Hey guys...to clear it up.
Masyn Thorne wasn't here filming this week with our studio.
Masyn Thorne was doing some traveling and I didn't know that both Ethan and
Masyn Thorne were friends and kept in touch with each other. I knew they filmed together in ATL but I didn't know they both kept in touch with each other.
Ethan is a cool guy but he is also very private and I don't ask questions (its none of my business). Ethan and his friend Grey was down filming together (you guys will hear there story when the scenes come out) so Ethan knows Grey and they are friends.
Our protocol for covid-19 as of now, we are strict. The models arrive on Sunday, first thing Monday morning, ALL the models get a full panel test for STD/HIV and the test is very, very accurate. The test also includes the covid-19 and both Eddie and I have to do the covid test as well. By 7pm Monday evening we get back the test results and we all cleared the test so then we go into our own lock-down bubble and film. We will on occasion if we have time, do some site seeing with the guys in our car and if they want to see the beach, Eddie will go with them and bring them to the beach with very to little no people. We also allow them to go to our community pool and our gym inside the building but that is about it.
As you guys know, for those models that live in the state or live hours away, we book them there travel round-trip. Our normal production schedule when we actually film is Tuesday thru Friday and Saturday the guys go back home.
In the case of Ethan and Grey, how there flights were...the best flights leaving for them was Sunday night. Ethan was chatting to
Masyn Thorne and Ethan and
Masyn Thorne and Grey decided it was "spring break" here in South Florida. On Saturday, both Ethan and Grey left as we dropped them off at a hotel.
Our policy is once the model has completed there work and obligation with our studio, they can stay with us until there flights leave (which we encourage) or they can leave. Once they leave, we are no longer responsible for them. Once they leave, they have there flight information and if they do leave, its there responsibility to get themselves to the airport. If there are any mishaps, we are no longer responsible.
So it was Grey,
Masyn Thorne and Ethan having a grand ole time partying...and I agree, I am appalled that the clubs and bars are not strict when it comes to wearing a mask. Tampa is correct...and here in Florida, our governor has been keeping our state open for business and business as usual so its no surprise. The guys made it home safe and sound and hopefully they didn't get Covid.