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I'm bored .... Helppp

Smiley and Ray,

Thanks for the well wishes. I popped into work this morning for a meeting, and came home immediately after. I'm feeling like an additional day of rest is necessary. I'm fortunate that my kids are old enough to be mostly self-sufficient. They were disappointed that the weekend wasn't more fun, but they made the best of it. Lots of xbox was played from what I understand.


I started working through that thread and it made me sleepy... so I guess the nap helped relieve some of the boredom:)


It must be so fun to browse through your record collection! I hate to admit that I'm not a big Miles Davis fan. I appreciate his ingenuity and contributions. Perhaps I haven't been exposed enough, although my husband owns 4 albums, but not the one you mentioned. Bill Evans is more my speed when it comes to Jazz. I'm down with Gershwin for sure and I love Elvis Costello. I'll have to check out that new album.
Lovelumps, glad you are feeling better. Take it easy with strep. It's too long of a story to go into here but nine years ago a strep infection came very close to killing me. Now it was a deep wound infection, so it was a little more serious, but strep is nothing to play with.

You make me look. There is Bill Evans and Gil Evans. I have records by both. Bill Evans was a lovely, lyrical piano player who died way too young. As you say, he is a joy to listen to, with his lilting melodies and strong rhythm. Gil Evans was also a piano player, lived to the ripe age of 76, but was an arranger and composer as well and was the one who worked with Miles.

I have listened to Elvis' new record, National Ransom, all the way through by now, and while I'm not ready to put it aside, it isn't the record his last one, Secrets, Profane and Sugarcane, was. If you want some great later Elvis, that is the record to buy. It has a skunky, Southern feel to it.

And yes, my record collection is a fun one to go through. This picture is a few years old. I've squeezed another eight to ten feet of records into the cabinets since it was taken. I'm running out of room again. :biggrin:

wow, smiley, I'm impressed :) a true vinyl aficionado... glad you didn't blow out your eardrums from the loud 70s rock concerts where the speakers sent sound waves through your body. Bet you not many today could detect the subtle sound nuances between virgin vinyl and CDs
Thanks, folks. I've been lucky I've never lost my records to a flood or carelessness.

rrhill - No thanks. I'll keep my vinyl.

Neil Young said it best. Analog feels like cool water pouring over your head. CDs feel like ice cubes falling on your head.

Don't get me wrong. I have drawers and drawers of CDs. And I make live and studio recordings using high end digital - 96K 24bit, as opposed to the normal College Dudes rates of 44.1K sampling and 16 bit word lengths. 96K 24bit digital sounds great.

But there is a warmth, depth and detail in good analog recordings that even the best CDs can't touch.
My husband has been converting his vinyl collection to mp3 so we can listen on our iTunes. It's worked out pretty well. I just had to sit through months of a mess in my living room. He's finally finished. *whew* His collection was mostly punk and new wave from the 70s and 80s. Oh, and there was the Ska...

Yes, I did mean Bill Evans. My brother is a professional musician and for his and our entertainment favors playing Bill's pieces. Of course, he's just as likely to play from whichever opera he is currently conducting and might lampoon it a touch, which is always fun. I'll take your advice on The Elvis Costello.

One of my most recent purchases is an oldie from my childhood. My parents loved Herb Alpert. I remember listening to him often, but my favorite song of his was This Guy's In Love With You. My mom always sang "What The World Needs Now" by Burt Bacharach to me at bedtime, so that's on my playlist as well.
My apologies

What? Blake feels bored... and I remembered this thread - over 4500 entries - so I upped this thread for Blake. What's so perverse about my help?
I'm sorry Robert. You meant it in good faith to bring this thread back for Blake to express himself on. This thread goes back to my early days on the forum, when I had thought the forum was here to just discuss the size of guy's dicks, their trajectory of their orgasms, and the like. And I didn't think much of this thread which I thought was just folks talking about nonsense, such as the time of day in their part of the world.

However I now realize that this is a very important thread, as one of the therapeutic values of this forum is to give us a place to express our inner thoughts to others, where as there may be no one in our "real" lives willing to listen. And as I went back to read some of the thoughts expressed here, I have a new appreciation of the "I'm Bored" thread. A belated thank you to KodieBoy for starting it in May 2009, and to Robert for bringing it back in October, 2012. :nicethread:
I'm sorry Robert. You meant it in good faith to bring this thread back for Blake to express himself on. This thread goes back to my early days on the forum, when I had thought the forum was here to just discuss the size of guy's dicks, their trajectory of their orgasms, and the like. And I didn't think much of this thread which I thought was just folks talking about nonsense, such as the time of day in their part of the world.

However I now realize that this is a very important thread, as one of the therapeutic values of this forum is to give us a place to express our inner thoughts to others, where as there may be no one in our "real" lives willing to listen. And as I went back to read some of the thoughts expressed here, I have a new appreciation of the "I'm Bored" thread. A belated thank you to KodieBoy for starting it in May 2009, and to Robert for bringing it back in October, 2012. :nicethread:
Nice save, Mike.:001_rolleyes:
You're so right Mikey that people come to the forum looking for different things. Many of us start out thinking that the potential of the forum is confined to just talking about penises and various sex acts. Others come here and either look for or help create something more. Such was the case with Kodie. (And Ray)

Kodie came here at a tough point in his life where he was lonely, socially isolated and in need of emotional support. He had a wonderful partner but he was working all the time to support the household. In some kind of odd twist Kodie agreed to quit his own job and stay home to help the live-in mother-in-law. After being used to working full time himself around lots of people, and then ending up at home 24/7 with his partner's mother...he was climbing the walls in no time. lol Kodie gave it several months but it was just not working out. Eventually he and his partner arranged some kind of in-home care for the mother-in-law while they were gone. Kodie went back to work full time and moved on with his life.

That's the Reader's Digest oversimplified explanation for this thread. :)
Thanks for the story about the origins of this thread Tampa.

Today there exist people at a tough point in life, feel lonely, socially isolated and are in need of emotional support. People like Blake...


Whenever one feels bored... post here please!
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Thanks for the story about the origins of this thread Tampa.

Today there exist people at a tough point in life, feel lonely, socially isolated and are in need of emotional support. People like Blake...


Whenever one feels bored... post here please!
I agree Robert, 100%. It could be the most important thread on the whole message board, if it can serve that kind of purpose. I appreciate your helping me recognize that it is a very cool thread. :nicethread:
Welcome in Broke Straight Boys Hotel

Another great thing is, one never can be off-topic in this thread. Anything goes...

Love the house Grace
It looks exactly how I imagined our virtual Broke Straight Boys hotel / bar.


It includes the virtual dining room for the members and the Broke Straight Boys bar.


Bedrooms with a view for the Elite members that live here...


And the queen-sized beds in the guest rooms for visitors like me

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Another great thing is, one never can be off-topic in this thread. Anything goes...

Love the house Grace
It looks exactly how I imagined our virtual Broke Straight Boys hotel / bar.


It includes the virtual dining room for the members and the Broke Straight Boys bar.


Bedrooms with a view for the Elite members that live here...


And the queen-sized beds in the guest rooms for visitors like me

No no Robert, as one of the "elite" members, it is my pleasure to show you the three guest bedrooms from which you are free to choose whenever your travels take you this way, to the virtual Broke Straight Boys hotel.

And by the way Robert, much like the Hotel California, at the virtual Broke Straight Boys hotel, you can also "check-out any time you like, But you can never leave!"


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