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Congratulations to New Baseball Hall of Famers - Ken Griffey Junior & Mike Piazza


Long time forumite
Oct 24, 2008
Reaction score
Brooklyn New York
I was just watching the Hall of Fame press conference for the two new electees into baseball's hall of fame and they are both class guys. Ken Griffey Junior will be the first Seattle Mariner inducted and Piazza the second New York Met. Of course the Yankees have over thirty, (of course. lol) with Mariano Rivera and Derek Jeter on the way, but it is still cool to see the greatest of the great and how proud they are to be elected. The official induction will be this summer in beautiful Cooperstown, New York.



Ken Griffy graduated from Donora a small steel town(now a rust belt casualty) Just down river from me on the Monongahela. Even in high school he was a star in multiple sports. I saw him play my high school once in baseball Terrific sportsman
Ken Griffy graduated from Donora a small steel town(now a rust belt casualty) Just down river from me on the Monongahela. Even in high school he was a star in multiple sports. I saw him play my high school once in baseball Terrific sportsman
He sure is one of the best baseball players ever and I'm sure was a terrific all round athlete too.
He sure is one of the best baseball players ever and I'm sure was a terrific all round athlete too.

We loved him here in Seattle! It was very cool to have his Dad playing with him while they were Mariners, that story never got old.. I also read the "the kid" got the highest % of votes then any other person in baseball history.
By the way, Donora was the sight of the infamous 8 day "killer smog" as a result of an inversion , trapping steel mill fumes in the valley! 8 people died and scores were left with damaged lungs as a result of sulfuric acid forming from emmissions and water vapor. I believe some of Griffy's relatives were affected!