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Well-known Member
Jan 17, 2010
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just curious how many people in here are drag queens/performers. Im watching season two of Rupaul's drag race and it put me in the mood.

Real Name: Joey (me)
Drag Name: Sue Namie



im curious to see what some of the other members are hiding!
i wish i was still this pretty, my makeup artist quit drag so i tried learning myself, but i suck. anyhow living at home with your catholic mother and father have kinda left me unable to don my wig lately

the very first time i performed as Sue Namie, it was at a poetry night hosted by my private lutheran college....i got some crazy rep from that, i had people yelling my name across campus, not in a hateful way either! i would be walking to my earliest class at 730am and i would hear "SUE!" it was awesome
Good luck living at home. Your drag persona is a bit scarey but fun. I hope the worlds don't collid in an unpleasant way!
Best of luck!!!
You rock buddy........fantastic outfits......awesome.:001_rolleyes:

if you don't mind my asking what made you want to get into drag?
quite literally, i was bored! everyday mundane life was boring, and my friend asked me if i every dressed in women's clothing. so i tried it out during a play we put on for our college as the gay straight alliance. a drag queen in oz! it was fantastic and so freeing that i decided it was a great way to blow off steam and let loose!
hey buddy thank you for answering my question.

I agree with you though that anything that gives you a sense of freedom, a thrill and a level of enjoyment is always a good thing to do :w00t:
its wonderful because its a great way to let out all of those obnoxious off the wall things you want to say but never will as yourself. you do your makeup fix your bra and put on a good fun outfit, then you go out with one goal: to make people go "WTF!" its fantastic and freeing and fun. i honestly wish i could still do it, i miss it so much.
Hello Sue Namie, it is a real pleasure to meet you. Girl, your drag is FIERCE! In here they call me Markymark I, queen mother of the forum. In a former life, LOL, I was Amanda Tori Thang. I too have enjoyed doing drag for years, even serving as a Grand Duchess in Sacramento a few years back. I concur with every point you made. The freedom one experiences is so intoxicating, liberating and down right fun.
i never won any awards, never could get my guts up enough to enter a competition. i did mostly appearances (like paris hilton) and a poetry jam here and there. i did attend a candle light vigil on the day of silence as Sue Namie once, but being quiet in drag just isnt fun, plus i almost caught my wig on fire, good thing it was on loan from my drag sister!
quite literally, i was bored! everyday mundane life was boring, and my friend asked me if i every dressed in women's clothing. so i tried it out during a play we put on for our college as the gay straight alliance. a drag queen in oz! it was fantastic and so freeing that i decided it was a great way to blow off steam and let loose!

I used to think it was a way for passively oriented guys to exhibit their feminine side in public, a fairly huge closet door to open I should have thought but which must be a very liberating thing to do. Also sexually stimulating? Don't you feel hot when you're dressed up?

A guy I met in BCN when I was teaching there is arriving today at 1.30 for a quick visit here after a couple of years emailing and phoning every now and then. We'd got to be friends via www.gaydar.co.uk and I even lent him an evening dress left behind here in a box to perform drag in a club in Barcelona, specifically my ex-mother-in-law's champagne silk, beaded strapless floor length Monroe clone knockout gown from the early fifties. He looked amazing in it, no wig, not a lot of make-up, that dress and an awesome voice. Fucking cool.
well buddy you look great and you sound as though you were the life and soul of the party.

haha and you deserve a medal for doing the bra thing...I don't know how you get those dam things to work. One of my girl friends once asked me to undo hers...(she had a broken arm and was staying at mine...not for any other reason lol) ...it took me a little while to sort that out I can tell you. Don't know how the girls manage with those day in day out I can tell ya!:scared:

I think it is great that you found a way to express yourself you rock:sneaky2:
i can undo a bra with one hand! as for comfort? my bra is usually off halfway through the night!

as for sexual arousment from it? im pretty much an asexual person. i dont even mastrubate more than once or twice a week. the reason i joined this site wasnt exactly for the same reason people watch porn. i cant explain why i was drawn to this site, but in reality i watch these videos for entertainment just as i would watch a movie...i know im weird. i think it has something to do with the fact that good sex is an artform.

i did go out a few times without a wig, but that was back when my hair was pretty long, it wasnt anywhere close to even shoulder length but as far as boys go, it was long. i would curl it or do something crazy, add some huge hair decoration typically made of feathers/ribbons/odd stuff and be on my way. once i wore a Dildo in my hair surrounded by white feathers, it was hot!
i can undo a bra with one hand! as for comfort? my bra is usually off halfway through the night!

as for sexual arousment from it? im pretty much an asexual person. i dont even mastrubate more than once or twice a week. the reason i joined this site wasnt exactly for the same reason people watch porn. i cant explain why i was drawn to this site, but in reality i watch these videos for entertainment just as i would watch a movie...i know im weird. i think it has something to do with the fact that good sex is an artform.

i did go out a few times without a wig, but that was back when my hair was pretty long, it wasnt anywhere close to even shoulder length but as far as boys go, it was long. i would curl it or do something crazy, add some huge hair decoration typically made of feathers/ribbons/odd stuff and be on my way. once i wore a Dildo in my hair surrounded by white feathers, it was hot!

I know exactly what you mean by watching Broke Straight Boys for amusement. There are other sites with "better sex" but this one beats them in entertainment value. God knows how he does it, but David has a knack for getting great responses from his victims, even when (as in the present video) he sounds like an overtired parent coping with two overexcited children up way past their bedtime. JW, did you especially like Damien and Marlin?
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haha you definately need a medal now that I know you can undo a bra with one hand lol....impressive.:tongue_smilie:

Hey you are are not weird buddy, I think it is great that on this site everyone can have their own form of enjoyment, whether it is that you want to jerk off over every vid or whether you want to watch for the aesthetic view point of the beautiful guys that they have.
I have a question, you say that you only jerk off about once or twice a week....do you not have the urge to do it more than that....is it something that you surpress os soemthing that you really don't feel the need to do?
Hope you don't mind such a personal question....it is just that I fractured my wrist before xmas and was in a cast and couldn't jerk off properly for a few weeks and oh dam was I frustrated (haha it can chaffe a little when you have plaster on your arm lol)....that is the reason for my question.:biggrin:
slim- i actually havent watched it yet, i have heard some great things about it so i am excited, but i feel bad for the one model nobody wants to see anymore, such a negative thing, and im of the opinion that everyone deserves respect for what they do if they put forth the effort. like if tyler just didnt feel like enemaing before a shoot and just shat on someones dick, yeah he deserves some back lash. but something as natural as sex cant be forced. same with drag! if youre too lazy to shave your beard, shame on you, but if you just dont have the gumption to dry hump a camel on stage just like everyone else, oh well, you gave it your best.

wantto- as for mastrubation, i just dont have a sex drive. from time to time i will feel like i need to put something in my mouth. but for the most part, the sex drive just doesnt exist for me. i enjoy it! i just dont have to do it. and that question was not to personal at all. i dont have many boundaries
Wanto: I am sure that jwglass can tell you that the one handed bra release technique develops quickly when you have to go from Marilyn Monroe to Celine Dion to Barbra to Mae West in less than an hour, including lips, hair, dress and stilletos! God I miss those days. LOL!
haha i know right! i was in a play that consisted of drag characters. women played men, men were women. well i had about 6 roles in this damned play and i mastered the art of costume changed especially since i was pretty much in every scene back to back!