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Gay Days Orlando Expo - June 5-8, 2014


I shared a few stories so far about the event and since there appeared to be some interest, I’ll continue a little longer. I haven’t spoken much about Kaden Alexander or Tyler yet. So if for no other reason than that I’ll share a few more stories to even things out. lol

I’ll start with a few experiences and conversations with Kaden Alexander. As I said earlier, he was the first to greet me at the daytime event at the Doubletree Hotel. He’s so good with people that he’s a perfect fit for putting front and center at the booth or elsewhere at an event. With his easygoing manner and banter he just attracts people to him. From a physical standpoint the thing that I found most surprising beyond is overall beauty, was just how beautiful his nipples are. My eyes kept being drawn to them. haha He has a really nice chest. Beyond the physical though, he does have a charisma that people respond to in a very positive way.

He showed me a picture on his phone of his biological sister. Of course she is as beautiful as her brother. The resemblance is undeniable. He’s very proud and happy to have her in his life and at least be at the point where they each know the other exists. He still has a girlfriend and he’s happy about that too. Lol

He spoke of the fact that he wears a necklace chain that was given to him as a gift and has great sentimental value. He says that he wishes he could wear it in his porn scenes but that’s not possible. If you saw his Porn Star Sex Tips video with Tyler though he managed to wear the silver chain in the BTS scene. :) That undoubtedly gave him some satisfaction and something extra to smile about during the filming of the vid. Lol

In one of our more substantive conversations, he related how realistic and pragmatic he was with his expectations upon being hired by the site. He said that he knew from the beginning that he would have a harder time gaining a fan following because of the “skin color” issue. (His words, not mine.) He said he knew that he would just have to work hard to do as good of a job as possible. He also hoped that once viewers and potential fans saw and got a sense of his personality, that that would also help him gain in popularity.

True to his plan he has managed to do exactly that. I really have to respect the fact that he wants to succeed and is succeeding on the site. He really brings that can-do “In it to win it” attitude to anything he really puts his mind to. Of course as uplifting as our conversation was, there was still the underlying sad reality that he probably feels he does have to work harder to get the same recognition as some of the other models. I wish human evolution was at higher plane of awareness. Then something like race and skin color would be a non-issue.

I’m very proud of him for the success he’s achieved on the site. He’s worked hard and he’s earned it. He’s a perfect front man for the events also. I only wish he and I had had more time to converse. Nonetheless I was grateful for every moment I got to spend with him. :)

True to his nature of wanting to make people happy, he is still pursuing his education and experience in the healthcare field. He's already told us in the vids that he is a CNA now. He's still not content with that and is hoping to be certified as an EMT in the near future. If he became a paramedic and was the one who pulled when any of our loved ones were hurt or in distress...I know they would be in good hands with Kaden Alexander. :)

Tyler really does kind of take your breath away in person. The features and angles of his face just seem to be in perfect symmetry. His hazel eyes really are striking in person. He wore a hat all day. He's proud of the fact that he has quite a large collection of hats. I was so pleased though when he took his hat off long enough for me to see his hair. It's beautiful too. And he said that he is going to let it grow out a bit more. So I was thrilled to hear that. haha

I noticed on Tyler’s chest that he had what looked like a scraping kind of scratch mark just below his right shoulder. I assumed he got it from taking boxes out to the car from the event…and a box slipped and caught him there. So I was saying as much to him. “Gee Tyler. It looks like you scraped your chest carrying boxes.” Oh no.... haha Then the real truth came out. lol He rolled his eyes and said that he got that the night before from wrestling with another model on the floor of the hotel room. Apparently some playful wrestling matches got started. So I’m guessing that a few rug burns ensued. :) At one point Tyler was getting the upper hand. Then the other model, who shall remain nameless to protect the guilty…started biting him! Haha Who knew we had a biter in the Broke Straight Boys stable? I don’t know if the biting is something that Johnny could incorporate into the scenes...or if the model only breaks out that move for special occasions. :P I had fun teasing the guilty party about that one. haha

At another point in the evening me and Sha were complimenting Tyler on how young he looks for being 21. He would still fit right in on a high school campus. And again, that’s a compliment. Not a putdown. haha I pointed out that it’s even better for him on the Broke Straight Boys site because he pulls that off without looking like a twink. He still has a handsome straight boyish look and without the demure effeminate pretty look that certain twinkish young gay guys have. Not that I have anything against gay twinks. lol Many of them are beautiful! They just don't do as well on a straight fet site like Broke Straight Boys

I got a chuckle out of the fact that during the evening somebody referred to the three of them as “gay porn models.” Kaden Alexander and Paul either didn’t hear it, or they chose to let it slide and not respond. Out of the three of them, Tyler piped up forcefully but cheerfully and said, “Gay for pay!!” So spunky little Tyler was the one who wanted to set the record straight. In more ways than one. :)
Once again thank you Tampa I could read what you write all the time as your an amazing writer I agree with Johnny most definitely a 5 star. Its sad to think that that is how Kaden Alexander feels in this day and age as he is a really beautiful guy with an amazing personality and a cracking smile, I wish there was something that could be done to make him feel more comfortable and happier as he really is an amazing performer and I think he is a credit to this site as he really sets any scene he's in alive. Regarding Tyler as always I love getting any slightest detail about him as I really think he's amazing so thank you so much for your memories o really appreciate you sharing them. X
Thanks Dan,

I didn't meant to imply that Kaden Alexander was unhappy. He is one of the most cheerful, outgoing and pleasant guys to be around. As you say, the happiness and lightheartedness he brings to all of his scenes pretty much speak for themselves. I meant only to say that racism itself is still a sad state of affairs in today's America.
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Thanks Dan,

I didn't meant to imply that Kaden Alexander was unhappy. He is one of the most cheerful, outgoing and pleasant guys to be around. As you say, the happiness and lightheartedness he brings to all of his scenes pretty much speak for themselves. I meant only to say that racism itself is still a sad state of affairs in today's America.
I agree here in the uk as well it is disgraceful that people are judged by the colour of there skin and not by who they are as a person, we call are self evolved but yet there are still people in this day and age that judge a book by its cover so to speak. X
I agree here in the uk as well it is disgraceful that people are judged by the colour of there skin and not by who they are as a person, we call are self evolved but yet there are still people in this day and age that judge a book by its cover so to speak. X

Exactly Dan. xo
Part 5

Hey Everyone,

I know I left this series hanging a while ago. My personal life got very busy and life’s distractions forced me to put any lengthy writing on hold. With Dan talking about how much he enjoys hearing stories about the events and models so he can vicariously “be there”, I’ve felt an even greater impetus to share a little more. I’ve also been wanting to continue because I stopped right as I was leading into talking about what a wonderful man Tyler is. Given Tyler’s most recent difficulties with family and friends finding out about his video work, car trouble, etc., I thought this would be a perfect time to show him some love and support.

I was aware before I arrived in Orlando that this would be Tyler’s first time doing an event. I really wanted it to go well for him so that he’d have good memories of it and would be willing to do more. Sha and I discussed before the event that Parliament House in particular can have guys who are very forward and brazen in a grabby gropey kind of way. I told Sha my biggest concern was for Tyler. What I mean by that is that I was afraid some random guy would walk up to him and just grab a handful, front and center. That Tyler would totally freak out, get angry, and not want to do any more events in the future.

I tried to be super respectful of all the models. I wanted to leave a good impression and represent members of the site (and the forum in particular) in a very positive light. I kept my hands above the equator at all times. lol No trying to cop a feel, front or back and so on. Still... With Tyler being one of the straightest of the newer models I was worried for him. When going to events where there’s alcohol flowing there’s bound to be at least a few people who will test one’s patience by not respecting personal boundaries. That Sunday night was actually one of the best behaved nights I’ve seen from the crowd there. (Though I don't know what Thursday through Saturday were like.) In past years I know it’s gotten pretty wild during Pride weekend. haha

I had complimented Tyler earlier on about how much I liked his longer hair. Paul chimed in to say he was growing his out more too. :) Tyler had his baseball cap on for most of the day. So it wasn’t easy to see his full head of hair for very long. Lol It looks so good on him though. I finally asked his permission at one point to touch his hair. He seemed surprised by the request but he graciously agreed. He took off the cap and I ran my fingers through his hair for just a few seconds. Then I thanked him for his kindness and generosity. It really meant a lot to me that he allowed me to do it. The color was like a beautiful shade of corn silk.

So at around 10:00 or so that night at the club we are standing under the tent area inside where the Broke Straight Boys booth is. Tyler walks over to me with a man standing beside him. Then he personally introduces me to Gdragon from the forum! Lol That was so cool. Not only was it nice to meet Gdragon but I was also so impressed that Tyler took the lead in introducing us. He didn’t have to do that. He could have just pointed Gdragon in my direction and walked away. But he didn’t.

So the three of us hung out there for a while making wonderful lighthearted conversation. I told Tyler that it’s a lot of fun flirting with him online. :) He just smiled and took it very good naturedly. Since I knew that Gdragon had mentioned in advance on the forum about wanting to buy some underwear when he attended the event, I couldn’t resist teasing Tyler by asking if he was going to shuck his underwear in front of us and give them to Gdragon. Lol Tyler looked at my with surprise like, Say what?! Haha I thought it would be an inside joke between me and Gdragon. And here I thought the joke was on Tyler, when the joke was really on me. As Gdragon related earlier in this thread he had already met the guys on prior days of the event. When he first met Tyler on Thursday maybe, he said, "Tyler. You’re wearing my underwear.” Tyler didn’t miss a beat and said, “You must be Grdagon.” I say the joke was really on me because as I later found out, Gdragon had already bought a pair of underwear from a beautiful model there. :)

Tyler said that they are trying to shake things up in the videos by being more vocal and animated during the scenes. We talked about the issues of finding the right balance so that it doesn’t come across as overacting. The idea being of course that it should be calibrated enough to be as believable and appropriate at any given moment during the scene as possible. I really believe that Tyler really gets it and is always looking for ways that he can stand out from the pack.

Here’s another anecdote to give you an idea of Tyler’s character. We all know that the individual model ratings for “Most Popular” can be very fickle and change often for no apparent reason. During that weekend, Tyler was aware that he was in first place on the site in model ratings, with Paul being second most popular. Tyler mentioned to me that he was pleased and honored with the high rating and the fact that so many members appreciated his work. He obviously tries very hard to do whatever it takes to make members happy. But…it troubled him. Why? Because he objected to Paul being in the number two spot. He said, “The number one model of the site is that man over there!” (Pointing in the distance to Paul) We both looked over at Paul with the same look of respect and admiration. I said to Tyler, “He [Paul] has really paid his dues.” Tyler heartily agreed. :)

More to come. :)
Your stories are going to end up being longer than the event.
Your stories are going to end up being longer than the event.
And I for one, love the stories. I was fortunate to be able to attend one event where it was a thrill for me to meet the "stars" of the site, Jason, Blake, Denver and Cole from College Dudes plus of course "the host with the most", Sha. As Broke Straight Boys is apparently not returning to NYC due to the high cost of renting a booth here, I rely on Tampa, another1, gdragon, vicekid and others to share their stories with me about their experiences of meeting the models here on the forum.

If you have more stories and anecdotes to share with us Tampa, I am all ears. Please keep the stories coming. I love reading each and every word of your descriptions!!! :thumbup:
And I for one, love the stories. I was fortunate to be able to attend one event where it was a thrill for me to meet the "stars" of the site, Jason, Blake, Denver and Cole from College Dudes plus of course "the host with the most", Sha. As Broke Straight Boys is apparently not returning to NYC due to the high cost of renting a booth here, I rely on Tampa, another1, gdragon, vicekid and others to share their stories with me about their experiences of meeting the models here on the forum.

If you have more stories and anecdotes to share with us Tampa, I am all ears. Please keep the stories coming. I love reading each and every word of your descriptions!!! :thumbup:

1. Well good for you.

2. As I recall, though you have mentioned your NYC Pride encounters numerous times, you somehow did not feel compelled to write a novella about it.

3. As I recall, I've never heard the cost of a booth as the sole reason for not coming back to NYC; rather they just say it was too expensive period. However, I do recall that the decision to go to NYC was a last minute one. I seem to remember they had to stay at the Waldorf. Well, if they planned now for NYC in 2015, I'm sure they could get cheaper accommodations. Even if NYC is more expensive and there are a lot of pride events bunched into June, there is no reason that they can't pick NYC and plan their other June events around that both from a scheduling and cost perspective.

4. And to pre-empt your Seattle friend, no peterh, I will never tire discussing this issue.
Thank you so much for that Tampa I really appreciate it as you write so beautifully and clearly I really could feel like I was at the event with you (which I wish I was as I would love to meet Tyler more than ever). I could picture in my mind everything that you said in my mind and it all sounds so amazing. Tyler really does seem as I've always imagined him as a genuine, kind hearted and friendly person and that in this day and age can be very rare indeed. When you talked about getting to run your fingers through his hair I was so jealous as ever since I got to see him with his longer hair style that is something I've always wanted to do. As you said it was so kind of him to bring gdragon over to you personally and introduce the 2 of you as most people would probably just of pointed, so this just proves the kind of guy Tyler is, I have to say though I'm very jealous of gdragon though regarding the underwear lol. Once again thank you so much Tampa it means alot that I get to experience the event and the models through your eyes and memories so thank you so much for sharing. Dan x
However, I do recall that the decision to go to NYC was a last minute one. I seem to remember they had to stay at the Waldorf. Well, if they planned now for NYC in 2015, I'm sure they could get cheaper accommodations.
As a matter of fact Stowe, depending on the models attending*, I know of a small one bedroom apartment in Brooklyn Heights that has room to accommodate two models for free, one on the couch and the other could share the full size bed with the inhabitant of the apartment, (no names being mentioned). :001_tongue:

* for example Ayden & Ronan Kennedy or even Dimitri or Tyler too.
As a matter of fact Stowe, depending on the models attending*, I know of a small one bedroom apartment in Brooklyn Heights that has room to accommodate two models for free, one on the couch and the other could share the full size bed with the inhabitant of the apartment, (no names being mentioned). :001_tongue:

* for example Ayden & Ronan Kennedy or even Dimitri or Tyler too.
joeychuck doesn't live in brooklyn heights!!!
Hi Tampa
Damn if I was not the nosy old thing I am I might have missed your latest chapter.I wondered if Peter was back, And saw his name . Hi Peter..
I loved it. ( Again ). Made me feel like I was there. I could just go on reading and reading. This one was one of the best.
They all have been Great but felt closer to the Boy's ,You, Gdragon who shares My avatar lol. And a little more Paul talk.
For me you can just go on and on.You write so well. Even guy's like me that are a little slow can get right into it. Felt like I was watching a movie with some of my favorites stars in it.
Loved it Tampa. If you got more PLEASE TELL. Thank You.. xo johnny
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Tyler really does seem as I've always imagined him as a genuine, kind hearted and friendly person and that in this day and age can be very rare indeed. When you talked about getting to run your fingers through his hair I was so jealous as ever since I got to see him with his longer hair style that is something I've always wanted to do.

Dear Dan,

I'm so glad you enjoyed the stories. Paul is also very kind to the fans. As is Kaden Alexander of course. :) I asked Paul if I could run my fingers through his hair also. And of course being the kind of man he is, he agreed. He was concerned because he said it was a little bit sweaty. :) That didn't bother me in the slightest. haha The way I saw it, it was an honor to be able to touch him at all. So for just a few seconds I did. His hair was so soft and silky.

All this to say Dan that if we could somehow supernaturally get you over here to an event on a bed or gurney, and it really meant that much to you...I'm sure Tyler and Paul would let you touch their hair too. :angel: :biggrin:
Dear Dan,

I'm so glad you enjoyed the stories. Paul is also very kind to the fans. As is Kaden Alexander of course. :) I asked Paul if I could run my fingers through his hair also. And of course being the kind of man he is, he agreed. He was concerned because he said it was a little bit sweaty. :) That didn't bother me in the slightest. haha The way I saw it, it was an honor to be able to touch him at all. So for just a few seconds I did. His hair was so soft and silky.

All this to say Dan that if we could somehow supernaturally get you over here to an event on a bed or gurney, and it really meant that much to you...I'm sure Tyler and Paul would let you touch their hair too. :angel: :biggrin:
thank you tampa Ill always be there by everyones sides in spirit but you go in to such detail when sharing your memories I feel like im there by your side anyway so to me your a genuine blessing to me (if thats the way to say it) so I thank you so much for sharing your memories and allowing me to experience them with you. Dan x
Thank you Tampa for sharing your stories; the Pride events are tons of fun! Also a big thanks to the models and Sha for making it happen!