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I'm bored .... Helppp

Damn, I was only up to page 390 of this thread and now it's been bumped. What a dilemma! Do I proceed with new posts, and skip all the earth-shattering stuff in between? Or go back and continue from page 391?

I think my OCD will determine the course of action....

Such hard decisions!

Gotta go run to the airport and pick up a friend who's going to teach at my school this year. Will be quite a change for her from Albuquerque where it's brown and dry, whereas here it's green and very humid, especially now that the rainy season is in full force.

Getting my friend settled in will take me away from Broke Straight Boys for some time ;-( Will check in when I can.

Yes Gary sorry to hear about Jon, jeez he's just one year younger than me. My Uncle was rushed to hospital a few years ago with a suspected blood clot after he complained about pains around the eyes. The docs found this anurism which they operated with success. He now takes blood thinning tables and has been okay since.
Jon, my Jon is also on blood thinners and probably will be for the rest of his life.
From what his mother tells me is that Jon was born with an anurism and several weeks ago he was complaining of severe headaches and his left arm was tingling, so that is when he was taken to the hospital. This is where the blood clot came in and they did emergency surgery. In fact, I understand they lost Jon while he was in surgery, but thank the good Lord, they were able to bring him back to life. What a scary time.

Tampa, nice to hear that you are staying on with us.
Jon is my partner. We have known each other since he was in high school but didn't get serious with a relationship until he turned 18.
I know a lot of you members are thinking that I robbed the cradle. It was a mutual decision on both of our parts.
Jon has had a rough up bringing with no father figure there to help him out and his mom worked all the time, so I told her that I would take him and see to it that he finished school, which unfortunately he didn't. I could still kick his tail for that. We've lived together off an on and finally he moved out of my place on the 29th of May and moved back in with him mom. We have never given up on one another, we just needed our own space for awhile.
Tampa, nice to hear that you are staying on with us.
Jon is my partner. We have known each other since he was in high school but didn't get serious with a relationship until he turned 18.
I know a lot of you members are thinking that I robbed the cradle. It was a mutual decision on both of our parts.
Jon has had a rough up bringing with no father figure there to help him out and his mom worked all the time, so I told her that I would take him and see to it that he finished school, which unfortunately he didn't. I could still kick his tail for that. We've lived together off an on and finally he moved out of my place on the 29th of May and moved back in with him mom. We have never given up on one another, we just needed our own space for awhile.

Nice story Gary which in itself probably deserves it's own thread or it will be lost in the hundreds of pages in this one. The older/younger partnership has always intrigued me and although, at this time, I have no intentions of having an older partner, maybe when I'm older I will seak younger, unless of course I'm happy in a relationship. Seems a bit selfish I suppose, but hey that's life.

And don't worry about what reaction you get by people who don't know what a special relationship is. Love is not ageist, so what the hell if he is xx years younger than yourself, if you both love each other you will overcome the odd setback like that of him going back to his mother. Having your own space is good, especially as a teenager. Good luck to you and to Jon in his health.
Well said Jon. I would never throw stones at people who were happy and in love. Regardless of an age difference.


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This thread was started two years ago by Kodieboy, because he was bored one night.
As you can see it has over 4627 posts which in itself is an achievement.
It did this because it was somewhere where forumites could come & say whatever they wished (civil wise that is) on whatever subject they liked.
This thread did several things:-
1. It allowed forumites to have somewhere to go in order to open up about anything without disrupting other threads by going off topic.
2. It was a good meeting place for forumites to open up & get to know each other.
3. It allowed forumites to blow off some steam, without anybody getting hurt.

So I have decided to bump it up with the hope that members will find it useful.
A general chat thread. What a great idea. These things can be golden...and nonsensical...and plain stupid. Right up my alley.

I'm late for going out to dinner. I better get my ass in gear or I'll have a second beer here. I've already listened to one vinyl side of that great punk band, The Dickies, tonight. That alone should have gotten me out the door.

This will. Adios.
A general chat thread. What a great idea. These things can be golden...and nonsensical...and plain stupid. Right up my alley.

I'm late to for going out to dinner. I better get my ass in gear or I'll have a second beer here. I've already listened to one vinyl side of that great punk band, The Dickies, tonight. That alone should have gotten me out the door.

This will. Adios.
Thanks Ray for bringing this thread back to life again. I really enjoyed it alot and enjoyed what people had to say.

Do you hear anything from Kodie anymore. I think about him often.
Hope this finds you doing well.

Thanks Ray for bringing this thread back to life again. I really enjoyed it alot and enjoyed what people had to say.

Do you hear anything from Kodie anymore. I think about him often.
Hope this finds you doing well.

Thanks Ray for bringing this thread back to life again. I really enjoyed it alot and enjoyed what people had to say.

Do you hear anything from Kodie anymore. I think about him often.
Hope this finds you doing well.


Hi Gary,
Long time no chat.
I thought it was a good time to bring this thread back in light of the current upheaval.
How are you? How is your Jon?
All good with me, just been busy working & trying to keep out of trouble - hehe.
I haven't heard from Kodie since he went back to work about 12 months ago, I miss him & his fish slapping.
For the past dozen years, I've started off Sunday morning with folk music. I'm listening to NPR's morning news show right now while I have my first cup of coffee but soon it will be time to pull out the vinyl and get folked up. The first record will be a bunch of young kids, Good Old War, who are part of the new acoustic guitars/high harmonies movement out there (if you haven't heard last year's hot new band, Mumford & Sons, or the fabulous Fleet Foxes record from two years ago and you like harmonies, you should get these immediately). Good Old War has a nice Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young feel to them and will be a great way to start the day.

It took me months to finally retire the Avett Brothers breakout record, I And Love And You, which is in this same vein and is maybe the best of the bunch. I was playing it three or more times a week for quite a while. Those brother harmonies are addicting.
And from there onto the classic John Prine record, Sweet Revenge:

Dear Abby, Dear Abby
My fountain pen leaks
My wife hollers at me and my kids are all freaks
Every side I get up on is the wrong side of bed
If it weren't so expensive I'd wish I were dead.
Signed, Unhappy.

Unhappy, Unhappy
You have no complaint
You are what your are and you ain't what you ain't
So listen up buster, and listen up good
Stop wishing for bad luck and knocking on wood.
Signed, Dear Abby.
I've been in bed sick with Strep Throat for the last two days. My kids are being great. I got breakfast in bed this morning and they check up on me periodically. I caught up on Californication. I finally watched The Producers and Sex and the City 2. Oh, and I watched The Wolfman. I'm starting to feel human again after 24 hours on antibiotics. Now I'm bored out of my mind.
I've been in bed sick with Strep Throat for the last two days. My kids are being great. I got breakfast in bed this morning and they check up on me periodically. I caught up on Californication. I finally watched The Producers and Sex and the City 2. Oh, and I watched The Wolfman. I'm starting to feel human again after 24 hours on antibiotics. Now I'm bored out of my mind.

Sorry to see you are not well, but glad to see you are on the mend Lovelumps.
If boredom is what it is about then you have come to the right place, read through some of the posts on this thread & you will be totally bored .... oops I mean you will get a laugh I am sure :thumbup:
lovelumps, sorry you're ill. When my mom was sick, as a kid, I couldn't understand that. I just wanted her to be my mom again. I'm glad your kids are being so helpful.

Don't push it. Strep can lure you into thinking you're well and then, blammo, you're back in bed, sicker than ever, after a day of trying to be a normal human being once again.

My musical day is currently being spent with one of my muses, Miles Davis. I listened first to a favorite, the 1958 recording of Gershwin's Porgy & Bess, with a big band arrangement by Gil Evans and Miles on flugelhorn. I'm currently listening to a Second Quintet record by Miles that I've never heard before, Nefertiti. It's very good although I already know I'll need something more melodic to finish the night. I've got Elvis Costellos new record, National Ransom, of which I've only heard one side of the double vinyl package. It was produced by T-Bone Burnett, a guy who has kept popping into my life since 1976. This new Elvis album has got to be at least decent. His last one, Secret, Profane & Sugarcane, another T-Bone Bunett production, was terrific.

This is what's so fine about music. 24 hours ago I was listening to punk rock. Now I'm into free-form jazz. Louis Armstrong said it best. There are two kinds of music, good music and bad music. He liked good music.