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How to create a new thread


Well-known Member
Oct 14, 2008
Reaction score
Dallas TX
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://members.Broke Straight Boys.com/jwplayer/swfobject.js"></script>First, choose the actual forum that you want your new thread posted in, for instance, we have this introductions forum section for those who would like to get to know others. We have the membership site chat for anyone who wants to discuss anything related to our websites. Or General site chat where pretty much anything goes.

Once in the forum section, click on the "post new thread" button located at the top left of the page.

Screen Shot 2014-04-02 at 2.48.36 PM.jpg

Next a page will open where you can enter the Title of your post, the entire body text of the post and any images you want to upload. (how to upload images is discussed here)

Screen Shot 2014-04-02 at 2.49.05 PM.jpg

You may enter "tags" so others can find related words to your post such as: Flip Flop, Oral Scene, Fun Weekend, etc. Smiley faces or icons on the right column.

<script type="text/javascript">var so = new SWFObject("http://members.Broke Straight Boys.com/jwplayer/player.swf","mpl","640","504","9"); so.addParam("allowfullscreen","true"); so.addParam("allowscriptaccess","always"); so.addParam("wmode","opaque"); so.addVariable("file","http://members.Broke Straight Boys.com/howto/How-to-create-a-new-thread.mp4"); so.addVariable("image","http://members.Broke Straight Boys.com/howto/How-to-create-a-new-thread.gif"); so.write("mediaspace");</script>
Hi from the US midwest. Just wanted to say hi. I Like Broke Straight Boys because the guys seem more on the real side even if they may or may not be actors. Thats about it for now. I want to read more posts, before I put up much more.
Hi from the US midwest. Just wanted to say hi. I Like Broke Straight Boys because the guys seem more on the real side even if they may or may not be actors. Thats about it for now. I want to read more posts, before I put up much more.

Well hello! and welcome to the site and forum; it's a great place to hang out, see gorgeous guys, talk and have a good time. Let's see from the Midwest: honest, down to earth, hardworking, well mannered, devilish charm, and of course...sexy as hell; I love the Midwest...yeehaaaaa, ride me! (well shit, that won't work, I'm a cowgirl). And a "howdy" from Texas! Here's a little something I pulled to "set you straight...and hard that is!" Don't be a stranger...we likes 'em "beefy" like our big redwood, Connor!


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