What's the message of this meme? That cold-blooded murder is the answer? We all get that insurance companies are mostly there for profits... Heck, that's something I figured out a very long time ago... But what "Mario's brother" did is wrong, amoral and unacceptable. Period. There is no "but." Besides, those CEOs don't have all the decision-making powers.
My point is allowing, making excuses or having "sympathy" or "empathy" for that will allow for anybody to do it for any reason they please. That crazed New Orleans truck driver, in his mind, was "entitled" to do it, and he honestly believed he was punishing heathens and doing God and the world a favour. He felt just as entitled as "Mario's brother," whether or not one empathizes with him.
I do feel terrible about those people who are deceived and let down by those insurance companies who collect all that money from them but deliver peanuts if anything at all in time of adversity. I really do! But I just don't see how shooting CEOs around is going to solve the problem. If anything, this meme proves that the shooter's actions did not go the the roots of the problem.