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Jimmy is hot, I like it so far...I'm excited to see more! The jerky camera on the bridge was really bad and needs to be corrected, but I definitely forgive that on the very first episode.

I'm impressed with the really good video quality and the lighting is pretty good too, which makes me happy. It's extremely important that there is good camera work and editing in all action scenes, nothing is worse than missing out on what you want to see because the camera panned away from the cock and body and zooms in on the face. NOTHING worse than being forced to watch nothing but the guy's face close up when he's coming because the cameraman decided to pan away from his cock.

I have high expectations for the new scenes, and I would say this first scene is a great new beginning, and the new Broke Straight Boys has a ton of exciting hot potential!

For those who are complaining about the first scene being a solo, come on everyone I think we've all agreed many times before that solos are fine to introduce the new guy. In my opinion a solo is also an appropriate way to launch the new format as well as the new guy! :)

I really like Jimmy, think he's hot, and hope that someone in the future gets to suck those hot nipples he's got and that the camera records it for all of us to see (not zoomed in on his face, but definitely showing us someone licking those big puffy nips!)

Great job Mark, I definitely miss David in the scene but thankfully they too have new and exciting start ups that I will be supporting as well.

I agree with Mike and Tampa.

But I have to admit warrenhottie did express a lot of what I was thinking at this early stage.

I remain openminded and looking forward to what develops.
Thanks for seeing & agreeing what I saw. I just couldn't make it all the way through. It really physically gave me a headache & I don't see how others couldn't see that too or feel it so thanks for agreeing with me. Like another poster said your first impression is your big shot to show off & I couldn't feel anything that I liked about it.
Jimmy is hot, I like it so far...I'm excited to see more! The jerky camera on the bridge was really bad and needs to be corrected, but I definitely forgive that on the very first episode.

I'm impressed with the really good video quality and the lighting is pretty good too, which makes me happy. It's extremely important that there is good camera work and editing in all action scenes, nothing is worse than missing out on what you want to see because the camera panned away from the cock and body and zooms in on the face. NOTHING worse than being forced to watch nothing but the guy's face close up when he's coming because the cameraman decided to pan away from his cock.

I have high expectations for the new scenes, and I would say this first scene is a great new beginning, and the new Broke Straight Boys has a ton of exciting hot potential!

For those who are complaining about the first scene being a solo, come on everyone I think we've all agreed many times before that solos are fine to introduce the new guy. In my opinion a solo is also an appropriate way to launch the new format as well as the new guy! :)

I really like Jimmy, think he's hot, and hope that someone in the future gets to suck those hot nipples he's got and that the camera records it for all of us to see (not zoomed in on his face, but definitely showing us someone licking those big puffy nips!)

Great job Mark, I definitely miss David in the scene but thankfully they too have new and exciting start ups that I will be supporting as well.

I agree with much of what you said Abe, however we disagree on the importance of seeing the model's face, particularly as he achieves his orgasm. If a guy is hot, I want to see his facial expression as he busts his nut. In fact, if I had to choose one, I'd take the face over the cock at the point of orgasm, but ideally a wider shot showing both is the most satisfying to me.
I'm gonna keep this simple.... butch...check.... good lookin... check... hot bod.... check... NO tats.... check... OK... you made me happy. By the way I enjoyed the creepy aspect that some were bothered by. It seemed to make it a bit more real.
Good job !
Opps... I forgot... if this is Tyler behind the camera.... bravo to you Tyler. No offense but I like you behind the camera more than I did infront of it. You are doing an excellent job there. Once again Bravo Tyler!
Opps... I forgot... if this is Tyler behind the camera.... bravo to you Tyler. No offense but I like you behind the camera more than I did infront of it. You are doing an excellent job there. Once again Bravo Tyler!

Hi ,

I will not make a judgement calls yet....altough i do like the film quality(clearity) so far and there was no buffering.

erikthbod,Tyler and the old crew including all the old models have been replaced by a new production team and all new models.

David , Eddie and the rest of you guys i will miss you lots and i am sorry to see you go:crying:

Mark and the gang good luck with the New Broke Straight Boys :001_smile:

Does anyone know if the former models pictures will disappear from the site when you sign on.


Patchogue NY
Jimmy looks like someone I've seen on another site. Someone different is behind the camera did the company change owners?

BluMedia has always been owned by myself, nothing has changed ownership.
I'm just using a different production studio to produce the actual content.

I'm gonna keep this simple.... butch...check.... good lookin... check... hot bod.... check... NO tats.... check... OK... you made me happy. By the way I enjoyed the creepy aspect that some were bothered by. It seemed to make it a bit more real.
Good job !

Right on Erik. The insidious way the Voice gentles Jimmy The Trip into acquiescence reminded me of Obi Wan Kenobi demonstrating to the young Luke Skywalker the power of the Force, using it to influence the weak mind of an Imperial Storm Trooper guarding the desert R&R facility on Tatooine.


  • tatooine-cantina-sandtrooper-landspeeder-high-definition.jpg
    79 KB · Views: 31
Did Prince Harry write Jimmy The Trip's storyline? Sunday Dialect Contest

Just checked to see how Jimmy Trip's ratings are faring, and read the synopsis. Does the Voice sound like a Brit to you? Did you pick up an "Estuary" accent on the audio? No? Well he is a subject of the Queen (probably in more ways than one) because the text that goes with the video was written in the first person singular by someone who learned the language in a Commonwealth country, probably one of the British Isles.

What are the clues?

The first language sleuth to post two giveaway brit words from the storyline on this thread gets a raunchy Mallorca teeshirt in the mail. Anyone can participate, but if you can't give me a postal address you don't get the prize.

Deidra, go for it.
Don't forget this is a solo, and solos don't get high ratings because well, they are solos :) Members told us numerous times that they wanted us to keep showing the "evolution" of our straight boys, which is what we are doing, so to me, a solo of Jimmy was the right way to go. One HUGE change also is that the new episodes have been shot a few weeks ago, so it's very fresh and that's how it's gonna be.

Also, some people don't like big changes, so it might show in the way they rate too. I don't blame them, cos I don't like changes at all but personally, I felt like we needed to. David did a great job for years but like he also said it was time for a change. It became too predictable and I caught myself skip some episodes cos I wasn't excited anymore.

Now with the new episodes, I'm always learning/seeing new things and I'm getting excited again. I always wonder what will happen in the episode. Plus I'm already in love with some of the new models :) The new content producer, is doing an awesome job.

Most of you mentioned that you were gonna give it some time before voicing your opinion, and that's a really smart and fair thing to do, and we can appreciate that. Like I said, this is a solo. Can you imagine if we had started the new Broke Straight Boys with Jimmy fucking? It wouldn't the Broke Straight Boys we all know. So again, give it more time, with 3 updates a week, trust me, you'll get your ratio of hard-ons back on track lol

ALSO, remember the members area will completely change in a couple of months, and you're going to ADORE IT :) Like seriously LOVE IT! We just didn't want to do too many drastic changes in one time right now.

So thank you so very much for your support from all of us :)
Here's a BIG HUG for y'all.
Just checked to see how Jimmy Trip's ratings are faring, and read the synopsis. Does the Voice sound like a Brit to you? Did you pick up an "Estuary" accent on the audio? No? Well he is a subject of the Queen (probably in more ways than one) because the text that goes with the video was written in the first person singular by someone who learned the language in a Commonwealth country, probably one of the British Isles.

What are the clues?

The first language sleuth to post two giveaway brit words from the storyline on this thread gets a raunchy Mallorca teeshirt in the mail. Anyone can participate, but if you can't give me a postal address you don't get the prize.

Deidra, go for it.

Hmmmm, two giveaway Brit words? Definitely bathers, the other could be clad. ......clad in his bathers, is not something I would hear when I go to the beach. Not very many people here say chat anymore, especially men.
Ms. K & a couple of others are going to be disappointed, it is not Jimmy Slater

I have been able to watch new Broke Straight Boys episodes for quite a while now, without tears of regret, that they are not Jimmie Slater..................But, I was very disappointed, that I could not watch Jimmie/Diesal in the INCREDIBLE quality that this episode was shown in.:mad:

The streaming video quality was amazing, compared to anything I have had on Broke Straight Boys before.:thumbup:

But, Ray is right. This Jimmy is not near as hot, as that Jimmie!:blush:
I have to say, I love the new changes. Like Erikthbod, I found the 'creepy' advances a bit of a turn on. The idea that we get to see the total transformation of these hot str8 guys from the very beginning is a great move for this site. I know it can sometimes be difficult for some to accept change, but within the first few episodes under these new producers, I think the rest of you will begin to 'cum' around and enjoy it as much as I do.

I was as nervous as the next member about the drastic changes to this site, but having seen the first episode and with the promise of a threesome with Jimmie lined up for the next episode, I say BRING IT ON BOYS!!! :tongue_smilie:
By the way.....This is probably a stupid question, but what makes me a junior member???

Hmmmm, two giveaway Brit words? Definitely bathers, the other could be clad. ......clad in his bathers, is not something I would hear when I go to the beach. Not very many people here say chat anymore, especially men.

MsK you get half a teeshirt for "bathers". Do you want the top half or the bottom half? The top half has sleeves and shows your tight tummy, a cutoff as we used to call it. The bottom half you can wear as a boobtube. Which?

Why hasn't anyone picked up on the other very obvious one?:001_unsure::ohmy:
MsK you get half a teeshirt for "bathers". Do you want the top half or the bottom half? The top half has sleeves and shows your tight tummy, a cutoff as we used to call it. The bottom half you can wear as a boobtube. Which?

Why hasn't anyone picked up on the other very obvious one?:001_unsure::ohmy:

Is it "note", as in $100 note?
Is it "note", as in $100 note?

You get the other half. That means only one teeshirt between the two of you if you can agree on which half you each want. Confer with each other and PM me the postal addresses. And congratulations. I love it that both winners are from the forum distaff contingent. Women are more verbally and linguistically sophisticated than men so no surprise really.

Obviously I'm only woofin' ya about cutting garments in two. PM me the size as well. Love slim.
I'm pretty much open to the whole scene with Jimmy's straight aura until I viewed his ass hole. I'm no doctor but that hole seemed to have had tractor trailers driving through it on a regular basis. I could be wrong but here's another cowboy who been to too many rodeos.