Long time forumite
Thank you for saying what you did, David. As I've been reading the bigoted, negative anti-Jimmy comments by the same few, over and over, I have thought several times that they remind me of the Tea Party folks. That is interesting that you had the same thought.This whole thing about being negative about what Jimmy says or doesn't say is like the Tea Party; It's my way or no way, rather than accepting each individual model on here as who he is, rather than what we want them to be. We have to see the tree through the forest guys. Jimmy's comments were not rude nor the concept of him being overly straight, as I viewed them. As far as the limp dick, who, in all honesty, hasn't ever had that happen to them while doing it with someone the first time and they don't do something we are exactly use to? Jimmy went limp, but came right back. The only thing I read here in ref. to Jimmy by some are over critical guys.
If I don't like a model, I may say it once, or perhaps not even comment on it. But the Jimmy bashers here remind me of the Obama bashers, who keep it up over and over again, with a nasty accusatory tone. Enough. We get your point. I respectfully disagree. Case closed.