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HSBOYS is Redesigned (from the ground up)


BluMedia Staff
Staff member
Oct 18, 2008
Reaction score
Denver, CO
Hello Everyone,

I am very proud to announce that we have launched the new HSBoys today. I know we did a redesign a few weeks ago I mentioned, but this was just to move from HSBoys/members to members.HSBoys with a facelift design.

Today we have launched the new website with the entire backend database restructured and using the latest and greatest technology so the pages loads quickly and display results you are specifically looking for.

Some of the new features you will notice:

1. Recently Updated (home page: the feed which has been updated will update daily displaying the full description, date updated and thumb)

2. Top 10 Members Favorites (home page: this section will update daily based on the current member votes for each feed, keep in mind this will display more accurately as more members start to vote for their favorite feeds)

3. Whats Ahead (home page: Coming soon is actually updated daily, now you will see what feed will be updating in the coming days/weeks)

4. Search (Search by exact match or mobile friendly feeds only)

5. New Thumbs Logos added (some thumbs/logos will be added and replaced)

6. Sort by Horizontal or box layout (coming soon, you can change the display layout to your own personal preference)

7. New category sort listings for every provider (sort all the video providers, content, niche, oral, cum, big dick, bi-sexual etc)

8. New star ratings (vote 1-5 stars for each website and sort under "videos" change your vote as often as you'd like)

9. Mobile Friendly option (displays only those feeds which are designed to work on your phone or tablet device)

10. Sort by Top Rated (we just launched and may feeds don't have any votes yet, wait over the next few weeks, I encourage you to vote for your favorites so our site will update, you can change your vote at any time)

11. Navigation is always at the top (Now when you visit each feed, our quick link are always displayed at the top)

12. New feeds added (Several new feeds have been added, a few examples include: bi-sexual highway, straight men, hot cam boyz, social media, more coming soon)​


If you see any information which is incorrect please let us know by sending a support trouble ticket (can be found at the top right, or send me a PM. )

Info such as: a feed has not been updated but our system said it has been, or the opposite a feed said it has not been updated but it really has, a feed which has an incorrect description, link is not working, feed in wrong category. Etc.

Thank you so much for your patience and helping us create the best websites for you.

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Chuck, a lot of this I don't understand, being a computer luddite and all, but I know if you've done it, it will be first rate. Thanks for all you do to make Broke Straight Boys a great and enjoyable site.
Sorry. That site does not appeal to me at all, but I am sure your efforts are indeed worthy of a proper note of gratitude. Know, Chuck, you are indeed sincerely appreciated.
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I noticed that. we will have that fixed soon, sorry about that.

Hello, Chuck. Feel free to bite anytime. Some of us have our personal idiosyncrasies! LOL
Have you not heard? "Love...means never having to say you are sorry."
When the changes first started to happen I wasn't a fan of them. I just checked it out, and it looks great Chuck!!! Easy access and able to get around the site easier. I know you spent a lot of time re-vamping this site, and it was worth it. Thanks Buddy