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Adam Baer is back!

It’s always great to see you here Adam. I hope that life is treating you well and that you are happy and healthy. You’re most definitely looking good. :thumbup1:

Thank you Mike. So far so good. I continue to wake up everyday so it could always be worse. Im grateful for what I have so
Mark just recently posted a thread called “If You Could Pick One Model To Come Back...” and now this “Adam Baer is Back” thread. Are you coming back, Adam? And if so, I think the members should have a say in who is at the studio with you. Just my 2 cents.

Unfortunately that's just a coincidence Jay. I was just saying I was back on the forum. I will not be coming back to filming.
Adam, while we never met in the Forum I have been a member of Broke Straight Boys from the beginning & always was a big fan. I never dreamed I could meet you & get a bit to know you. Please stay well.
Adam, I am completely curious about something. Now that you’re officially out and looking back, is there a particular model that you filmed with that was your favorite or any particular model that is your type?
Hey everyone,

I’m still around and kickin! You thought you got rid of me, not the case!! You guys are stuck with me. Now I know some of you are thinking “Oh trust me Adam I wouldn’t mind AT ALL to be stuck with you.” And although you may be right because I mean look who we are talking about, horrible idea! Lol Now I don’t have a reason at this moment but give me a little bit and I think I can come up with one.

I know it’s been many years and some have found my real name and Instagram, but let me update you on Adam and how much he has changed from the Broke Straight Boys filming days.

Looks like someone was at Black's Beach enjoying the sun. Great to see you back, Adam.
haha Tampa I was looking at the boys earlier and noticed that even today after my last scene posted in Oct 2013, I am still in the top 10 models. That absolutely blows my mind still. I do appreciate the comment about the body. I used to weigh 175-180 when I filmed and I just weighed myself in the shoer a little bit ago, I was 207, much different!

Other than that, there's not much new. I am still in the military and still loving what I do. I am still in California as well.

That's awesome! I'm so glad you're doing well Adam. You certainly look like you're thriving. xoxo :001_wub:
Adam, I hope you don't mind me writing yet again. But it is so rare to get to meet a former model. It means so much to us all you are willing to share part of your life and are in good health &loving what you are doing. I use to be a daily visitor to Blacks Beach as a nudie using the cliffs to get down & back upbut that was centuries ago.
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For newer members of the forum, Adam was always sweet and chatted with us on the forum. Models interacting with the fans was one of the many great things about this site. Along with Adam, I can recall Jason, Blake, Damien and Paul, among the many and going back, Tyler, Mike R. And so many more. In fact, Mark had a separate section on the forum exclusively for the models to talk to us.

I love that Adam is keeping this old Broke Straight Boys tradition alive today. Thanks Adam.
I don't know about you guys but while I am into the younger ones Adam is a treasure and we must keep him as a friend & a member of the Forum. Who ever knows him should try to get him to check in frequently & share with us his life. What do other think & how can we his fans do so?
I wanted to repeat what I just wrote elsewhere because this fits, Adam so well.

I am in the process of creating pictures for the video "The Legend of Kip Noll". The first episode is an interview of him by Jon King. One statement stood out for me when Kip stated that while he had a private life separate from porn, porn was part of his life and it would be dishonest for him not to acknowledge it. It takes a man who is confident in himself to admit it first to himself then to public.
Adam, while we never met in the Forum I have been a member of Broke Straight Boys from the beginning & always was a big fan. I never dreamed I could meet you & get a bit to know you. Please stay well.

This is very true, but it’s the real me and we can definitely chat here!