene just prior to Tyler's birthday. It fits. The next day Nu and Jake talked about going back to school on the 17th (of September). My God, Dustin died in December. Thats over three months later. In October, November, and the first part of December EVERYBODY on this site called Dustin "Dustbin" and trash. It was horrible how you spoke of him. And what Tyler says is that's what they called him. He was acknowledging the fact that "yes" he had done a kissing scene with one Broke Straight Boys model and it was Dustin whom the members called "Dust bin."

Three. As to the other 'kissing:' It was not filmed for Broke Straight Boys It was filmed TWO years ago when Tyler and Aiden first came to the studio for a Video Release called "Got Milked" to be released on DVD. Read your information on the other website. It was not released because the dvd business went to pot. It was finally released on Boy Gusher - two years later. When Tyler referred to his kiss - it was the only Broke Straight Boys kiss he had done and the only one that had been released. He had enough sense to not mention the one that had not been released to keep the members from demanding the release of the other one much like they did with the Jimmy/Diesal scenes - if you'll recall.

You need to go back through that thread and find out who's leading you on. Tyler doesn't kiss often. He's made that clear. So don't jump on him now. The two times he's done it have been with close personal friends. Don't let your own personal attachment to Jake make you create a monster out of Tyler. And can't we just stop this "Make the Management Explain This." The information is here. Read it. I know, I'm the asshole who had the nerve to take off three months when my husband died and when I came back my credit card security code had changed and it was simpler to use a different log in, but I don't yell at newbies, I don't have more than one account at a time, and I dont spend my time stirring up trouble. Get over it.
I'm glad this was said because I feel the same way. Tyler I'm sure is a nice guy and he's not a kid anymore isn't he 20 now? something like that. However, the dry humor, arrogance and let me show you how smart I am attitude was a turnoff for me. Yeah we know you're a smart guy Tyler and you know the score but leave it at the door please. At this point I'd rather see Cory the makeup guy or Michael break in newbies. He did look like he was late for dinner, CJ itis if you will, looking like he had another place to go and rather be there instead of the futon. If you looked at Jake before he started with Nu he was already rock hard and turned on. Not that way with Tyler and maybe for some of the reasons already stated. Just had to throw my 2 pennies in there.
First. Tyler is a consummate professional. He follows the script. And the script was decided from the beginning. There was to be no kissing in this scene. And Tyler does not tolerate changing the script. He is not big headed. He is not a smart alec. He is a director on the staff and when Jake started to change the script, Tyler put him back into the scene as it was designed. It was to be oral. Good Lord, have you not ever been assigned to work with someone who wanted to change the project in the middle of things and you've had to nudge them back in place. It's not a pleasant job but somebody has to do it.

Hi Aquarius, just a quick question if you don't mind? How do you know all this about the script? Are you connected with Broke Straight Boys where you can readily get hold of inside info i.e. a script to this particular shoot.?
With regard to Tyler, he may be the greatest guy on the face of the earth, but as an actor on this site, his best days are behind him. His performance with Jake was not even close to being good. Script or no script it's all about your performance, and his was not good. Also we have been told before that these shoots take at the very least 1 hr and some times longer, and we only get 20 minutes. So if what we saw was the best of what they filmed, then sorry again I have to say his performance was not good at all. I think he should continue his work at his desk, and leave the on camera performances to someone that can give a better performance.
I gotta say thank god someone has said it.... I joined this website like only 2 weeks ago and i have worked my way through tons of videos and was reading all the posts about how hot Tyler was and i was getting well excited to watch one. and now dnt get me wrong i wouldnt kick tyler outta bed for eating cookies but there are waay hotter Broke Straight Boys boys. I love Jimmy's scenes, the 3 with him and Diesal are amazing and the Austin one also... sorry back to Tyler, I just dnt get the hype. I think that many of the older members were around when Tyler was introduced and he was seen as a hot piece of fresh meat and they have stuck with it... but as a newer member going through all the vids, i just dnt see it myself. but different strokes for different folks i guess.
I watched the Jake and Tyler scene and i didnt really think much of it. I think jake was too full on for Tyler and this prob pissed him off, but they sucked they wanked and they shot a load.. what else can be expected.

Looking forward to seeing newbie Leon!!!
Hi Aquarius, just a quick question if you don't mind? How do you know all this about the script? Are you connected with Broke Straight Boys where you can readily get hold of inside info i.e. a script to this particular shoot.?
Are you serious? Or did you just read that too quickly and feel you had to respond? (When you say in the beginning that you're going to do oral, then that's your "plan," that's your "script.")

No, I don't have inside information, unless you call taking the time to look around before I make charges and insinuations "inside." There's a really mean streak here that isn't necessary. People in the other thread were jumping all over Tyler for saying things about "Dustbin," when, in truth, he was doing what this membership did when they mounted just such a campaign against Dustin as you are now trying to mount against Tyler - as you mounted against CJ - as you have tried to mount against Austin. It is not necessary to be so vindictive, to burn the house down, to kill the messenger. Somebody made the remark that he was "20!" Really! That's young by Broke Straight Boys standards.

It's all right to say I didn't like this scene. But before you destroy Tyler for it, you'd better be sure it was his fault alone that it failed and before you elevate Jake to stardom, you'd better be sure he can consistantly follow it up. And before you follow the guy with the torch in front who's yelling "Kill him! Kill him!" be sure the monster's the one in the mill and not the one with the torch.
It's all right to say I didn't like this scene. But before you destroy Tyler for it, you'd better be sure it was his fault alone that it failed and before you elevate Jake to stardom, you'd better be sure he can consistantly follow it up. And before you follow the guy with the torch in front who's yelling "Kill him! Kill him!" be sure the monster's the one in the mill and not the one with the torch.

Gotta agree with that.... but wy in the hell are people being so damn serious about this... People really need to chill the fuck out... Just watch the porn, jack off and have done. Majority of members do not know these people, and unless Broke Straight Boys is your LIFE (that would be really really sad if it was) Then why si everyone so uptight. Jaysus!
I said or speculated Tyler was 20, not to say that was old but that he's been on Broke Straight Boys for a couple years now and he's not that "new kid" anymore that David discovered. I'm sure Tyler does a great job behind the scenes and he's mature for his age but that's where he needs to stay from now on, behind the scenes.
God, John, I love that spelling of Jaysus! Where do you preach on Sunday? May I come to your church? A need tae practice ma Scots
There are now 4 threads that delve into the Tyler/Jake issue which is way over the top reaction to just one vid. Saying that, I suppose it is because Tyler has been so popular in the past that everyone was expecting an electrifying performance - especially after the Boy Gusher 4some and the Tyler/Dustin kissing vids. However, because there has been no ratification of when the films were made etc, then people continue to surmise/guess by doing their own PI work. A simple post by David or any member of the team would have avoided all this.
God, John, I love that spelling of Jaysus! Where do you preach on Sunday? May I come to your church? A need tae practice ma Scots

haha... I only spell it that way cos i am a complete athiest and wont use the traditional spelling... and although its the irish way of saying it. I am half irish so go figure!... My church starts at 1pm on a sunday and it involves Alcohol, Cigarette, good chat and the setting is a good pub or beer garden.... You should join the following! btw your scots is offy gid like!

Leave Tyler alone, it wasn't a gr8 shoot people, but if you hadnt put him on such a pedistool then you may not be so disappointed..
Jaysus ;) i give up!
Agree with johnuk1986. It seems like some people are a little too emotionally involved with the guys on this site. It's okay, even fun, to comment on videos and the actors, but some of the members are getting a little scary with these long rants. This is porn. Let's keep it real.
There are now 4 threads that delve into the Tyler/Jake issue which is way over the top reaction to just one vid. Saying that, I suppose it is because Tyler has been so popular in the past that everyone was expecting an electrifying performance - especially after the Boy Gusher 4some and the Tyler/Dustin kissing vids. However, because there has been no ratification of when the films were made etc, then people continue to surmise/guess by doing their own PI work. A simple post by David or any member of the team would have avoided all this.

As always Jon a very good point. I think you have also hit upon the reason why David has not answered the call on this one. Every time he has done so in the past the smoldering embers have suddenly burst into a raging forest fire. My guess is he is trying to avoid the heat this time around and I cant say I blame him.

The fact is Tyler is Tyler and that's just that. Some of the folks worship him and others hate his guts, just like all the other models on the site. I think the only one that has never had a negative comment would be Logan but of course we all know that Logan is perfect. :) In my original review I referred to Tyler as his arrogant but adorable self and I think I was spot on. It is that arrogance that has caused some people to think so much of him. Also remember he reads the forum or at least he did. So here you have a 20 year old kid reading all the praises that we have bestowed upon him all this time of course he is going to get a bit big headed and arrogant. So he may be a monster but he is one we created. So like it or leave it folks he is probably coming back so take your chill pill and please step to the back of the bus.
Agree with johnuk1986. It seems like some people are a little too emotionally involved with the guys on this site. It's okay, even fun, to comment on videos and the actors, but some of the members are getting a little scary with these long rants. This is porn. Let's keep it real.
I believe that the majority of us who post here do understand that this is "only porn", and not a discussion about global warming, or worldwide famine or the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan or discussions of the effects of the earthquake in Haiti, or anything of that magnitude, however............

We enjoy the fantasy of the porn on this site, and Mark and David have given us an inside look at the studio and the models and created an atmosphere of "reality porn" here. They have given us an opportunity to comment and question things on this forum. So, if we take some time out of the reality of life with it's frustrations and disappointments, as well as it's joys and good times, and we choose to spend some of our leisure time posting, and commenting and arguing about the models and the scenes here, what is the harm in that?

I suppose you could say the same things about people who are passionate followers of sports, where there are endless message boards and forums, as well as talk radio programs where passionate sports fan's do the same things regarding their favorite teams.

While you say "the members are getting a little scary with these long rants", I say why does it bother you if we want to get into detailed discussions about this site? It is our leisure time, and leisure dollars that are involved here, and while there are hunters and gun collectors and folks who are totally into music or poetry, why do you object to those of us who enjoy dissecting and discussing the porn on Broke Straight Boys? It may not be the way you choose to look at this site, but why do you feel the need to be a "buzz kill", and question our passion for this site.

To paraphrase your point, I say this is only an Internet forum. Let's keep it real.:cool:
WoW! Incredible!

We enjoy the fantasy of the porn on this site, and Mark and David have given us an inside look at the studio and the models and created an atmosphere of "reality porn" here. They have given us an opportunity to comment and question things on this forum. So, if we take some time out of the reality of life with it's frustrations and disappointments, as well as it's joys and good times, and we choose to spend some of our leisure time posting, and commenting and arguing about the models and the scenes here, what is the harm in that?

I suppose you could say the same things about people who are passionate followers of sports, where there are endless message boards and forums, as well as talk radio programs where passionate sports fan's do the same things regarding their favorite teams.

While you say "the members are getting a little scary with these long rants", I say why does it bother you if we want to get into detailed discussions about this site? It is our leisure time, and leisure dollars that are involved here, and while there are hunters and gun collectors and folks who are totally into music or poetry, why do you object to those of us who enjoy dissecting and discussing the porn on Broke Straight Boys? It may not be the way you choose to look at this site, but why do you feel the need to be a "buzz kill", and question our passion for this site.

To paraphrase your point, I say this is only an Internet forum. Let's keep it real.:cool:

I believe this dissertation is so comprehensive of what I think and feel about Broke Straight Boys It completely covers all the reasons I subscribe to this site. When I first joined I spent my time going back to the beginning and watching every video. This took days, but it was highly entertaining as well as educational from the stand point of seeing the development of the models and understanding for the most part why some models continued coming back and others dropped out or was let go, whatever the case. I was at times disappointed because some of the guys that I thought really had it was short lived.

It was only after I completed my video journey of yesteryear that I discovered the forum. Now guys, I know it wasn’t hiding from me, It was always there I just needed to click on the tab. I started reading the threads, and I did this for some time before I joined in.

Now my Broke Straight Boys subscription has taken on an expanded personal involvement of not only watching some of the best looking guys on the net, but that “reality” feel you get knowing these guys are not professional actors. When watching the videos I am on the receiving end of Broke Straight Boys, this forum allows me to be on the giving end by sharing my thoughts and meeting an amazing group of forumites, some I agree with, some I don’t, but all make me think.

This has become my thing that I do on a daily basis. It’ football, basketball, soccer and all that “stuff” that many of us guys are in, to me. It’s fun, it’s enlightening and it’s building a network of friends who share some common experiences.

I’m bloviating again so I’ll stop. I said all this to say, I AGREE WITH MIKEYANK! :thumbup:
This has become my thing that I do on a daily basis. It’ football, basketball, soccer and all that “stuff” that many of us guys are in, to me. It’s fun, it’s enlightening and it’s building a network of friends who share some common experiences.

I’m bloviating again so I’ll stop. I said all this to say, I AGREE WITH MIKEYANK! :thumbup:
Thanks again Mactee. Posting on this board is just good clean fun to me. It really baffles me why some folks object to the fun we have here, posting, dissecting videos and the models and their motivations, etc.

Mick Jagger said, "It's Only Rock 'n Roll (But I Like It)". I can say the same for Broke Straight Boys and the forum. Now it's off to work and "reality", but I'll be back for the porn and the forum later tonight. :thumbup:

And thank you Mark for providing me with so much fun for my monthly subscription price.
I believe that the majority of us who post here do understand that this is "only porn", and not a discussion about global warming, or worldwide famine or the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan or discussions of the effects of the earthquake in Haiti, or anything of that magnitude, however............

We enjoy the fantasy of the porn on this site, and Mark and David have given us an inside look at the studio and the models and created an atmosphere of "reality porn" here. They have given us an opportunity to comment and question things on this forum. So, if we take some time out of the reality of life with it's frustrations and disappointments, as well as it's joys and good times, and we choose to spend some of our leisure time posting, and commenting and arguing about the models and the scenes here, what is the harm in that?

I suppose you could say the same things about people who are passionate followers of sports, where there are endless message boards and forums, as well as talk radio programs where passionate sports fan's do the same things regarding their favorite teams.

While you say "the members are getting a little scary with these long rants", I say why does it bother you if we want to get into detailed discussions about this site? It is our leisure time, and leisure dollars that are involved here, and while there are hunters and gun collectors and folks who are totally into music or poetry, why do you object to those of us who enjoy dissecting and discussing the porn on Broke Straight Boys? It may not be the way you choose to look at this site, but why do you feel the need to be a "buzz kill", and question our passion for this site.

To paraphrase your point, I say this is only an Internet forum. Let's keep it real.:cool:

Mikeyank it feels strange to me that I am saying this but there is much truth in what you have said here. I must give this concept further thought.