Food is good. The way to a
man's heart is through his
stomach. But how well do rBar and WebMonkey match?
We know that WebMonkey is a PHP programmer for profession, we have seen what he does for living. WebMonkey is hard to get, but can be had. Let's go slow tho.
Fuzzy handcuffs or regular?
- regular
Would you let your aging parent live with you if they were well enough, or put them in a nursing home?
- I love my mother, she is an amazing human being, but, she is only 62, and already drives me crazy. This is a tough call, and would depend on a lot of different things. (do I get points for honesty?)
Elvis or the Beatles?
- Elvis, but Im not a particular fan of either.
BeeGees or Stones?
- Stones, all the way. But I do like the Bee Gees too...
Star Wars or Star Trek?
- Star Wars!!! (The original 3 movies only)
Automatic or Manual?
- Automatic. I've got better things to do manually! 
City or Country?
- Good question. I want to say country, but the truth is I'd be bored after a very short while.
Morning or Evening?
- Evening. I am a definite night owl! And a bit of an insomniac to boot! I do love to nap during the day, though!
What was your favorite Halloween costume and why?
- I went dressed as a baby a couple of years ago. Diaper, T-shirt, booties, bonnet, the works! I think it was diaper - didn't leave much to the imagination...
If you could have dinner with any three people from any time, fictional or non-fictional, who would they be and why?
1. My Dad (He passed when I was 21 and I miss him every day. We had a fight the day before he died, and I just want 1 more chance to tell him that I love him and tell him I'm sorry.)
2. Mary Magdalene (I've got a shitload of questions to ask her!)
3. Anne Rices The Vampire Armand (His smoldering sensuality was only hinted at by Antonio Banderas' portrayal in the movie)
If you could be invisible, where would you go and what would you do?
- Blake's house! Guess! LOL
If your life was turned into a movie, what actor would play you?
- Ooooh! Good one! Um, I'm gonna go with Kiefer Sutherland, although I think I'm better looking.
What made you laugh the hardest in your entire life?
- You may not get the reference, but, about 12 years ago, my co-worker Paul, with whom I'd never gotten along, referred to an effeminate, but straight, visiting executive as Captain K-Y (said like Captain Cavemaaaaaaaan! - the 70's cartoon), at a banquet, while said executive was making a speech thanking us for our hard work and dedication doing the transportation for Superbowl Atlanta. We were both sleep deprived from the 20 hour days we'd been working for the last 2 weeks, and I lost it. I started cackling, which made Paul laugh, which made me laugh harder, which made Paul laugh harder, etc, until we both literally fell off our chairs and were lying on the floor convulsing with laughter. We were both asked to remove ourselves from the room until we could maintain our composure. We walked out and never went back in. Paul swears he didn't know I had a sense of humor before that moment, and we've been like brothers ever since!
What's your favorite childhood memory?
- Spending the weekends with my Grandmother.
If you were a waiter and a customer was being rude, would you spit in their food?
- Never.
What's the craziest place you ever had sex?
- Does in my ex-fiances bed, with her brother, count? If not, how about a bathroom stall at JFK's AA terminal? The parking lot at Jones Beach, in a convertible, with the top down? The dancefloor at The Copa in NY? The smoking patio at my local bar? On a carousel at a kiddie park (at night, with no one around!)? You pick.
What's the hardest thing you've ever done?
- Answered that last question! LOL. Actually, hands down, it was moving across the country, to a state where I knew no one, and leaving my amazing family.
If you were an animal, what would you be?
- I honestly don't know. Maybe a Panda?
How would you like to spend a Sunday afternoon?
- It may be a cliche, but I'd have to say, in bed with my significant other, enjoying each others company, reading, talking, kissing, relaxing, relating, napping, making love, fucking...