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Gay Days Orlando Expo - June 5-8, 2014

I did. I did! I'll share more about it later this evening. I'm really wiped out right now. lol Even so, I'm not as wiped out as Tyler, Kaden Alexander, Paul, and Shannon. They have worked some killer long days. If any of them are awake right now at 6:00 EST, they're half sleepwalking. lol
Okay Everyone!

I said that I would write once I was better rested. I still haven't fully recovered from the experience. Plus, I still can't get the smile off my face. lol When I finally stepped into the room at the hotel where the guys had their booth with the other vendors, I almost collapsed in a pile from the emotion of it. I'm going to go into some personal detail about myself that may sound boring to some. This story is as much an explanation for the models who were there as it is hopefully a good story for you. lol

I had planned on going over to the hotel around 3:00 and then meeting the guys at the Parliament House club later around 9:00. Sha had said they'd be at the hotel each day from 10-7 and at the club from 9-3. I told him I would very likely be there Sunday. Then the real world intervened. lol Have you ever heard the expression, "Man plans, God laughs?" LOL So I figured if I got to the hotel around 3 I would have plenty of time to hang out at the Expo until 7, go to the club around 9, and still have a good chunk of the evening. Sounded good so far. Then early that afternoon I found an urgent PM from Sha telling me that unbeknownst to them the expo booth area they were in would be closing early on Sunday. Therefore they they would all be leaving at 4. So that led to a flurry of quick messages saying that I was definitely coming to the event. I'd be leaving very soon to begin a nearly 2 hour drive and to expect me around 3.

So that got me a little nervous having a time constraint that I hadn't expected. I fell behind on my plan to leave precisely at 1:00. Then I got a half mile down the road and realized that I had forgotten something. So I went back home to retrieve it. I'm driving home in a hurry and stressed, but not above the speed limit. I come around a curve at about 25 mph and I have the right of way. There's a woman at a stop sign to my left in a minivan. I see her. She sees me. (I thought.) I see her start to pull out and I think she'll just turn to the right, which would be fine. No. With me about 3-4 car lengths away she pulls out to cross the length of the street in front of me. I slam on my breaks and stop about 5 feet away from her as she crosses my path. Yes. I honked at her! haha I'm scared and mad. My hands are trembling.

I go home and get back on the road. I'm still shaken up from the near miss. My hands are still trembling. Now it's about 1:35 that I'm getting on the road again. I'm still thinking about what a close call that was, and how if I had had an accident I wouldn't have been able to go to the event. Then I'm worrying that maybe they will pack up the booth a little early and just possibly be gone if I get there at 3:40 rather than 3:00. That would leave me with over 5 hours in Orlando with nothing really to do besides walk around the expo. It wouldn't be the end of the world of course. But I would lose one big opportunity to meet the guys first in a more pleasant air conditioned locale. :) The club can be insufferably hot and muggy on summer nights in Florida. lol :)

So I'm stressed and nervous about being late. When that happens I have to go to the bathroom...Often. haha So I have to make a pit stop off the highway, making me later. I'm trying to get over my thoughts about the earlier near miss by thinking about how awesome it's going to be to see the guys. I indulge myself the near childlike wonder of having like a teenage crush on favorite movie stars. Since I never felt that way about anyone as a teenager in real life I figure why not allow myself to use opportunities like this as something to really look forward to? It's never too late to have a happy childhood. Right? haha Like all the rest of us, I deal with plenty of grownup obstacles, setbacks and adversities. When you finally have something to look forward to, just for the sake of pure enjoyment...it's wonderful! And rare.

Driving around in a large city that I'm not familiar with, I was still pretty stressed when I finally pulled up to the hotel entrance. I consoled myself with the fact that at least I was there, even if I was late. A sense of relief was coming over me. Well I find out at the entrance that non guests of the hotel have to go to the remote parking lot. I'm hoping he's going to say it's just across the street. Instead he tells me to go back a half mile back down the road I had just come from, and park there for $5. Then a shuttle will bring us back to the hotel. I've had to take a leak for nearly a half hour and I'm squirming in my seat. I ask the cute, very nice 20ish guy if there are restroom facilities at the remote lot, even though I already know the answer. No. I told him that I had just driven 2 hours to get there. I was prepared to play the kidney transplant card (which is true) but fortunately I didn't have to. When I told him "2 hours" he just immediately told me I could park at the front entrance by the valet stand, give them my keys and tell them I'll be right back out. He even gave me directions to the restroom. I could've hugged him. lol

At the valet stand they are all speaking Spanish. So I dust off my Spanish and tell them I'm leaving my keys to use the restroom and I'll be right back. "Si' senor. Por supuesto. Esta' bien." On the way to the restroom I pass the very room where I know Sha and the models are in. I half consider running in to let them know I'm there. However I couldn't foresee any good coming from a conversation of, Hi. How are you? Goodbye. Please don't leave yet! Please? I'll be back in 20 minutes. Err...I hope." LOL

I get to the remote lot and I know I'm really, really late. The shuttles were right there and took me quickly. I think they will drop us off near the main entrance close to what I'm already familiar with. Oh hell no. haha They drop me off at the very back of the property so I have to walk the length of the whole complex in the parking lot. About 1 1/2 blocks. Talk about the "Servants' Entrance!" There was only one sign with an arrow pointing in a general direction of where the main building was supposed to be, with winding parking lot streets of 2 and 3 story rooms to get through, that all blocked the views of the main building.

I'm walking down the streets as quickly as I can. It's hot. I'm on black tarmac that's absorbing and radiating back upwards all the heat. I stopped only to ask anyone in a uniform if I was going in the right direction of the main building. There was little to no signage anywhere to direct you, until I was directed by an employee to the pool area where I was finally out of the street and onto breezeways going into the main building. The whole time, I'm realizing that I've put myself through this hell of trying to be there by 3...and it's so close to 4 by now that they may have already left...or I may get at most 10-15 minutes with them before they leave anyway.

Sorry this running so long. More later!
Part 2

So I had managed to work myself up into quite a state by the time I set foot again in the hotel. lol As I said, I had almost been in a bad car accident just hours before, due to the other driver's negligence. It scared me. I almost T-boned her. That still had me a little rattled and distracted. As I got there I was now stressed out, out of breath, and sweating from the heat of walking so far, so quickly. And I was all keyed up.

I'll share something personal here that not many know about my physical condition. I'm very high functioning cerebral palsy. What that means for me is that although my mind is quite sharp, the body I live in doesn't always do what I want it to do. When it comes to motor skills, physical coordination, dexterity, etc, my brain will send the signal telling my arms, hands or legs for instance to do something…and they will usually do it in a clumsy or klutzy manner with little grace or fluidity. A surgeon or a Swiss watch maker with tiny, fine precisions tools and instruments, I will never be. haha

I expend great mental and physical energy trying to concentrate, compensate and mask symptoms so that I hopefully appear perfectly normal to most people, most of the time. Nobody likes to appear to be abby normal. (A Young Frankenstein reference) haha For instance in a hypothetical scenario I might be picking up a glass of water. Somebody behind me says something that startles me. My grip loosens on the glass. I realize this and try to regain a solid grip. In doing so, I overcompensate, squeeze too hard and the glass slips farther out of my hand. I panic and overcompensate again so that a spastic movement causes my hand to fling backwards at the glass and send it into the wall, before it lands on the floor. As I say, that's a fictional example. But very similar things do happen to me at times on a lesser scale than that. Especially so if I am nervous or stressed out.

On a good day when I'm fine and calm in a comfortable setting, people observing me may pick up on anywhere from zero to 2 symptoms. They may notice slightly trembling hands or that motions with my hands or arms are a little spastic and not very graceful. All of which I'm trying to minimize or negate with focus and concentration.

So I had managed to work myself up into quite a state by the time I finally set foot again in the hotel. lol As I said, I had almost been in a bad car accident just hours before, due to the other driver's negligence. It scared me. I almost T-boned her. That still had me rattled and distracted. As I got there I was now stressed out, out of breath, and sweating from the heat of walking so far, so quickly. I was all keyed up.

Under normal circumstances if I had the time after a 2 hour drive and a stressful ordeal, I would make the time to go get some water or something else to drink, sit down in a somewhat secluded area and rest for a few minutes. You know how it is. You acclimate yourself to your new surroundings. You rehydrate. You get your breathing calmed down and more even. You get your heart rate back down and you give yourself time to stop perspiring. lol

Yeah. I didn't do any of that. LOL

Forget exhibiting only zero to two symptoms. I was checking off all the boxes by that point. haha If strangers see it happening they must wonder, Is it a matter of needing medical attention? Is it mental illness? Is it drugs? The answer of course is no, no and no. lol In severe cases of stress or nervousness my diaphragm muscles can start spasming. To the point that I can't push the words out of my lungs. In between words or syllables of words I may only get a "puh" or "huh" sound to come out. I never knew that symptom existed for me before Sunday. It was a first time experience. lol

I charged over to the room, walked in slowly and Kaden Alexander was standing there. My jaw almost dropped. I walked over to him. Ever the charmer and people person, he greeted me first. I looked around him and there were the beautiful and incredibly handsome Tyler and Paul next to each other. Shannon was organizing some stuff on the table and was not looking up when I first stepped up to Kaden Alexander.

Kaden Alexander, Tyler and Paul are standing within feet of me wearing nothing but Broke Straight Boys underwear. Shannon...one of the nicest guys you'll ever meet...and who I haven't seen in 4 years, is just off to my right. Kaden Alexander starts off with general greetings and pleasantries. Do I know about the site? I think I'm only capable of nodding my head and mumbling yes. He asks me if I'm a member of the site. The sheer joy of being there with all of them just overwhelmed me in a wave. The stress of the journey getting there combined with the nervous and joyful excitement of being there practically sent me into a mini meltdown. My whole body was trembling from head to toe.

I tried to answer Kaden Alexander’s question about whether I was a member. But I started to kind of hyperventilate. The muscles of my diaphragm were spasming out of control. Let’s see if I can get a close approximation of what I sounded like with just words. Lol *Puh* Ye…s. *Puh*. I reached out to shake Zkaden’s hand and said, “It’s. *Puhh* Nice. *Puh* To *pheew* Mee. *puh* T *hhew* Yeww *hhew* Kayy *puh* Dunn.” It was embarrassing for me to be losing it like that in front of the guys. I might have just fallen into Kaden Alexander’s arms if my legs had gotten any weaker. While I could think of far worse fates than falling into Kaden Alexander‘s arms, I’m not sure that Kaden Alexander would have appreciated it or found the humor. LOL Especially since he didn’t know who the heck I was. I can imagine him saying, “Call security or call a medic. But get this guy out of here!” haha

Having just gotten the last syllables of Kaden Alexander’s name out of my mouth and I’m shaking Kaden Alexander’s hand. He asks me if I’d like a picture. I say yes. I start fumbling with my phone with trembling hands and an angel comes to my rescue. Sha pipes up quickly behind me and says, “So guys. Do you know who this is?” I turn towards Sha’s voice and he immediately wraps me a hug. Thank God I could stop trying to talk and just breathe for a minute. :) They catch on quickly and I hear Paul say, “I think we do.” Tyler says, “Yeah. I think so.” Kaden Alexander says, “You’re Tampa. Right?” I sheepishly grin from ear to ear and say yes.
Then right after Sha they all came over to give me a hug. I actually lost track of how many hugs all the models gave me that day. I couldn’t have asked for more from them. They treated me with such kindness.

More later maybe. :)
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I did. I did! I'll share more about it later this evening. I'm really wiped out right now. lol Even so, I'm not as wiped out as Tyler, Kaden Alexander, Paul, and Shannon. They have worked some killer long days. If any of them are awake right now at 6:00 EST, they're half sleepwalking. lol
u have that right I'm still exhausted
Were you captured on video Tampa for an upcoming BTS? I'd love to know more about your meeting with the guys. I know how you feel actually being together with the Broke Straight Boys guys. It is a surreal experience. More details please.
Yes Tampa...more, more! I love reading your experiences with "the boys." No wonder we feel like a part of the "Broke Straight Boys family;" they are all so kind!:thumbup1:
Hey Mikey,

There is no BTS video of the event that I'm aware of. Sorry. My nighttime pictures of the event did not turn out very well off of my cellphone unfortunately. I tried posting some of them. But they gave me fits trying to resize them and keep them from being upside down and so on. I lost almost 2 hours the other night trying. I'll give it another shot later on in the week or even next week. For now I'd rather focus on telling some of the stories before my memory gets fuzzy. haha
Hey Mikey,

There is no BTS video of the event that I'm aware of. Sorry. My nighttime pictures of the event did not turn out very well off of my cellphone unfortunately. I tried posting some of them. But they gave me fits trying to resize them and keep them from being upside down and so on. I lost almost 2 hours the other night trying. I'll give it another shot later on in the week or even next week. For now I'd rather focus on telling some of the stories before my memory gets fuzzy. haha
Okay then, without a video of your encounter, we will need you to remember as fast as you can to get down on "virtual paper" your experiences and conversations, so we can discover what it was like meeting Paul, Tyler and Kaden Alexander, and of course, the "host with the most", Sha.

When I went to Gay Pride NYC in 2012, I had sworn to everyone that I wouldn't do a BTS, but when shirtless Blake looked me in the eyes, and smiled with his pearly white teeth and said, "Pleasssse", I agreed and now am actually happy that there is a video of me with the crew. I'm sorry that you weren't captured on film for posterity too.
I guess I'll just have to try to make it to another event in the future. haha
I guess I'll just have to try to make it to another event in the future. haha

Dear tampa...
No more events till you tell us PART THREE..Of This Event. You must know we are all waiting. Hope your getting plenty of rest.
And resting your fingers so you can thrill us with Part Three...One and Two were great........
A tampa Fan....
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I'm working on writing it. Don't worry Johnny. lol But it could be tomorrow morning or evening before I have it done.
I'm working on writing it. Don't worry Johnny. lol But it could be tomorrow morning or evening before I have it done.
Take your time tampa. Just gives me something more to look forward too. I know it will be great .. But being
a selfish person I won't be able to read till after work. I want to read every line slow and easy. Hugs....
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I hope I can keep some of you entertained with a few stories of the event and give you more insight into the models as real people and not just porn star models. Because they really are so much more than just the latter. I have been delayed in writing this because I had to take yet another close friend and neighbor who is older, to the ER today. I was calling and checking on him even during the event on Sunday. He didn't get better and now he's finally in the hospital where he belongs. So I've been incredibly busy and distracted most of the last 2 weeks keeping tabs on two sick friends.

Anyway... Here's another installment from the event. :)
Part 3


So as I say, Shannon came to my rescue during my mini meltdown and introduced the models to me. I was so thrilled when they all gave me a hug. It’s a wonder I didn’t scare them all away with how strangely I must have appeared to be acting. Tyler told me later that he thought I was having a heart attack when I arrived. Fortunately not. lol I told him it was because I was starstruck. Which is true enough of course. I was. Haha

I explained to him that I chose to look at the opportunity to meet all of them as a wonderful experience worthy of looking forward to and getting excited about. Even joyful. Like someone experiencing a teenage crush. Lol That everybody needs a few bright moments like that in their lives. That when we get older especially, we have sometimes been beaten down with so much adversity, that it’s easy to become cynical and cold to all the good things life still has to offer. So much so that we miss out on and even ignore opportunities which could bring us some happiness. If only we could let down our guards and allow ourselves the chance to be happy. Tyler is smart enough and worldly enough that he got what I was saying. :)

For myself it’s precisely because life can be so hard and challenging at times that I choose to look at something like this with great anticipation, hope and happiness. Perhaps even the giddiness of a little kid before Christmas. haha I try to build it up in my mind so that it’s something to really look forward to. “Oh my gosh! A Broke Straight Boys event is coming closeby. I’ll finally have the chance to meet Paul. And Tyler and Kaden Alexander too! How lucky is that that I’ll get to meet 3 models at a time instead of just one or two? I hope I’ll be able to sleep the night before." Lol

So there I am in front of the booth surrounded by all 3 models plus Shannon and we’re making small talk. While I’m regaining my composure Tyler is standing in front of me and makes mention of his nipple rings. He looks down to tweak them. I look down and he’s wearing them! lol They’re very thin and tiny. Not like the thick, really obvious ones that Zeno Kostas has. Tyler’s are tasteful, dare I say pretty (?) and almost invisible. lol

They have a light orange bead at the end of them. He had them with only the one bead on each piercing, on the sides pointing to his arms. The two sides of the piercing facing the center of his chest had no beads on the end of the metal shafts. I asked if had beads for the other two sides of the piercings and he does. He just chose to wear them like that. I told him that they looked good and I didn’t think they would detract from his scenes at all. :)

I wanted to treat all the models with the great respect they deserve. Especially in the very beginning, so they would know that I genuinely wanted to meet and join with them on a human, spiritual and emotional level. What I didn’t want to do was walk in and have them see me immediately leering at their underwear…as if all they were to me was a pretty lump of flesh.

I don’t mean to sound holier than thou or anything. I won’t say I went the entire night and never looked down. haha Of course I did. They’re so beautiful that you can’t help hardly help it. But hopefully if and when you do look you’re at least somewhat discreet about it. They may be wearing underwear from the site to draw attention, but it's still up to others to maintain a certain degree of decorum and treat them with dignity.

I was so starstruck and in awe of the fact that they were all there in front of me when I first arrived, that I got a little shy. lol It was hard for me to make eye contact with them at first. I was so successful though at keeping my focus on them from the neck up, that less than 2 feet away from me Tyler had to point out that he had his nipple rings in. I had been there for over 10 minutes or so and I hadn’t seen them up to that point. lol

So the 18+ section of event at the hotel is winding down after 4:00. The other vendors plus Broke Straight Boys are taking down their booths. I help Paul with taking a few things out to their car. He’s so handsome in person and he currently has his hair rather long. Which I love! :) I think his smile looks all the cuter framed by longer hair.

As we stood out by the car Paul just seemed to go out of his way to be personable and nice to me. I don’t know if it was because he sensed on a human level that I had been struggling earlier, and he did it to extend some emotional support…or if it was simply that he really is just that nice of a guy. Or both. When I needed to program in an address to get to my next destination before Parliament House, my hands were still trembling with nervous energy. I fumbled with my phone trying to type in the address.

Knowing that most 20 something guys are quite knowledgeable (and quick) on all things technical, I asked if he could help me with it to speed up the process. Without any hesitation he smiled, took my phone and cheerfully started typing all the info in for me. He said he has a hard time with the smaller keypads too. Especially when dealing with his thumbs that can tend to get in the way. I don’t know if many of you remember from his solo vid I think it was, that he has unusually shaped thumbs. I think he said in the solo vid that his mother calls them his “spoon thumbs.” Or something like that. Lol

I never thought I’d get to see them with my own eyes! They're really cool! His thumbnails are very narrow. Only about a half inch tall from the nail bed to the top of his fingertip. The width of his thumbnail however, and the width of his both his thumbs, cover some serious real estate. Lol From the knuckle of his thumbs up, they’re over a third wider than the width of typical thumbs. Prior to Paul’s first video when he pointed them out, I had never seen anyone else with thumbs like that. Then just 6 months or so later, I met another guy who had the same thumbs. Lol So it must be some recessive gene that pops up every now and then.

After helping me out with my phone, he continued to be so nice to me and make conversation. All of which I really appreciated. And then when we departed the hotel he gave me another really warm hug. He didn't have to do any of that of course. But he did it anyway. :)
Thanks Tampa, and keep the story going if you have more to say. The little anecdotes that you shared about your conversations with Tyler and Paul do give me a bit of insight into their personalities, and I can just see Paul's smile as he helped you program your GPS. Very cool stories Tampa, and I'm interested to find out about the rest of your evening.