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Hey you sexy people

Wonderful! If you ever get the sense that things are going in a bad direction or spiraling out of control...please send out an S.O.S. and get the help and support of other good friends around him. And please don't feel that you have to take all of it on yourself.
Sadly StraightCurious94 as you know him has been having a WHOLE lot of trouble at home he has kinda gotten into a wrong crowd lost focus in life it's sad he is not taking anything or dealing but he is with a crowd that does drugs often and he has held drugs for people before, I am going to see him tomorrow gonna help him sort out his passport and mine at the same time give him something to focus on and make him remember friends are always there for him, he keeps meaning to come on the site missing everyone on here when he was talking on the forum everything was going so well then suddenly when we finished our A-levels he just stopped doing anything productive just living off his families money really, I gotta help him get back on track

I will do he doesn't need to run with them I need my lad back I don't even know why he is with them maybe it's a model thing like he does model often so maybe he is having body issues but I dnt see why the kid is fit as fuck lol, anyway yeah I am for sure seeing him tomorrow and gonna help him in anyway possible btw b4 you ask, no he is not explored and curiosity he has with me lol and I will deffo send him your regards cos I know he liked chats with you :) I love how u put x's at the end of each time you type tehe aren't u cute

You hear stories about the modeling crowd, just like any other celebrity, or aspiring celebrity group. Stories about the partying and craziness. I hope that he returns to his real friends soon. All of you guys that hang together, just need to grab him and remind him of the "real" friendships that he has. It will work, as long as there have not been any drugs involved........once drugs get involved, the pull they have on someone can be overwhelming.

Good luck Ty. If his friend Zane Tate is not involved in the "bad" crowd, you might want to ask him to get involved. If SC is looking to the modeling/celebrity type crowd to help his career progress, Zane Tate may be able to help him get into one that is a better fit....no grugs, etc.

SC is very lucky to have good friends that want to help him out.
Welcome to the site and forum, Ty! Know that you are in my prayers as you help our friend, straightcurious94 as is he.

Thank You for that Ms.K yeah I think I should try and get into contact with Zane Tate and help him out I don't understand why he has gone into this crowd I think it's simply maybe because he feels like his life is going nowhere and the trouble with his family is too much so now he knows a crowd that if it ever gets too much he knows he can contact them but when I see him today I am going to help him as best I can take him out to see old friends and stuff like that just help him get back on track, I will tell him y'all are wishing him the best of luck and hopefully that will help him as well knowing that he has the wishes of forumites he truly liked talking to being involved even if it is just online that support is there and he will be happy to have it.

Thank you all for the support I'll send all your love to him and hopefully you shall see him on the forums the happy dude we know him as
Thank you all for the support I'll send all your love to him and hopefully you shall see him on the forums the happy dude we know him as

Our love for him and our support for you both is genuine Ty. Once we befriend someone in here we are there for them for the long haul. Please do pass on our love and best wishes to him. And of course don't forget to tell him we miss him. We also understand though when things come up in life and computer time has to take a backseat.
So I went to see StraightCurious yesterday he seemed really well we went to the gym we spoke to his family in America to help with his passport we to the mall with some friends and then ended up sleeping ever one of our friends houses I spent the day with him today as well just making him realize his friends are always there for him and he can always talk to us he doesn't need some outreach at the gym we also got a personal trainer who will go to his house and gym as well so that should also keep him on track :D
Sadly StraightCurious94 as you know him has been having a WHOLE lot of trouble at home he has kinda gotten into a wrong crowd lost focus in life it's sad he is not taking anything or dealing but he is with a crowd that does drugs often and he has held drugs for people before, I am going to see him tomorrow gonna help him sort out his passport and mine at the same time give him something to focus on and make him remember friends are always there for him, he keeps meaning to come on the site missing everyone on here when he was talking on the forum everything was going so well then suddenly when we finished our A-levels he just stopped doing anything productive just living off his families money really, I gotta help him get back on track

So I went to see StraightCurious yesterday he seemed really well we went to the gym we spoke to his family in America to help with his passport we to the mall with some friends and then ended up sleeping ever one of our friends houses I spent the day with him today as well just making him realize his friends are always there for him and he can always talk to us he doesn't need some outreach at the gym we also got a personal trainer who will go to his house and gym as well so that should also keep him on track :D

That is great news Ty!

With all this talk of SC and how everyone can help him out, I am wondering how you are?
Haha aww thanks well I'm doing good myself not too much going on not too little but nothing to announce lol but yeah I am well and Jon SC should be back on today he usually goes to the gym around one so he should post just before he leaves but I'll still be around haha
HEY JON and everyone else awww Tyler told me about y'all giving me support but DAMN thank you so much yeah Tyler has allowed me to turn my back on the path I was going down it was nice to see all my friends again before a lot of them go off to UNI and as Tyler said I am now getting myself back in the gym and my personal trainer is gonna help me stay focused on the life I need to big time I never used or dealt any drugs so please don't worry about anyone corrupting me I'm still the same old SC I just had a lil blip that could have gone horribly wrong but I'm all good now and in a right state of mind :D
Good to have you back, and better to hear you're back on track!
I hope your stay will be longer this time!

Today by the looks of it LOL

Dear SC94,

:welcome: You are indeed most welcomed back to the fold. I definitely hope your passport issues are getting resolved more to your liking. It will be more to our liking too!

Welcome back SC, you have definitely peaked my curiosity in the process!


Indeed it is good to have you back SC. I also had bookmarked your tumblr site where you reviewed porn from various sites, but that address was invalid around the same time you left us here. Are you still doing that? I love your youthful, exuberant way you review the models and the scenes both on this board and on your private site. :welcome: BACK!!!