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Long time forumite
Oct 24, 2008
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Brooklyn New York
I've noticed on Facebook promos such as this current one posted earlier today:

Ian Dempsey "Broke Straight Boys" Model


Broke Straight Boys
5h ·
Ryan ended up marrying a girl who used to work for me and is still married to her to this day so I can verify that Ryan is definitely straight. See his first time at onlyfans.com/OGPornBoss

I am confused by this ad on several levels. By the way Ryan's scene with Tyler is one of my favorites as Ryan does something I've never seen before or since. But my confusion is three fold:

1) Why is this being posted by the former model, Ian Dempsey?
2) The post says, "Ryan ended up marrying a girl who used to work for me". Who is saying that, Ian Dempsey or Mark who is the onlyfans, "Porn Boss"?
3) If this is Mark posting for his onlyfans platform, why is he promoting Ryan who filmed three scenes in Florida for David in 2008. I am sincerely not trying to be obnoxious or anything. I've seen these Ian Dempsey "Broke Straight Boys" Model ads on Facebook before for onlyfans Porn Boss, and the connection between Ian, Mark and now Ryan is confusing to me. If Mark or someone else on the site wants to explain what this is all about, I'd appreciate it.

I've noticed on Facebook promos such as this current one posted earlier today:

Ian Dempsey "Broke Straight Boys" Model


Broke Straight Boys
5h ·
Ryan ended up marrying a girl who used to work for me and is still married to her to this day so I can verify that Ryan is definitely straight. See his first time at onlyfans.com/OGPornBoss

I am confused by this ad on several levels. By the way Ryan's scene with Tyler is one of my favorites as Ryan does something I've never seen before or since. But my confusion is three fold:

1) Why is this being posted by the former model, Ian Dempsey?
2) The post says, "Ryan ended up marrying a girl who used to work for me". Who is saying that, Ian Dempsey or Mark who is the onlyfans, "Porn Boss"?
3) If this is Mark posting for his onlyfans platform, why is he promoting Ryan who filmed three scenes in Florida for David in 2008. I am sincerely not trying to be obnoxious or anything. I've seen these Ian Dempsey "Broke Straight Boys" Model ads on Facebook before for onlyfans Porn Boss, and the connection between Ian, Mark and now Ryan is confusing to me. If Mark or someone else on the site wants to explain what this is all about, I'd appreciate it.


I'm happy to answer your questions. Basically Only Fans came into the game and everybody was on it so I joined the club. If you can't beat them join them right lol. This is getting the word out about Broke Straight Boys and I post everything even if it's old, new etc. The fans on there love this stuff even though it is super old because they have never seen it. I am grabbing a new audience that I couldn't grab before. I post under Ian Dempsey's profile because he doesn't post anymore and we had it under our profile so that is me posting as him. I don't advertise only fans on here at all because you guys are already members of Broke Straight Boys and everything I post you can get here in the members area. I hope that answers your questions but if you have anymore questions let me know.

On another note Ryan is really married to a girl that used to work for me. I suggest you check out his scenes because this is a REAL straight guy. The one scene with Nelson was awkward because he really is straight. I'd love to hear feedback on that specific scene.

Thanks so much Mark for answering. It all makes sense now and I loved Ryan’s scene with Tyler but now I’m going to have to go back and check out the Nelson scene. And I am always happy to read that “real” straight guys are important to you, the owner of the site, as you are using that as an advertisement to non-members of the site to check it out. Hopefully moving forward you will continue to encourage your team to look for Ryan types for the site. :thumbup:
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I just watched Ryan and Nelson and I loved it. Ryan’s reactions were 100% real, the questioning looks, the pleasure, the disgust and what a load of cum he finally produced in the end all over Nelson. This is exactly what attracted me to this site and I see that while the site has changed over the years, my taste in guys has not. This scene excited me like no other has in a very long time. I don’t usually post my ratings on the forum but this was 5,5,5,5. The last five was to David. Great job by all involved.
I will use this forum since I don't know how to start a new topic. Now I can understand the excuse for using Broke Straight Boys models on College Boy Physicals from Broke Straight Boys but College Dudes is a site we pay for and as much as I may like a model for him to appear on the 3 sites so close together makes me ask why should I pay twice to see the same models in the same roles . Yes I know the reason given but other top gay sites find ways to give variety with limited resources.
I will use this forum since I don't know how to start a new topic. Now I can understand the excuse for using Broke Straight Boys models on College Boy Physicals from Broke Straight Boys but College Dudes is a site we pay for and as much as I may like a model for him to appear on the 3 sites so close together makes me ask why should I pay twice to see the same models in the same roles . Yes I know the reason given but other top gay sites find ways to give variety with limited resources.
I have no problem with you posting anything anywhere but it is easy to start a new thread. Click on Forum: Everything Under The Sun and there is a red box that says, "+ Post New Thread. Just click on that box and you put in a title and away you go!

By the way br6205. I know you just began posting but I really enjoy your posts. You care about this site and your questions and comments are real. We often don't agree on issues of straight guys and gay guys as models, but I enjoy reading your posts. I hope you stick around a while. :biggrin:
Ty for all you said. While the join date says 2019 I have been a member from the beginning always used the episode comments to post my thoughts. Sadly I did not hink to post or read here til recently, my loss .
It sounds like it's been our loss too Br. I'm glad you're here sharing with us. :)
I love today's post on facebook!

"Logan is one of my favs. He did his scenes and used his money and went on to become a doctor. That's what I like to hear. See him in action at onlyfans.com/OGPornboss"



One of the all time greats. I'd let Dr. Logan examine me anytime!!!!!!:biggrin:
On another note Ryan is really married to a girl that used to work for me. I suggest you check out his scenes because this is a REAL straight guy. The one scene with Nelson was awkward because he really is straight. I'd love to hear feedback on that specific scene.


Funny you should ask this, I commented last month on this scene... There was no question in my mind that he was straight LOL

Probably one other that stands out was Ryan and Tyler, when Ryan drank then spit out the glass of cum; also the hand shield and a very loud "not on my face please, Jesus Christ" when Nelson cummed while riding Ryan. Nelson had a hot sounding video too on College Boy Physicals, that was the first time I had ever seen that.

I haven't thought about these scenes in years. What a trip back down memory lane.


If you all think really straight boys reacts like Ryan then how do you explain those like Adam and we have had many in that group?????
If you all think really straight boys reacts like Ryan then how do you explain those like Adam and we have had many in that group?????
Human sexuality is not a “One size fits all”, deal. lol. I totally believe in the Kinsey scale and my belief is while both Ryan and Adam considered themselves “straight” coming in to Broke Straight Boys, but perhaps they were at somewhat different levels on the scale.
That is my point to call Ryan as straight because refused to interact implies Adam who did is not. So drop this labeling.
That is my point to call Ryan as straight because refused to interact implies Adam who did is not. So drop this labeling.

I'm afraid that dropping the labeling isn't as easy as it sounds Br. We humans tend to want to label, categorize and oversimplify everything so that it makes more sense to our little pea brains at this stage of human evolution. And if we're honest part of that usually comes from an intellectual laziness also. Plus in here there is often a tendency for us to kibbitz among ourselves about where certain models fall on the spectrum of their sexual orientation, along with their motivations for doing the work. If we can label everybody (or even supposedly "decide" things like their personality types, supposed motives, sexuality, etc.) and put them in a neat little box, then it makes it easier for us to decide how we feel about them. It's a whole lot easier than God forbid actually getting to know them much better first, or even better, just feeling an unconditional love and acceptance of them "as they are" from the beginning.

But you're not wrong Br for wishing for that perfect world where we dropped all the labels and just loved and accepted one another unconditionally. Keep putting that out to the universe and eventually we'll get there. :)
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I can't control nor will I apologize for what turns me on. I get my biggest thrills sexually from watching guys who I call "believably straight" doing non-straight things. That is why I joined Broke STRAIGHT Boys in the first place. The ones my brain perceives as being straight may be the biggest "Queens" off camera and the ones who appear to be gay may be very straight off camera, banging their girlfriends on a regular basis. But it is my penis and my brain and the connection between what my eyes see and the signal it sends "downstairs" to turn me on. That is why I call this a fantasy site presented in a reality format. My fantasy is watching very straight appearing guys doing very gay things for the first time. I watch porn to get turned on and that is my fetish and what turns me on. My perceptions may be totally inaccurate but that's what works for me. :tongue_smilie:
I can't control nor will I apologize for what turns me on. I get my biggest thrills sexually from watching guys who I call "believably straight" doing non-straight things. That is why I joined Broke STRAIGHT Boys in the first place. The ones my brain perceives as being straight may be the biggest "Queens" off camera and the ones who appear to be gay may be very straight off camera, banging their girlfriends on a regular basis. But it is my penis and my brain and the connection between what my eyes see and the signal it sends "downstairs" to turn me on. That is why I call this a fantasy site presented in a reality format. My fantasy is watching very straight appearing guys doing very gay things for the first time. I watch porn to get turned on and that is my fetish and what turns me on. My perceptions may be totally inaccurate but that's what works for me. :tongue_smilie:

You're preaching to the choir over here my brother. haha
My intention succeeded 2 create a hornet's nest of comments and opinion. There is no right or wrong just what you the person enjoys.
My intention succeeded 2 create a hornet's nest of comments and opinion. There is no right or wrong just what you the person enjoys.

Exactly. There are no right or wrong opinions on porn. Just opinions. haha