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I thought Kaydin was very interesting and I am curious to see where his trip to Broke Straight Boys will take him I could have lived without the bat tattoo but I know Scorpio is in a lttle bit of heaven over that . Someone please tell me why porn boys have suddenly developed a fondness for the name kaydin, or Cayden or Caydin or any other variation Breeders BEWARE!!! Name your boy Kaydiin or whatever and he is definately doing gay porn LOL
LOL, Lester!

I like Kaydin a lot! He has a "can do" attitude. Great eyes, and a great big smile. I didn't notice any fangs, but he sure does like bats! LOL! I am hoping he doesn't get his back covered in a tat. The bat is fine where it is, but I like just plain old skin.

Kaydin is a keeper! I like Jayman's idea of Logan and Nelson with Kaydin! :w00t: HOT! :thumbup1:
You know between Kayden and Nelson could just be kinky enough to really give us some interesting shows.:thumbup: I love Kayden's confidence and his bring it attitude. I cannot wait to see what David has in store for Kayden in the future.

Great minds think alike, I could not agree more. :biggrin:
I like Kaydin. And while he isn't classically handsome, he does have a boyish charm and has that sense of confidence that in a straight young guy, makes my heart go twitter, as well as other parts of my body.

He doesn't have a ripped body, but he has youthful tone, as well as a delicious looking cock that squirts a nice load. I do look forward to his first duo. That bit about him having a session with a gay boy, and whipping and dominating him is very interesting. I wonder what secret fantasies he has had about being with gay guys. He could turn out to be an interesting member of the Broke Straight Boys crew.

Hey Kodieboy, luckily South Africans and Australians get along famously - except when we play rugby. Or cricket. Or competitive sheep-shearing. (I said shearing!) Then of course it's war, total war.

Again, to explain to our American friends, in the Southern Hemisphere pissing contests count as blood sport.

Anyway where was I? Oh yes, Kaydin............ ah yes bad, bad, bad, very, very bad Kaydin .......... I need to be alone now.


Of course .... we are just such nice loving people,unlike the English toff nosed batch lol

To think we (most) Aussies revoled from that pot ........ :001_smile:

P.S some of my best friends are English ..... But come here when they very young
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Well, you revolting lots of Boers, AussieBums Kiwis Yanks et al...let's not forget that it was ENGLISH money that developed all your countries, got you out of yer mud huts, freed you from slavery, and stiill leads the financial world.
Money talks louder than rugby balls in my world.

Yeah, Yeah... Bitter! Party of one. Your table is now ready. LOL :001_tongue:
I believe I've mentioned before that I've never downloaded a solo. I also said I might make an exception for Kaydin.

Not being sure at all I first read this entire thread : Kaydin is dowmnloading as I write. Q.E.D.

He looks like a bad boy. He needs discipline. Can I spank him? I promise not to be gentle. At all.


You go Perv! Make him beg for it. LOL

He's been a bad boy for using a gay guy to dominate. He needs to learn the flip side of the coin. LOL :lol: Something tells me you could teach him a thing or 2 or 5 about that. :001_smile: :sneaky2:
Yeah, Yeah... Bitter! Party of one. Your table is now ready. LOL :001_tongue:

I dont know if he is talking ... i sent him a hello message and a hand in friendship..... i havent heard back yet...... I do hope he didnt cry himself to sleep.those english can be so tempermental.
I thought Kaydin was very interesting and I am curious to see where his trip to Broke Straight Boys will take him I could have lived without the bat tattoo but I know Scorpio is in a lttle bit of heaven over that . Someone please tell me why porn boys have suddenly developed a fondness for the name kaydin, or Cayden or Caydin or any other variation Breeders BEWARE!!! Name your boy Kaydiin or whatever and he is definately doing gay porn LOL

That is so true. And what a unique name.:thumbup:
Must be dreadful to be poor,,,by the way, what's a 'mortgage'?? Never used one myself - some kind of kinky stuff i.e. mort = death, Gage Owens = win?

Now that is a way to break down a word and cause a heart attack. LOL Wow, get a mortgage and win death. What a deal. :sneaky2:
Must be dreadful to be poor,,,by the way, what's a 'mortgage'?? Never used one myself - some kind of kinky stuff i.e. mort = death, Gage Owens = win?

Well, you know... Without any more of that English money we are in such a lowly state. It's a wonder we and the Commonwealth survive. What were we thinking?!

We Yanks try to drown our sorrows on the 4th of July with cookouts, watermelon, fireworks, beer and the like. But deep down we wonder "What the heck did we do?" We could have been living the high life... eating bland food... driving on the wrong side of the road... speaking with a much better accent... and convincing ourselves that haggis is a delicacy. YUM! LOL :drool::scared:

Not to worry Centurian. I have great respect for British culture. And I would like very much to travel there. For better or worse, and mostly for the better, Great Britain has contributed greatly to world civilization and the human experience.
Lest anyone take offence to the detour off topic, (Notice how I spelled offense in deference to our British friends?) you are welcome to start talking about Kaydin again if you like. :thumbup1:
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Can we do both? I like a good faux pissing match between queen countries and upstart colonies as much as I do talking about goth hotties. BTW, I think Kaydin's a failure at goth. Despite liking a little B+D, Kaydin comes across as kind of nice and sweet. That's the last thing a true goth wants to do!
Can we do both? I like a good faux pissing match between queen countries and upstart colonies as much as I do talking about goth hotties. BTW, I think Kaydin's a failure at goth. Despite liking a little B+D, Kaydin comes across as kind of nice and sweet. That's the last thing a true goth wants to do!

You make a good point about Kaydin. He does appear very naughty but nice and I have never seen a true goth smile that much if at all! LOL!!
Yes i know of 2 more on tv..... they were on the amazing race..A st8 couple... they were nice as well

so maybe...... ooh who knows unless u walk in their shoes. in Kaydin's case Boots
Goth look, tall, jagged hair line, long neck (great for sucking cock, and deep throating), large mouth (definitely for deep throating. Oh, Austin, Casey, and Michael where are you.) his head is kind of squarish too. But in a cute way.

You know between Kayden and Nelson could just be kinky enough to really give us some interesting shows.:thumbup: I love Kayden's confidence and his bring it attitude. I cannot wait to see what David has in store for Kayden in the future.

Kaydin and Nelson ....... yes pleaseeeeeeeeee

A show i'd come close to dieing to seeeeeeeeee
Kaydin and Nelson would be a great pairing. Oh the things that they could do to one another. But think of this: Kaydin, Nelson and the talented Dr. Phingerphuk doing a real fetish scene on College Boy Physicals. Leather, Nipple clamps, insertions galore, sounding, handcuffs, electro stimulation, hard fucking and cumming! I mean if you're going to go rough, go for the whole enchilada!

Another idea (Jayman are you listening?) Kaydin's big mouth and Derek's monster (9-11") cock. And then Kaydin can ride that cock like there is no tomorrow. Of course Kaydin would be walking funny for a while but that's not our problem!

What do you guys think?

Be well,

Can we bring Casey back for that instead ....... sorry derek

Thought id add pic's


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