Here’s another installment for those of you who might be interested. J
Part 4
Here’s another story to give you an idea of what a great guy Paul is. As I said earlier, he went out of his way to be nice to me and make conversation as we were all getting ready to leave the expo hotel in the afternoon. I had wondered if he did it as a gesture of support to me or if he’s just nice like that to most of his fans that he gets to meet.
So there was one young guy in his early 20’s who appeared to be hanging around with the group off and on. He was wearing a baseball cap backwards like Tyler was. I didn’t know if he was a fan or a new friend to the group of models. He would come over and talk to Paul and then I'd see him talking to Tyler or
Kaden Alexander. I assumed he was gay because 99% of the crowd at the entire hotel was gay. haha Then Paul mentioned to me that that guy was his brother!

I wouldn't have immediately seen a resemblance. Probably because the baseball cap covered up all of his hair. haha It sank in though that of course he was cute. Hello! He’s Paul’s brother. How could he not be? lol His brother seems like a very nice guy also. He’s happily heterosexual though. Our loss I guess. haha Even so, Paul is still number one in my eyes.
But back to the gist of my story. It was more the reason for him being there that most impressed me about Paul. He told me that his brother was going through some serious drama back home. Paul contacted him and asked him to come to Orlando for a visit. With Paul in Colorado they rarely get to see each other in person anymore. Paul explained to me that while he couldn’t do anything to solve all his brother’s problems
for him, he realized he could offer him a respite of sorts. He could show him love and support in that way by having him join him and spending time with him. Paul hoped that a mini vacation like this would help him to be able to change the subject for a little while and just focus on being happy and enjoying life.
Out of respect for his privacy, I purposely didn’t ask Paul for details of what kind of drama his brother is struggling with. For those of you who believe in prayer, I ask you to send prayers up for Paul’s brother. It’s hard to describe, even to some of the models, the sense of family that we have here at
Broke Straight Boys We members support each other in the good times and the bad. Likewise, when we can , we do the same thing as fans of the models in our family. I do know that Paul is thinking of him and probably worrying about him. So out of love and support and gratitude for all that Paul means to me and all the rest of us…I send prayers of support and loving thoughts for his brother.
I’ll share one quick funny story about Paul’s brother here.

Paul told me about this and then I teased his brother about it later. Lol Apparently his brother has figured out that it’s fun as a straight man to flirt with gay guys. What I mean by that is that he found out that it’s easy as a cute young guy at a gay get free drinks! lol He says he would just walk up to the bar, chat up a few guys sitting or standing around and then finally ask, “So who’s gonna buy me a drink around here?” And pretty soon, someone would. haha He'd get the drink, thank them and then slip away.
I was able to get in a very brief conversation with him later about what he thought of Paul being in this business. He said he was fine with it. I told him how pleased I was to hear that. I mentioned how rare that is and that how some families will ostracize or totally disown their own children and siblings once they find out about a gay for pay porn career. He just shook his head at the thought of that. Then he smiled and reiterated that he was fine with what his brother Paul was doing.