Of course you're entitled to your opinion Ed, just as I am entitled to disagree with it. Yes, if we were participating in an Emily Post "The Rules of Etiquette" fan club forum, Jimmy's comments would be considered rude. But guys in general, in real life, can be rude and it's part of their charm as long as it's not meant in a mean, or demeaning way and Jimmy is actually a very friendly, laid back, fun loving guy. What you guys see as rude, I see as joking around. And he's funny! I laughed at him several times, I got a kick out of when he said "We're not here to make love, we're here to fuck" comment, just like I loved it when he told his previous scene partner "You're not paid to get lockjaw." Come on guys, lighten up! Jimmy is being casual, and I think he's very comfortable in his own skin. For those of you who call him a homophobe, I think just the opposite and think he's trying to have a good time in a somewhat odd scenario for him and the only time he gets uncomfortable is when he's having to actually perform gay sex acts that are difficult for him such as sucking cock and kissing. But he still does it, and he does it with an open mind and he keeps his sense of humor about it.
To those of you who get so offended by Jimmy's "rude" comments, please keep things in perspective and in context here. Yes, if you were making love to your lover, and he said things like Jimmy says, you would probably be offended. But Jimmy is portraying a straight guy who is performing sexually with a guy. I for one prefer that over him proclaiming "Oh my goodness gracious, isn't this pleasant" or something of that nature, which would be totally fake and frankly, quite silly in my opinion.