BSB Addict
Oh goodness, well my Dad lives 30 minutes from my house and I sent it on Friday. So I figured the very latest he would get it was yesterday.
After I got back from DC, he texted me asking if I had made it back yet, and that he loves me and hopes all is well. But, no mention of the letter . . .
My theory is that he got it, but isn't freaking out enough to bring it up. I think that the letter did enough explanation that there really isn't anything else I could see him having questions about.
So let's HOPE that's what happened. If that's the case, then all is well!
I'm about to call him now and see if he brings it up. . . I'll keep you posted!
Remember what I said earlier? "Oh we've known about that for a couple of years now, the coach told us and we all had to smile at your having to keep it secret." You've probably got it about right, that he's assimilated the news and decided it's no big deal. If he didn't know what a good, smart conscientious kid you are he might take a different tack, but what can you say to a young upbeat taxpaying wellmannered straightarrow goodguy even if the main work experience listed on his resumé is "international porn star"? I love it.
Even so it will be interesting to hear what he says. Peace out bro.