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Formite trip

Well, it was October 9, 2014, a year ago today that Peter arrived in New York City's La Guardia airport to begin the whirlwind week that took us to all five borough's of the city plus a memorable trip upstate to visit with Betu in my old college town.

So many memories, and it was great to share each day in stories and pictures here on the forum, which included so much commentary from my fellow forumites. It felt like some of you were with us all the way, especially "little" Johnny. It is a memory that will be sharply etched in my memory forever, and as Peter likes to remind me, at my age, that might not be so much longer. lol

Thanks for the memories to Peter & Betu, and to you guys and girl who felt like you were with us each step of our journey. It was a blast! :smile:
Thanks mike. it was fun reliving THE TRIP. They say as you get older times go's faster. Well a year sure flew by.
I enjoyed the whole trip again.It was fun then and fun now. We were friends then and better friends now.
Thanks too you and Peter for taking me along. Love Johnny......
It was just alright for me!! lol No really I had a great time while in NY. The traveling about killed me though!! lol I enjoyed my tour guide who happened to be my dear friend and got to meet the very smooth Betu.. I still have the pics on my phone and I look at them every once awhile and can remember what we were doing and talking about.
It was just alright for me!! lol No really I had a great time while in NY. The traveling about killed me though!! lol I enjoyed my tour guide who happened to be my dear friend and got to meet the very smooth Betu.. I still have the pics on my phone and I look at them every once awhile and can remember what we were doing and talking about.
Peter was a pleasure to be around except for two times. Once he was driving my car on the New York State Thruway and almost smashed into the car in front of us, and one time I was busting his chops on the subway coming back to Brooklyn after a long day of walking and site seeing. He asked me some questions about which subway we were taking and why not take another one, and I was a wise ass and told him to just follow my lead, and he got so mad I thought he was going to throw me on the subway track in front of the oncoming express train. lol

But seriously he was very cool to be around and we spent most of our time laughing during the whole trip, except when we checked out the hot young guys we encountered, and formed a code to talk about them in public. If they looked gay, we said College Dudes (College Dudes) and the straighties we said Broke Straight Boys lol

It was a lot of fun to hang out together and the week went by extremely quickly as has the past year as well.

How awesome to meet you through this BTS video! You are even more incredible in person than through the written message! Your thoughtfulness and kindness came through with the call to Miss K and the models' notes to you on your towel! So, is it hanging on the wall as a prized treasure as someone (I believe it was Buckeye) said?!!

Think of it - 9 years of forum chatting and models. You must have one of the biggest stables of all!! Blake and Jason were so incredible and they truly did/do love you. Must be hard to watch them as BSBs then have to "see them go" as they move on in their lives to whatever it is they are doing. Do you keep in touch with any of them?

Thanks, again!! And now, back to the reading of the thread...

One of my favorite times in my younger life was attending the 1963-1964 World's Fair in Flushing Meadows in Queens. Peter is a huge tennis fan, and the US Tennis Center was a "must see" stop for Peter on our whirlwind tour of NYC, but an added bonus for me was discovering that the old World's Fair grounds was adjacent to the tennis center, and the iconic Unisphere is still up and so Peter and I took turns "holding up the world" on a beautiful Sunday afternoon in NYC!!!

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In the first - Atlas of the East Coast; and, in the second - Atlas of the West Coast! (Now, were Johnny with you I suppose it would have to be Northwest Coast and the 3rd titled - Atlas of San Francisco (unless, of course, Johnny couldn't keep his arms up...)!!!

All of the pics to this point are fabulous! You're both great specimens of the forumite elite!! :angel::angel:
I'm so happy you all got to meet in person! You all look so handsome.

The staff of the site has often stated how surprised they were (in a very pleasant way) by how just adding a message board to the site 4 years ago became something far beyond what they had anticipated. Real people are connecting with those of shared interests who never would have known of each other's existence without this site and the forum. At times I still marvel at all the wonders of our internet age. :)

Oh, I thought the forum was always around since Broke Straight Boys inception. Dah! Just 5 years old now. That makes this even more incredible to me - the relationship building that has occurred in that amount of time. You guys (Beth, is it OK I just say "guys" - I mean it in a non-gender way!) seem like people who schooled together from, say, Middle School!
Ertas, I'm so pleased that you enjoyed our "forum travelogue" a year later. And thanks for your kind words regarding my BTS. I do still keep in touch with Jason from time to time. You are too kind, dear sir. :angel:
Ertas, I'm so pleased that you enjoyed our "forum travelogue" a year later. And thanks for your kind words regarding my BTS. I do still keep in touch with Jason from time to time. You are too kind, dear sir. :angel:

Dahhh! I did not read the message correctly that you'd re-posted as a sort of One Year Anniversary tribute to an incredible adventure of sightseeing and friendship building. So, it has taken me about 90 minutes to cover your adventures.

I felt like such a dope once I realized that the thread was a year old and you might not "know" that I had written responses to aspects of the "Incredible Visit" of the three forumites and the vicarious other forumites who went with you every step of the way. When I got to the last page and read the above I realized that the thread was once again "live".

All of this simply exemplifies the infinite beauty of internet. (Back in 1994-95, I was part of a traveling forum that did "Service to the Citizen" forums around the country. The forum presenters were all of the Internet Dignitaries of the era and then there was me - a lowlife luddite who was invited and designated by Forester Research of Boston to be the voice of local government working feverishly to harness the power of the internet for use by "the citizens of the world" to have voice and access to reality (rather than relying on the 4th Estate to deliver what is or is not happening across the globe.) In 1990, I had defeated three recommendations by the National Taxpayers Association to tax the internet. It was viewed as a virtual goldmine for governments to gain huge revenues by taxing it. I represented West Publishing Company (then the largest legal publishers in the world due to its release of WestLaw, an internet -based search site that paginated all laws and court cases in the world) and we would have been the largest operation tapped for that revenue stream. I argued that the Internet had to develop unbridled by laws that interfered with free market place development and that taxation would, without a doubt, corrupt and limit such development. I beat the proclamations so soundly that the NIIAC established rules to ban taxation. They have tried since but it remains protected by Congressional action.) Bill Gates (who had not yet launched Internet Explorer - Marc Andreessen, the founder of Mosaic - which he used my team's bot we aptly named "spyders" to develop and co-found the first web browser, Netscape - is who was the presenter who explained and discussed web exploration as an educational and informational tool that had just 6 years earlier been released public (as originally, it was developed for and used exclusively by research educational institutions and the military operations of NATO) use. My website, NorthStar, was the beta-test site for Internet Explorer. Bill Gates would talk on and on about the virtual cross-country date whereby a couple would both go to a movie (East Coast person matinee and West Coast person early show) then they could both go home and "chat" about the picture they'd just seen "together". He "knew" that it had the potential to bring together unlikely searchers of souls, news, government, relationships, etc. Up to then, I only "knew" the aol chat rooms!! (And most of the time they were local and led to a satisfying encounter but nothing long-term!!)

I thought he was dreaming. But, his dream has come to fruition and this site and your trip are the lasting and enduring reality to his "dream".

I didn't mean to go into all of that - but it IS the coming to fruition of what he envisioned whereas I had a limited view of its value for being a tool citizens could use to pay taxes, get a license, check out laws, edicts and rules that govern them, blah, blah, blah. See, a luddite through and through.

Thanks, again, Mikey! It is nice to have a face to some of those who here share their wit, wisdom, encouragement, compassion, dreams, insults and jabs with one another as if they are one big, united family.

Peter was a pleasure to be around except for two times. Once he was driving my car on the New York State Thruway and almost smashed into the car in front of us, and one time I was busting his chops on the subway coming back to Brooklyn after a long day of walking and site seeing. He asked me some questions about which subway we were taking and why not take another one, and I was a wise ass and told him to just follow my lead, and he got so mad I thought he was going to throw me on the subway track in front of the oncoming express train. lol

But seriously he was very cool to be around and we spent most of our time laughing during the whole trip, except when we checked out the hot young guys we encountered, and formed a code to talk about them in public. If they looked gay, we said College Dudes (College Dudes) and the straighties we said Broke Straight Boys lol

It was a lot of fun to hang out together and the week went by extremely quickly as has the past year as well.

I wasn't even close to that car you sissy!!! And for the me throwing you in front of the subway please everyone here knows what a big sweetheart Peter is.....
That's a fascinating story of how you were in on the ground floor of some of the key moments of internet history Ertas! Thanks for sharing that story with us.

How awesome to meet you through this BTS video! You are even more incredible in person than through the written message! Your thoughtfulness and kindness came through with the call to Miss K and the models' notes to you on your towel! So, is it hanging on the wall as a prized treasure as someone (I believe it was Buckeye) said?!!

Think of it - 9 years of forum chatting and models. You must have one of the biggest stables of all!! Blake and Jason were so incredible and they truly did/do love you. Must be hard to watch them as BSBs then have to "see them go" as they move on in their lives to whatever it is they are doing. Do you keep in touch with any of them?

Thanks, again!! And now, back to the reading of the thread...


I just watched some of this again. Not only is it wonderful to see Mikey in here, but I had forgotten about the unexpected treat of the model Seth showing up at the booth that day. I was so pleased to hear Seth say that his favorite scene to do was the one he did with Colin. :001_smile:
How awesome to meet you through this BTS video! You are even more incredible in person than through the written message! Your thoughtfulness and kindness came through with the call to Miss K and the models' notes to you on your towel! So, is it hanging on the wall as a prized treasure as someone (I believe it was Buckeye) said?!!

Think of it - 9 years of forum chatting and models. You must have one of the biggest stables of all!! Blake and Jason were so incredible and they truly did/do love you. Must be hard to watch them as BSBs then have to "see them go" as they move on in their lives to whatever it is they are doing. Do you keep in touch with any of them?

Thanks, again!! And now, back to the reading of the thread...



Dear Ertas ~

Our MikeYank is really a star. Not only is Mike a mainstay of this forum, spinning forth topic after interesting topic, and responding with interest and kindness to members old and new. . . he does so with absolute grace, good humour, and style.

If anyone ever deserved to meet the spectacular Jason Matthews (*sigh - I am so jealous) and the wondrous Blake Bennet more than Mike. . . I don't know who that person IS.

Mike is really one of a kind, Ertas :)


Dahhh! I did not read the message correctly that you'd re-posted as a sort of One Year Anniversary tribute to an incredible adventure of sightseeing and friendship building. So, it has taken me about 90 minutes to cover your adventures.

I felt like such a dope once I realized that the thread was a year old and you might not "know" that I had written responses to aspects of the "Incredible Visit" of the three forumites and the vicarious other forumites who went with you every step of the way. When I got to the last page and read the above I realized that the thread was once again "live".

All of this simply exemplifies the infinite beauty of internet. (Back in 1994-95, I was part of a traveling forum that did "Service to the Citizen" forums around the country. The forum presenters were all of the Internet Dignitaries of the era and then there was me - a lowlife luddite who was invited and designated by Forester Research of Boston to be the voice of local government working feverishly to harness the power of the internet for use by "the citizens of the world" to have voice and access to reality (rather than relying on the 4th Estate to deliver what is or is not happening across the globe.) In 1990, I had defeated three recommendations by the National Taxpayers Association to tax the internet. It was viewed as a virtual goldmine for governments to gain huge revenues by taxing it. I represented West Publishing Company (then the largest legal publishers in the world due to its release of WestLaw, an internet -based search site that paginated all laws and court cases in the world) and we would have been the largest operation tapped for that revenue stream. I argued that the Internet had to develop unbridled by laws that interfered with free market place development and that taxation would, without a doubt, corrupt and limit such development. I beat the proclamations so soundly that the NIIAC established rules to ban taxation. They have tried since but it remains protected by Congressional action.) Bill Gates (who had not yet launched Internet Explorer - Marc Andreessen, the founder of Mosaic - which he used my team's bot we aptly named "spyders" to develop and co-found the first web browser, Netscape - is who was the presenter who explained and discussed web exploration as an educational and informational tool that had just 6 years earlier been released public (as originally, it was developed for and used exclusively by research educational institutions and the military operations of NATO) use. My website, NorthStar, was the beta-test site for Internet Explorer. Bill Gates would talk on and on about the virtual cross-country date whereby a couple would both go to a movie (East Coast person matinee and West Coast person early show) then they could both go home and "chat" about the picture they'd just seen "together". He "knew" that it had the potential to bring together unlikely searchers of souls, news, government, relationships, etc. Up to then, I only "knew" the aol chat rooms!! (And most of the time they were local and led to a satisfying encounter but nothing long-term!!)

I thought he was dreaming. But, his dream has come to fruition and this site and your trip are the lasting and enduring reality to his "dream".

I didn't mean to go into all of that - but it IS the coming to fruition of what he envisioned whereas I had a limited view of its value for being a tool citizens could use to pay taxes, get a license, check out laws, edicts and rules that govern them, blah, blah, blah. See, a luddite through and through.

Thanks, again, Mikey! It is nice to have a face to some of those who here share their wit, wisdom, encouragement, compassion, dreams, insults and jabs with one another as if they are one big, united family.



Dear Ertas - - -

I can only echo Tampa in saying "WOW - what a fantastic story!" And, thanks on behalf of ALL of us, for your role in keeping the Internet affordable and accessible. . . your work has made a tremendous difference to all of us!!!

Though it might have seemed small to you, at the time, you are a great advocate for liberty of thought and expression. A 21-gun salute, and three marching bands, for you, Ertas :)))


Peter was a pleasure to be around except for two times. Once he was driving my car on the New York State Thruway and almost smashed into the car in front of us, and one time I was busting his chops on the subway coming back to Brooklyn after a long day of walking and site seeing. He asked me some questions about which subway we were taking and why not take another one, and I was a wise ass and told him to just follow my lead, and he got so mad I thought he was going to throw me on the subway track in front of the oncoming express train. lol

But seriously he was very cool to be around and we spent most of our time laughing during the whole trip, except when we checked out the hot young guys we encountered, and formed a code to talk about them in public. If they looked gay, we said College Dudes (College Dudes) and the straighties we said Broke Straight Boys lol

It was a lot of fun to hang out together and the week went by extremely quickly as has the past year as well.


Oh my goodness, Mike ~

While our Peter is extraordinarily handsome, and exceptionally charming, too, I'm sure I'm glad I've never been his passenger - - - automotively speaking. (I had some harrowing experiences on the twisting lumber-trails of Eastern Europe, which I should never care to repeat.

(I hope Peter has learnt his lesson, and is now driving, defensively :)

"A" ;-)))

Well, it was October 9, 2014, a year ago today that Peter arrived in New York City's La Guardia airport to begin the whirlwind week that took us to all five borough's of the city plus a memorable trip upstate to visit with Betu in my old college town.

So many memories, and it was great to share each day in stories and pictures here on the forum, which included so much commentary from my fellow forumites. It felt like some of you were with us all the way, especially "little" Johnny. It is a memory that will be sharply etched in my memory forever, and as Peter likes to remind me, at my age, that might not be so much longer. lol

Thanks for the memories to Peter & Betu, and to you guys and girl who felt like you were with us each step of our journey. It was a blast! :smile:


This is a wonderful reminiscence, Mike - - - and, like all great stories, it only gains lustre with the re-telling! (How sweet and poignant, the anniversary, must be!!!)

But, as I am always at pains to insist. . . any city, in any hemisphere, is only as bright as the friends who dwell within it. By that measure, New York City must be VERY bright, indeed.

"A" :)))))

Dahhh! I did not read the message correctly that you'd re-posted as a sort of One Year Anniversary tribute to an incredible adventure of sightseeing and friendship building. So, it has taken me about 90 minutes to cover your adventures.

I felt like such a dope once I realized that the thread was a year old and you might not "know" that I had written responses to aspects of the "Incredible Visit" of the three forumites and the vicarious other forumites who went with you every step of the way. When I got to the last page and read the above I realized that the thread was once again "live".

All of this simply exemplifies the infinite beauty of internet. (Back in 1994-95, I was part of a traveling forum that did "Service to the Citizen" forums around the country. The forum presenters were all of the Internet Dignitaries of the era and then there was me - a lowlife luddite who was invited and designated by Forester Research of Boston to be the voice of local government working feverishly to harness the power of the internet for use by "the citizens of the world" to have voice and access to reality (rather than relying on the 4th Estate to deliver what is or is not happening across the globe.) In 1990, I had defeated three recommendations by the National Taxpayers Association to tax the internet. It was viewed as a virtual goldmine for governments to gain huge revenues by taxing it. I represented West Publishing Company (then the largest legal publishers in the world due to its release of WestLaw, an internet -based search site that paginated all laws and court cases in the world) and we would have been the largest operation tapped for that revenue stream. I argued that the Internet had to develop unbridled by laws that interfered with free market place development and that taxation would, without a doubt, corrupt and limit such development. I beat the proclamations so soundly that the NIIAC established rules to ban taxation. They have tried since but it remains protected by Congressional action.) Bill Gates (who had not yet launched Internet Explorer - Marc Andreessen, the founder of Mosaic - which he used my team's bot we aptly named "spyders" to develop and co-found the first web browser, Netscape - is who was the presenter who explained and discussed web exploration as an educational and informational tool that had just 6 years earlier been released public (as originally, it was developed for and used exclusively by research educational institutions and the military operations of NATO) use. My website, NorthStar, was the beta-test site for Internet Explorer. Bill Gates would talk on and on about the virtual cross-country date whereby a couple would both go to a movie (East Coast person matinee and West Coast person early show) then they could both go home and "chat" about the picture they'd just seen "together". He "knew" that it had the potential to bring together unlikely searchers of souls, news, government, relationships, etc. Up to then, I only "knew" the aol chat rooms!! (And most of the time they were local and led to a satisfying encounter but nothing long-term!!)

I thought he was dreaming. But, his dream has come to fruition and this site and your trip are the lasting and enduring reality to his "dream".

I didn't mean to go into all of that - but it IS the coming to fruition of what he envisioned whereas I had a limited view of its value for being a tool citizens could use to pay taxes, get a license, check out laws, edicts and rules that govern them, blah, blah, blah. See, a luddite through and through.

Thanks, again, Mikey! It is nice to have a face to some of those who here share their wit, wisdom, encouragement, compassion, dreams, insults and jabs with one another as if they are one big, united family.


Wow that was quite the reading, but it brings up a question. WTF does this have to do with my trip to NYC last year??? lol
Fun thread...thanks guys. The Mexican meal looked great.
I told Peter that he is a "great catch" to a potential husband, (which I know he was to his late partner), as he knows about car engines as he checked under the hood of my car, has a good sense of interior design and is a great cook, as well as other talents that his "boy toy" back home can speak of. And he is a good house guest and fun to be around too. :thumbup1:
I told Peter that he is a "great catch" to a potential husband, (which I know he was to his late partner), as he knows about car engines as he checked under the hood of my car...

Are we still talking about automobiles here? haha