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Gay Days Orlando Expo - June 5-8, 2014

Dear tampa
Too late to read it last night. To early to read it this morning. Fucking work .But I want to read all of it .You got that gift of writing.
So I have something to look forward to all day. Can't wait to savor all your words tonight .I want to feel it.
Then you know me I will get back to you. Have a wonderful day. And thanks for the story .
Love Johnny
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My pleasure Mikey and Johnny.

I hope some of the rest of you enjoy a few of the stories. There are a few mistakes in the post that my proofreading at 2:00 am didn't catch. lol I was exhausted yesterday but I didn't want to leave people hanging either. Also though I'm eager to continue before my memory of the event starts to fade. :) haha
Tampa, I am so glad you got the opportunity to meet paul, Kaden Alexander, tyler, and sha.
the stories about your experience with the Broke Straight Boys tour.
my own experience meeting paul tells me he is a nice guy. he is nice by nature and not because he is expected to be.
I hope to see paul, Kaden Alexander, and tyler in july. that is if sha and the tour return to san diego.
more stories would be welcome.
Thank you so much Tampa for sharing your experiences at the event and all the little personal details about each of the models made me feel that I was right there at your side which was amazing to feel. You truly do have a gift with your writing and I love to read all about your experiences and what happened while you were with the models. Please feel free to keep writing about what happened if you have more to share and ill look forward to reading what you write. Thank you again. X
Great tampa Thank You..You must be hanging with ambi cause your writing like a pro. But what happened from 4,00 till you got home at 4;30
Did you get to touch Paul ? Did you feel his skin ? Did you go to dinner with them ? What dose tyler smell like ? Baby powder maybe .Clean..
Does Kadens ass really look that great in person ? Is Paul's smile really that beautiful ? I have loved all three of your stories.

But There has to be a Forth. How did you say goodby ? How did you feel driving home. Is Paul really that beautiful ? Making me feel like I was there. But I want more. Did your stmock hurt looking at them ? Mine does reading your story. Wish I was there with you.I just don't don't want you to stop telling your story .I want to know what you did next. I want more .LOL
Love johnny...
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I'm glad you like the stories guys. I'll continue with another installment tomorrow. Though I can't promise if it will be afternoon or evening. My personal life has been so crazy lately that I've had little time to sit at the computer. Which would normally not be a bad thing at all. Time away from the computer can be a very good thing. lol

But thank you for your comments. I'll answer some of your questions in a while.
Here’s another installment for those of you who might be interested. J

Part 4

Here’s another story to give you an idea of what a great guy Paul is. As I said earlier, he went out of his way to be nice to me and make conversation as we were all getting ready to leave the expo hotel in the afternoon. I had wondered if he did it as a gesture of support to me or if he’s just nice like that to most of his fans that he gets to meet.

So there was one young guy in his early 20’s who appeared to be hanging around with the group off and on. He was wearing a baseball cap backwards like Tyler was. I didn’t know if he was a fan or a new friend to the group of models. He would come over and talk to Paul and then I'd see him talking to Tyler or Kaden Alexander. I assumed he was gay because 99% of the crowd at the entire hotel was gay. haha Then Paul mentioned to me that that guy was his brother! :) I wouldn't have immediately seen a resemblance. Probably because the baseball cap covered up all of his hair. haha It sank in though that of course he was cute. Hello! He’s Paul’s brother. How could he not be? lol His brother seems like a very nice guy also. He’s happily heterosexual though. Our loss I guess. haha Even so, Paul is still number one in my eyes. :)

But back to the gist of my story. It was more the reason for him being there that most impressed me about Paul. He told me that his brother was going through some serious drama back home. Paul contacted him and asked him to come to Orlando for a visit. With Paul in Colorado they rarely get to see each other in person anymore. Paul explained to me that while he couldn’t do anything to solve all his brother’s problems for him, he realized he could offer him a respite of sorts. He could show him love and support in that way by having him join him and spending time with him. Paul hoped that a mini vacation like this would help him to be able to change the subject for a little while and just focus on being happy and enjoying life.

Out of respect for his privacy, I purposely didn’t ask Paul for details of what kind of drama his brother is struggling with. For those of you who believe in prayer, I ask you to send prayers up for Paul’s brother. It’s hard to describe, even to some of the models, the sense of family that we have here at Broke Straight Boys We members support each other in the good times and the bad. Likewise, when we can , we do the same thing as fans of the models in our family. I do know that Paul is thinking of him and probably worrying about him. So out of love and support and gratitude for all that Paul means to me and all the rest of us…I send prayers of support and loving thoughts for his brother.

I’ll share one quick funny story about Paul’s brother here. :) Paul told me about this and then I teased his brother about it later. Lol Apparently his brother has figured out that it’s fun as a straight man to flirt with gay guys. What I mean by that is that he found out that it’s easy as a cute young guy at a gay event...to get free drinks! lol He says he would just walk up to the bar, chat up a few guys sitting or standing around and then finally ask, “So who’s gonna buy me a drink around here?” And pretty soon, someone would. haha He'd get the drink, thank them and then slip away. :)

I was able to get in a very brief conversation with him later about what he thought of Paul being in this business. He said he was fine with it. I told him how pleased I was to hear that. I mentioned how rare that is and that how some families will ostracize or totally disown their own children and siblings once they find out about a gay for pay porn career. He just shook his head at the thought of that. Then he smiled and reiterated that he was fine with what his brother Paul was doing. :)
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Once again Tampa thank you so much for sharing your memories you write so well I honestly feel that I'm there with you (which I wish I was I'm sooooo jealous) both Paul and his brother both sound like such amazing people and his brother is so lucky to have such a nice and generous person as Paul as his brother. I'm so glad that he was fine with Paul being in the business as it must be hard for those models whose family don't know about what they do as they would always have to be careful about what they say and they must worry all the time about what would happen if they ever found out. I will most definitely send out prayers for Paul's brother with hope that his drama gets sorted out and that he can be happy and in peace where ever he is. Once again thank you so much for sharing your memories they let me escape and be some where else and be really happy. X
Part 5

I have to mention here what a great guy Sha is. I met him 4 years ago at the same event at Parliament House in Orlando. Sha is a nickname for Shannon. Sha pronounces his nickname like Shay rather than Shah. Among his many other duties with Broke Straight Boys he is in charge of organizing the events with the models. During events he’s the one in charge of making sure the models catch their flights and are picked up at the airport on time, that they are all safely brought back to their hotel, that they‘re fed well every day…and that they all have a successful event at the various locations. That’s really just a brief overview of all the responsibilities he has at events.

The rest of you can fill in the blanks as to what all might come up to be dealt with when bringing anywhere from 2-5 twenty something year old guys together from all different parts of the country, and mixing so many diverse personalities, backgrounds and maturity levels. lol It’s not always easy to keep track of them all and keep them all on the same page of promoting the site well and mingling with the public. Fortunately he does have help and backup support, with his co-worker Thunder helping him out with some of the logistics of the events.

I’ve said this before but Sha is such a great guy that you would be remiss if you attended an event and did not make time to chat with him. It would be your loss. I know it may sound counterintuitive to focus on anyone at the booth besides the models. For me though I can’t imagine going to an event and not spending some time catching up with him. I struggled this year with what to call him though. haha By that I mean that here in the forum he’s Sha most of the time. Four years ago the models called him Sha. This year instead of hearing "Sha, Sha, Sha"--it was "Shannon, Shannon, Shannon." lol I told him that I was confused as to what to call him now. So we both got a chuckle out of that.

He is so easygoing and personable that I felt like he and I just picked up right where we left off four years ago. Except it was even better this time! We had such a good rapport that it really did feel like two old friends catching up after a long absence. It was just so easy for us to meet on each other’s level wherever we were at mentally and emotionally at any given time. He knew what place he was coming from and vice versa. Neither of us felt like we had to come down to the other’s level. And indeed I think we both knew that if we wanted or needed to take the conversation to a deeper or higher intellectual level, that neither of us would have struggled to keep up with the other. Lol

I’m not going to go off the deep end here and say we are soul mates who can finish each other’s sentences. haha I will say though that there were times when I felt we were both finishing each other’s thoughts before we had even articulated them into words to finish the sentence. So much was being communicated on an unspoken level that fewer words were necessary for us to have a great and enjoyable conversation. I don’t know how many of you have had a similar experience. But it’s just very nice and refreshing. :)
Aw Tampa, thanks for sharing your interactions with Sha and the models; it appears you, and the guys, had a great time together! :par50:
He knew what place I was coming from and vice versa.

A typo of sorts there. Sorry. lol I have been very busy and distracted with other things going on in my life and in the lives of my friends for well over a month.

Of course I just meant to say that Sha and I were able to easily meet each other on an intellectual level that was comfortable for both of us at any given time.

In reading this again this morning I wanted to clarify something here. When I said that it can be difficult to bring together 2-5 guys who are early to mid twenties and juggle the intricacies of diverse personalities, backgrounds and maturity levels...I was not implying or hinting that that was an issue at this particular event. I meant that only in general terms. Kaden Alexander, Paul and Tyler really like each other and get along quite well. :)
Aw Tampa, thanks for sharing your interactions with Sha and the models; it appears you, and the guys, had a great time together! :par50:

Hi Beth.

I'm happy that you're enjoying some of the stories. I hope we'll be seeing you in here more often again. :)
Thanks for another good read tampa. Hope there is more. If not you did a great job of telling it like it was.
Thank you for another view in to your memories for that day Tampa its very much appreciated and also thank you for explaining things so clearly as now I do have much more respect for what sha does for the site and the models. He really does seem like a top bloke. X
Thanks for sharing Tampa. You are right about the support we have for each other on this site. Whether formites or models. Your travels were fun reading (as I put myself with you) and all that to meet our boys!! I did sales for years, so I have the knack of reading people real well. I've never seen Sha, Kaden Alexander, Tyler or Paul ever say or write anything negative. And Paul proved who he really was when he fizzled out Nobles bullshit with calm and collective responses. I envy you in meeting the Broke Straight Boys folks once again, even though you didn't lick anyones pits!! And I look forward to my first time (man I haven't said that in years) lol
Let me start by saying it was a real pleasure meeting Tampa and discussing Broke Straight Boys from the client point of view. I also must say, Tampa, that until I read your writings, I had no idea of your problems. You gave me no indication of any issues that Sunday night.

My writing will not be at the same level that Tampa has set, but I will do my best. I will give some background to my life. My partner and I have been together for 34 years and I just proposed on Easter Sunday at the Flamingo Gay Resort in St. Petersburg. I know you are saying “It’s about time”. Maryland just passed it last year, which surprised me since it was on the ballot. The voters spoke! We have been going to Orlando for Gay Days since 1997. We used to stay at the Parliament House until they built the Gardens time share next door. It is much better in the condo at the Gardens. For the last five years, my partner’s brother has spent Gay Days with us. I normally work long hours and need to unwind and relax when on vacation. Over the years we have made a lot of friends that return every year. It is a big party for a week. We look forward to this all year.

The first night I saw the Broke Straight Boys boys was Friday. I walked up to the tables and saw Tyler and Kayden right in front of me and I had to remember to breath. Lol Seeing them in person did take my breath away. I talked to Tyler for a few minutes and then told him he is wearing my underwear, He got a big smile and asked if I was Gdragon. When I said yes he gave me a big hug. His skin is so soft and smooth! We talked about being in Orlando. They had to be at the Expo early in the morning and leave for PHouse in the evening and stay until 2:00am. Then they did it again the next day. Very little sleep, but they never showed it. He also told me his ID and phone was stolen at the host hotel, so he had the under 21 wrist band. Poor baby could not drink. I had to leave and go get my other half.
When I came back I saw Paul. He was not there earlier. When he saw me he came over and gave me a big hug. Shannon did the same. They both remembered me from last year. I bought Paul’s underwear last year. It was like seeing old friends. I am sorry I must end here tonight. I did not take any pictures on Friday, but here are some from Saturday. I will write about Saturday as soon as I can. Sorry for the delay.
Hey Gdragon!

I'm so glad you dropped in. It was wonderful meeting you at the event also. :) I'm so glad you pointed out that even for perfectly healthy people...when you're big fans of the site and you finally have models like Tyler, Kaden Alexander and Paul standing in front of you...you have to consciously tell yourself to breathe. Because the emotional impact of the moment really does take your breath away. haha

With this being Tyler's first ever event, and with it being in my home state...I was so disappointed to find out that he had had his cell phone and ID stolen. I felt so sorry for him. That really sucks to have to not only lose all that private info and have to buy a new phone, but to repopulate the personal phone directory with a majority of numbers you had never memorized anyway. Without a driver's license or state ID card, how many of us carry another form of photo ID that would allow to board a flight back home?

The good news!! :thumbup1: While he didn't get the phone back...he did get his ID back. :) Tyler thinks whoever stole it tried to use it at a bar at the hotel because they were under 21. Then the bartender confiscated it (bless him) when he realized the person submitting it was definitely not Tyler from the picture. So the hotel staff was able to return it to him. By the time I saw him on Sunday he already had his ID back. Tyler really does need his ID as proof of age because he looks so young in person. Not just to prove that he's over 21, but that he's over 18. lol And believe me if you're reading this Tyler, that it's a compliment. xo You're fortunate to have a gene pool that keeps you looking so young.

As we discussed, it means you will most likely age more gracefully all your life. When you're in your 50's, 60's, 70's you'll still recognize that hot little stud you were in your 20's. xo Better that, than looking in the mirror of the caricature of yourself you've become...and thinking you look like something from a late night horror series like Creature Feature. LOL

Love you Tyler! :smiley-love021:
Hi, I just wanted to say thank you to you gdragon as I really did enjoy seeing the pictures and thank you for sharing your memories with me as with yours and tampas memories put together it really does make me feel that I'm at the event with you both and I loved the way you described certain moments and talks you had with them. Thanks again. X
gdragon and tampa
Thank you both for your stories, pictures ,etc for us poor guys that could not be there. Enjoyed reading everything you both had to say so much.. Made me feel a little closer to it all. And the boy's.
Thank You
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