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Don't speak to boys or else !!!


Thank you for helping remind us just how good we have it in some of our countries... Wow...:thumbdown: that is a horrible way to die.
Reminds me of the Ugandan legislation about executing anyone engaging in homosexual activity. Boy, do we have it great in the USA.
Yes and this is why we should never bow to radicals. They havn't changed for thousands of years and the real radicals don't want to change for another thousand. I don't mind if they do it in their own country, just don't come over and expect to get away with it in ours. Roll on the Aussies..
"I don't mind if they do it in their own country" ??? How incredibly smug,condescending and lacking compassion. Are we 'comfortable' Americans really so immune from such violent retaliation pride saving tactics?
"I don't mind if they do it in their own country" ??? How incredibly smug,condescending and lacking compassion. Are we 'comfortable' Americans really so immune from such violent retaliation pride saving tactics?
You are right Riktamen. We are all God's children, and all deserve the same human rights, no matter what part of the world we live in.
"I don't mind if they do it in their own country" ??? How incredibly smug,condescending and lacking compassion. Are we 'comfortable' Americans really so immune from such violent retaliation pride saving tactics?

Not really. Whenever the "civilised west" try to get involved in a countries human rights, we get criticised and told to mind our business. Sometimes those who we are trying to educate or criticise retaliate with aeroplanes and bombers. So it's best to let them get on with it. I'm not saying it is right - that is why I posted the thread in the first place, I just feel that if that is what their religion or laws or family values dictate, then they should practise it on their own ground and not in someone elses back yard.
Jon has a point there Rik. Jon is the one who started the thread in the first place. So obviously he was outraged by it. Jon is also a subject of the Crown. He's not American. And over there they have tons of immigrants from Africa and the Middle East who want all the benefits of living in the prosperous UK, but don't want to assimilate. Does that issue sound familiar? Those who want to move to wealthier countries, to improve their lot in life, should not insist on adhering to their own traditions. Specifically those traditions that violate local laws.