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Hello, my name is Mikey........and I am a Jimmyaholic..........it has been 37 seconds since my last Jimmy fix.:001_tt2::001_tt2::001_tt2:

And tonight is only Wednesday and my next meeting is not until Thursday night. I need a fix desperately. I'm "jonesin' for a fix of jimmy". :scared:
Sounds like a plan Robb. You can pick me up in time for this Thursday's meeting, but you may not recognize me as I will be wearing dark glasses and a phony mustache, as I wouldn't want any of my friends to know my deep dark secret that I am a recovering Jimmyholic. :ohmy:
Hello, my name is Mikey........and I am a Jimmyaholic..........it has been 37 seconds since my last Jimmy fix.:001_tt2::001_tt2::001_tt2:

How did you find me Ms. K??????

I thought that my disguise would keep me anonymous. Foiled again. Drat.

At least tonight is my meeting. I'll be waiting for Robb to pick me up in his sidecar. :biggrin:
Enough already!
Robert, and Ms. K and myself are having some fun with this thread, with what we consider to be funny images and goofy scenarios, "playing" with this subject matter in a light hearted way.

When I see that thread that doesn't interest me, I do not click on it. That is how I avoid subjects and images that do not interest or may "offend" me.
At least you have a therapist Mike... Thank heaven I got JLipps...


Just tell your therapist DeeteeDub is the enabler.... Johnny Rapid is real cute too... Must have this video...
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I apologize for any and all therapies, past and now present, that have resulted due to this thread...

This was a hot trailer, and a hilarious opening! And, typical Jimmy in a good way. :) I've seen Jimmy in some of the Reality Kings gay sites, and am still waiting to see him do some straight porn as they have way more straight porn sites than gay ones! I'd love to see how he interacts differently with a beautiful woman, when he's in his element.
My compliments for your impeccable taste in straight men, Abe. Let's keep informed on this forum about every Jimmy video that hits the market. And there are plenty already!

You are welcome to join Jimmyholics Anonymous at http://members.brokestraightboys.com...php?groupid=27
Sorry Robert. I didn't realize it was a real group that one could join, until now.

I am now the third official member of the society. :thumbup1::001_tongue:
Here's your Jimmy Johnson alert update.

His new episode, "Deep Tissue" with Logan Vaughn is now available at Men.com.

Here's the link to view the preview: http://www.men.com/scene/view/id/506/deep-tissue/?

I didn't like this episode as much as his prior episode but not because of his performance. This is the standard "I need a massage" video. Logan goes for a massage because he's been working out too much and strained a muscle. Jimmy is the masseuse. Guess what happens next? Doesn't every massage end up with the masseuse fucking his client?

Jimmy hasn't been bestowed with the title "exclusive model" as yet, but he seems to have found a home at the Men.com stable.
No happy ending

"Doesn't every massage end up with the masseuse fucking his client?"

Not according to John Travolta's niminy-piminy masseuses...


PS: Indeed Logan Vaughn is not that hot at all. Jimmy seems to do a great job.
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Here's your Jimmy Johnson alert update.

His new episode, "Deep Tissue" with Logan Vaughn is now available at Men.com.

Here's the link to view the preview: http://www.men.com/scene/view/id/506/deep-tissue/?

I didn't like this episode as much as his prior episode but not because of his performance. This is the standard "I need a massage" video. Logan goes for a massage because he's been working out too much and strained a muscle. Jimmy is the masseuse. Guess what happens next? Doesn't every massage end up with the masseuse fucking his client?

Jimmy hasn't been bestowed with the title "exclusive model" as yet, but he seems to have found a home at the Men.com stable.
I thank you deeteedub for keeping me informed of the latest Jimmy updates. Again, I do find it ironic that you have become the "keeper of the flame" of keeping tabs on Jimmy, but I sincerely appreciate it.

Jimmy's first gay for pay video was released here on April 1, 2011, and now a year and four months later, Jimmy is still gainfully employed in the gay adult industry, and from the evidence that you have presented deeteedub, he apparently has stuck to his guns and is only topping. I've been very adamant about not wanting to see Jimmy bottom, as I was against many straight models here ever bottoming.

I always like to know what has happened to former Broke Straight Boys models and especially someone who I was so fond of. It is very cool of you to provide these updates. :thumbup1:

You're welcome.

It's true that I was never a Jimmy fan, but that doesn't mean I want to deny anyone else his work.

I think I mentioned before that in my opinion Jimmy seems to do much better when he's performing on video under direction. Over at Men.com, everything is scripted. And even though it's scripted, the real Jimmy still seeps through. And he's not a bad actor either.

So best of luck to Jimmy 2.0!
so anthony is broke and STRAIGHT? but doing gay porn on other websites? oooooK lol

Jimmy hasn't been bestowed with the title "exclusive model" as yet, but he seems to have found a home at the Men.com stable.

I have to chuckle at the way Jimmy talked about how he couldn't wait to move on to doing straight porn when he left here. Even though he already knew that straight porn wouldn't pay anything. And even though he knew it would be tough competition to even get hired. Then he also wanted to convince us that any other Broke Straight Boys models who did work on other gay sites proved to him (and therefore should've proven to us) that these models were really gay or bi.

I know next to nothing about Men.com. But I think they are more gay, than gay for pay. In any case, Men.com has either made a good business decision or a huge mistake. Does this mean Jimmy is gay or bi now? Men.com is trumpeting the news that have signed Jimmy Johnson to an exclusive contract.

Rots o' ruck to them over there.

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Thanks for the link Tampa, I've never visited that site before. That Johnny Rapid is hot isn't he, but he seems quite well used these days, his butt must be like the top of a Wellington boot.
I have to chuckle at the way Jimmy talked about how he couldn't wait to move on to doing straight porn when he left here. Even though he already knew that straight porn wouldn't pay anything. And even though he knew it would be tough competition to even get hired. Then he also wanted to convince us that any other Broke Straight Boys models who did work on other gay sites proved to him (and therefore should've proven to us) that these models were really gay or bi.

I know next to nothing about Men.com. But I think they are more gay, than gay for pay. In any case, Men.com has either made a good business decision or a huge mistake. Does this mean Jimmy is gay or bi now? Men.com is trumpeting the news that have signed Jimmy Johnson to an exclusive contract.

Rots o' ruck to them over there.

Tampa, I'm sure that you realized when you made your post that I would feel the need to add my two cents in.

While I recently did say that Jimmy was over-used on this site, in a much too frequent rotation, I still enjoyed his work here, and think that he is a very friendly, cool guy.

I do have a different memory of Jimmy's comments on the forum, regarding the subjects you mentioned. First I don't remember his saying "he couldn't wait to move on to doing straight porn when he left here." In fact, I can't recall his ever telling us that he was leaving here. What I do recall his saying is that he is straight and not gay, and does not enjoy having sex with a dude.

He also said that he would never bottom here unless they paid him a ridiculous amount of money. He also said that he would get fucked if it was a girl with a strap on, (although I do believe that it was said facetiously), or that he would bottom for a guy if he owned the site and took in the profits from such a scene. But I can't recall as you said, "Jimmy talked about how he couldn't wait to move on to doing straight porn when he left here."

His comment about Anthony or any other model leaving here and having gay sex on film, involved them bottoming. And say what you will about Jimmy, through all the visual evidence provided on this thread and elsewhere, Jimmy to this day has stuck to his guns and never been penetrated in a scene.

I believe that Men.com has made a wise business decision to give Jimmy an exclusive contract. I mentioned before that I have an internet friend that I met years ago on another free gay website with a forum. He doesn't know Broke Straight Boys, but sent me a link to a scene with Jimmy a few months ago, and told me that I would really like this guy, so Jimmy obviously attracts a lot of gay men who enjoy the concept or fantasy of having gay sex with a hot young straight guy.

Tampa. You also mentioned recently that you believe that Jimmy's being here lead to people leaving this site. I doubt if Jimmy really had much of a negative effect on membership here, as many folks come and go, and the few vocal forumites who left, may have left anyway. Aside from a small group of us "loyalists" to Broke Straight Boys, many forumites come and go, and some come back, and some remain away. It is the nature of the porn industry.

Finally, I am a bit surprised by your closing statement, "Rots o' ruck to them over there." Why would you wish that site or Jimmy anything negative? I actually congratulate Jimmy for turning his foray into gay for pay porn into what appears to be a very successful career.

Well Tampa, you knew that your post would get a rise out of me, and it did. I'm sure this discursion will be continued. But I still love ya, Tampa. :biggrin: