Well-known Member
Hi Asi, take a look at the 2012 New York Pride BTS when you get some time. Apart from a great interview with our forum friend Mikey, around the 45 mark Jason answers some of your questions.
Hey GRACE17,
Thank You. I enjoyed this BTS installment. And you're right, Jason pretty much covered all my questions posted here.
I think that batch of BSBoys ( Jason, Denver Grand, Blake Bennet) were more sexually evolved.
I have a renewed CRUSH on Jason. Count me in, I'm riding the Jason Bandwagon !!!
BTW, the sound is way better-considering it was filmed with a handheld video cam (inside a hotel room without studio lights),
I still heard every word spoken by everybody.
Unlike SHA's Straight Talk where I was straining to hear what's being said given that it was supposedly a studio production.
I recommend this to the forum for a revisit/rewatch.
... I like the last segment-cab ride story of Denver meeting a gentlewoman. - HILARIOUS.