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Busy Sunday


Well-known Member
Nov 28, 2008
Reaction score
Tacoma, WA
Good evening everyone.

Well, I can say that this has been a pretty busy day for me. I got in the mood this morning and decided to rearrange my couch and swivel chair for the spring and summer months. Also fixed supper this evening as I usually do. Fixed porch chops, served seasoned egg noodles and Italian style vegetables. After supper, I was in the mood for some baking, so I baked 40 chocolate chip cookies, 24 oatmeal/raisin cookies and a batch of brownies. That's enough work for me for one Sunday. Hope everyone had a good one as well. Good night all.
Sounds like a busy day indeed. Also, any chance I can have some cookies as you surely can't eat them all yourself :confused1:
Good evening everyone.

Well, I can say that this has been a pretty busy day for me. I got in the mood this morning and decided to rearrange my couch and swivel chair for the spring and summer months. Also fixed supper this evening as I usually do. Fixed porch chops, served seasoned egg noodles and Italian style vegetables. After supper, I was in the mood for some baking, so I baked 40 chocolate chip cookies, 24 oatmeal/raisin cookies and a batch of brownies. That's enough work for me for one Sunday. Hope everyone had a good one as well. Good night all.

Wow, Gary you really took the proverbial bull by the horns today. Sounds like you are already for Spring.:thumbup:
Gary, dear, what do you charge for house calls? Deutschland Uber Alles in unserem Haus dieser Sonntag. We settled for knackwurst and Bavarian kraut with warm potato salad and apple cole slaw. I baked some apples for dessert and put some ice cream on them. Your brownies weren't Alice B. Toklas by any chance? That would explain all the cookies, too. I do love oatmeal raisin cookies.

You do have a charmed life Rifle. There are many of us who aspire our whole lives to have the beloved family and marriage that you have. I hope you count your blessings every day for you are truly blessed. It gives hope and inspiration to us all as to what is possible for gay men.
Gary, dear, what do you charge for house calls? Deutschland Uber Alles in unserem Haus dieser Sonntag. We settled for knackwurst and Bavarian kraut with warm potato salad and apple cole slaw. I baked some apples for dessert and put some ice cream on them. Your brownies weren't Alice B. Toklas by any chance? That would explain all the cookies, too. I do love oatmeal raisin cookies.

Ich liebe deutsches Essen. Verzeihen Sie mein Deutsch das ist ein bisschen rostig. (I love German food. Forgive my German it is a bit rusty.) I am not sure I want to make house calls to clean but I can make some serious German confections...LOL :thumbup:
Talk about a busy Sunday,

Let see, I work retail and this was my Sunday to work. Had to go in early (10am) and had a department meeting with my staff and Loss Prevention. We were busy almost the instant we opened the doors. At noon I had to send two associates to a re-fresher training class. No soon did they leave that it got very busy and I'm running around helping customers and my staff. This went on til 3pm when we had our normal 3pm mid-day manager meeting to see how things were going and if we had any issues with staffing. Around 4pm finally had a chance to get some food. We closed at 7pm and had some last minute customer shopping until around 7:20pm. Had to wait for Loss Prevention to show up to lock up the building, they were late due to an arrest made in the other building. Did not leave the building until around 8pm. Got home and was to tired to prepare any food, so I did a few chores and then went to bed.

So, bottom line, if anyone deserves some home-made goodies, I am ready willing and able. When you do send them, make sure they are kept warm.

Love all,

Live Long and Prosper,

Talk about a busy Sunday,

Let see, I work retail and this was my Sunday to work. Had to go in early (10am) and had a department meeting with my staff and Loss Prevention. We were busy almost the instant we opened the doors. At noon I had to send two associates to a re-fresher training class. No soon did they leave that it got very busy and I'm running around helping customers and my staff. This went on til 3pm when we had our normal 3pm mid-day manager meeting to see how things were going and if we had any issues with staffing. Around 4pm finally had a chance to get some food. We closed at 7pm and had some last minute customer shopping until around 7:20pm. Had to wait for Loss Prevention to show up to lock up the building, they were late due to an arrest made in the other building. Did not leave the building until around 8pm. Got home and was to tired to prepare any food, so I did a few chores and then went to bed.

So, bottom line, if anyone deserves some home-made goodies, I am ready willing and able. When you do send them, make sure they are kept warm.

Love all,

Live Long and Prosper,


Please send your transporter cordinates to my computer. I will be glad to beam over some tasty treats anytime. :sneaky2:
Please send your transporter cordinates to my computer. I will be glad to beam over some tasty treats anytime. :sneaky2:

By the the tasty treats do mean you are willing to transport yourself over for an afternoon delight!:drool:

By the the tasty treats do mean you are willing to transport yourself over for an afternoon delight!:drool:
Hey wait a minute! I'm a pretty hot treat, Beam Me Beam Me. (OMG that's the worst pick up line right there!):lol:
Hey wait a minute! I'm a pretty hot treat, beam Me Beam me. OMG that's the worst pick up line right there!:lol:

It must have worked. Send me your coordinates...:thumbup:
Please send your transporter cordinates to my computer. I will be glad to beam over some tasty treats anytime. :sneaky2:

My Dear Mr. Jayman,

I shall be shortly sending you my transporter coordinates via PM so as to avoid un-expected beam ins. I also concur with distinguished forumite from Canada who noted, "By the Tasty treats do you mean you are willing to transport yourself over for an afternoon delight!".

I would expect nothing less from our most prolific postmaster than your personal beaming over with the appropriate tasty treats so as to allow me the maximum benefit of the goodies you can provide. I am also certain I can clear my agenda for an afternoon free of the hardship of serving my clients.

The coordinates have been reviewed in great detail and should allow you to beam into the largest room in my abode, the Master Bedroom. This will insure you don't accidentally transport into a wall.

I ask that you contact me prior to transportation so I may fully prepared to receive you. And as I do have a sweet tooth, don't forget the goodies.

Live Long and Prosper

So, bottom line, if anyone deserves some home-made goodies, I am ready willing and able. When you do send them, make sure they are kept warm.

Love all,

Live Long and Prosper,


How about if we just stuffed them in our pockets (inside clean plastic baggies of course) before we brought them. They'd be plenty warm then. Maybe even hot! :lol::thumbup:
You do have a charmed life Rifle. There are many of us who aspire our whole lives to have the beloved family and marriage that you have. I hope you count your blessings every day for you are truly blessed. It gives hope and inspiration to us all as to what is possible for gay men.

I also wanted to point out to MarkyMark that all of these sentiments apply to him as well. Those of you who build your own families from nothing but love are very special people.
My Dear Mr. Jayman,

I shall be shortly sending you my transporter coordinates via PM so as to avoid un-expected beam ins. I also concur with distinguished forumite from Canada who noted, "By the Tasty treats do you mean you are willing to transport yourself over for an afternoon delight!".

I would expect nothing less from our most prolific postmaster than your personal beaming over with the appropriate tasty treats so as to allow me the maximum benefit of the goodies you can provide. I am also certain I can clear my agenda for an afternoon free of the hardship of serving my clients.

The coordinates have been reviewed in great detail and should allow you to beam into the largest room in my abode, the Master Bedroom. This will insure you don't accidentally transport into a wall.

I ask that you contact me prior to transportation so I may fully prepared to receive you. And as I do have a sweet tooth, don't forget the goodies.

Live Long and Prosper


Thank you... You are right. It is important that I make the tasty treats myself and serve them fresh and hot. BTW, the transport will not require an energy matter transfer. I have my own way of teleporting with a thought. I find this form of travel much more efficient. See you soon...
I also wanted to point out to MarkyMark that all of these sentiments apply to him as well. Those of you who build your own families from nothing but love are very special people.

Isn't love the most important ingrediant in any family. Sorry, just a thought.:thumbup:
You do have a charmed life Rifle. There are many of us who aspire our whole lives to have the beloved family and marriage that you have. I hope you count your blessings every day for you are truly blessed. It gives hope and inspiration to us all as to what is possible for gay men.

Isn't love the most important ingrediant in any family. Sorry, just a thought.:thumbup:

Absolutely. That's how it's supposed to work in theory at least. But as we know that is not always how it plays out in real life. Hence the foster kids who are lucky enough to be taken in by loving gay couples so that they might build their own loving families from scratch.

I merely was trying to make the distinction between a straight couple who biologically created their family and those who made their own family by choice. Simply because they wanted to share the welath of love that they had to offer with needy and sometimes neglected children.

I am aware though that many gay people did both. Some had biological children of their own before coming out.
Absolutely. That's how it's supposed to work in theory at least. But as we know that is not always how it plays out in real life. Hence the foster kids who are lucky enough to be taken in by loving gay couples so that they might build their own loving families from scratch.

I merely was trying to make the distinction between a straight couple who biologically created their family and those who made their own family by choice. Simply because they wanted to share the wealth of love that they had to offer with needy and sometimes neglected children.

I am aware though that many gay people did both. Some had biological children of their own before coming out.

Tampa as always we are both on the same page. I never doubted you for a min. I just think how many gay people out there are that seem to understand unconditional love better than most heterosexual people.

My mom was quite a riot when I first came out to her. She was so worried what the neighbors thought, how she would be viewed in public, what she did wrong, and of course the black mark now on her record that might keep her out of heaven. Boy those religious zealots really did a number brainwashing her. LOL I felt so bad for her, I had to tell her I was only joking so she could go back to her fairytale life that was programmed into her head. She was so close minded, that when she came home early from work one day, when I was 11, and caught me and my friend in a 69 session; she just seemed to erase that moment from her memory data banks. It was as if it never happened. Then when I was older, if I had a boyfriend; I would just say, hey mom, this is my new BF Joe. She would give me a weird look and I would say he is a boy and he is my friend just like when I bring friends over who are girls. They are my girlfriends. Then she would laugh and everything was fine. Strange, I only ever came over to do her yard work she couldn't do for her self. We never got a thank you... However; if I brought a GF over, half way through work, she would always invite the GF into the house for the family talk. LOL It was great three times I brought GF's that were Lesbians. The best part was when she accused one of my Lesbian friends of giving me a case of the crabs I got from a client's house when I worked for Mental Health and Mental Retardation. My mom lectured her about all the woes of cheating on me. LOL. Man was that too funny.

I believed that I had learned a long time ago that my mom was mentally deranged and I suspected bipolar. I could never get her in front of a Dr. to get her diagnosed. She was some how functional enough to pass as normal in society. So, after time we all found it easier to let her live a life of fantasy than confront her with reality. I was glad I did it to. It gave me a life full of funny memories and she died a very peaceful death living her fantasy. I knew in her heart she always somehow knew the truth. She just believed in fantasy more than reality when it came to her family. Another oddity I find is that when she was alive, I spent many hours behind her back laugh at her stupidity and insanity. God works in mysterious ways too. I knew for 7 years she had breast cancer. I saw it when I was working on her shoulder for pain. She used to always let me do healing work on her until the day I first saw the cancer. From that day forward she never let me touch her for healing again. She was afraid I would take it onto myself to cure her. When I had finally amassed enough evidence to take her to court for a competency hearing to have her adjudicated so I could get her help. Two days before the court hearing she was diagnosed with terminal cancer and it had spread to 75% of her liver, 30% of her intestines, and 15% of her kidneys and it was in her spine too. She wasn't strong enough to receive Tx. Her fortitude to live out her fantasy that nothing was wrong was so strong that she worked a 40 hour a week job and went to bingo every evening until that day in the hospital and she did it without pain medication up until then. When I asked her why, she told me her job here was done and she wanted to go and be with my dad. She told me she hated hospitals and she decided she wasn’t going to one until it was too late. She also told me my friend Mike was cute but he was not the right one for me. LOL It was in that moment for the first time I realized how smart she really was and deliberately she lived her life. Now, when I look back on those memories; I laugh with her. I was proud she chose me to help take her to the light too. Sometimes it is amazing how our own families choose to love us.