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(BTS) Ronan Kennedy: An Interview


Long time forumite
Oct 24, 2008
Reaction score
Brooklyn New York
I commented yesterday on how much I can enjoy the behind the scenes, often more than the actual porn, but this was PERFECT in every way. Damian Christopher is an amazing photographer and cinematographer, while his subject is incredibly handsome. I highly recommend everyone to watch this interview as the "good questions" are asked and he answers them very honestly. This is a very beautiful young man giving us a very honest look inside the real guy who plays the role of Ronan Kennedy on the internet.
I commented yesterday on how much I can enjoy the behind the scenes, often more than the actual porn, but this was PERFECT in every way. Damian Christopher is an amazing photographer and cinematographer, while his subject is incredibly handsome. I highly recommend everyone to watch this interview as the "good questions" are asked and he answers them very honestly. This is a very beautiful young man giving us a very honest look inside the real guy who plays the role of Ronan Kennedy on the internet.

Thanks mike
Talking on the phone to a Dear Friend. Worry about the rumor about Paul and Damien Kyle. Eating ,reading the forum I almost forgot .
So thank you for reminding me. What a Beautiful boy I am without a doubt a Ronon fan. Enjoyed this interview VERY MUCH.
Everyone should watch.
I wish I could give this interview 6 stars. The man Ronan Kennedy is in his Clark Kent persona is a wonderful and beautiful human being. I'd like to comment more but I can't do him justice at this late hour when I'm tired. More later I'm sure. But thank you to everyone at the site responsible for giving us another amazing interview. My admiration, respect and love for Ronan Kennedy as a human being has increased exponentially since watching this interview.
Ronan Kennedy is a really sweet, great looking guy with a huge heart trying to figure out his place in this world! I liked him a lot and hope
he grabs life by the balls and works hard to have an amazing life!
Ronan Kennedy's interview was the most honest and sincere of any I've seen. I used to just like him now I really really like him as a human being. Makes him even more attractive to me.
WOW omg. That has to be the best bts that I have ever seen, he really was so honest and open I swear my heart even skipped a beat (yes I know that sounds corny). He is such a beautiful person on the out side and now it just proves he is so beautiful on the inside as well, I just wanted to reach out and give him a huge hug. The thing that I really loved is the fact that he cares for disabled people and as many of you know I am disabled, I have been for many years and have been told that there is no cure for what caused it and so ill be like this for the rest of my life, all I can say is if I could choose someone to care for me other than my mum it would most definitely be him not just because of his looks (although he is drop dead gorgeous) its because he feels like he has got a heart of gold and such a warm personality. I am most definitely a Ronan Kennedy fan and I can't wait to see more of him. Xx
Just wanted to drop in on this thread to let you in on my perspective. As you know I spend my time loving with these models while we are shooting them...that BTS was completely authentic. Damien has been doing a good job in getting the more serious side of each model and I tend to bring out more of their fun loving side of their persona...giving members a real and complete feel as to what each guy is really like. Ronan Kennedy's BTS here is EXACTLY the guy I met last month - and I had a STRONG feeling most members would really like this guy...I'm happy to see such a positive response to his true self...as I look forward to working with him again.
Johnny Robins
Ronan Kennedy's BTS here is EXACTLY the guy I met last month - and I had a STRONG feeling most members would really like this guy...I'm happy to see such a positive response to his true self...as I look forward to working with him again.
Johnny Robins
I love your instincts Johnny in feeling that most members would really like him. I think that both he and Dimitri are the best new models that you have introduced, since you took over the reigns of production. Please keep using those same instincts to find more talent along the lines of the "newbie dynamic duo" of Broke Straight Boys!!! :thumbup:
I love your instincts Johnny in feeling that most members would really like him. I think that both he and Dimitri are the best new models that you have introduced, since you took over the reigns of production. Please keep using those same instincts to find more talent along the lines of the "newbie dynamic duo" of Broke Straight Boys!!! :thumbup:
I'm really glad you like those two, but I have to say I think we've brought in and coached up some real good talent over the last 6-7 months to include Zeno Kostas and Tyler. Look forward to bringing Zeno Kostas back as I think he really has a lot to offer and is still an untapped talent at this point...the sky is the limit with him. Just got done shooting Tyler again on his third trip, and I KNOW you'll be pleased with how far he has come - got some really good scenes out of him. Made some new directorial decisions with Kaden Alexander as well during this last round of shoots and let me tell you....he has REALLY come a long way!! It's like a whole new Kaden Alexander and if you liked him or not in the past- buckle up for some real porn STAR performances by him! We have built up a real nice stable of guys since I've started and I am confident you will be happy going forward with the Broke Straight Boys experience!
Johnny Robins
Star in the Making!

I'm glad you all like Ronan Kennedy's Interview. I have a great time with the guys talking to them and learning more about who they are as a person. It's a great job and I truly enjoy it. Johnny has done a great job with these guys over the past few months and he's only getting started. Ronan Kennedy is a gem and I can't wait to see more of his transformation into a true porn star.
So, be on the lookout for more BTS Interviews, shorts, and fun segments (not to mention a TV show) from Broke Straight Boys! DSC_4628.jpg
I'm really glad you like those two, but I have to say I think we've brought in and coached up some real good talent over the last 6-7 months to include Zeno Kostas and Tyler. Look forward to bringing Zeno Kostas back as I think he really has a lot to offer and is still an untapped talent at this point...the sky is the limit with him. Just got done shooting Tyler again on his third trip, and I KNOW you'll be pleased with how far he has come - got some really good scenes out of him. Made some new directorial decisions with Kaden Alexander as well during this last round of shoots and let me tell you....he has REALLY come a long way!! It's like a whole new Kaden Alexander and if you liked him or not in the past- buckle up for some real porn STAR performances by him! We have built up a real nice stable of guys since I've started and I am confident you will be happy going forward with the Broke Straight Boys experience!
Johnny Robins

I have to agree with you that newer models like Tyler and Zeno Kostas have been a very refreshing surprise. Both of them are great. :) I can't wait to see more of them.
I just have to gush a little over Ronin and this interview. Ronin says he is full of love and loves everyone. How could we watch his interview here and not fall in love with him ourselves? I appreciated him sharing the loss of his relationship and how difficult of a process that was to coming back to and finding his own personality again. I've had that experience described to me many times in my life from both gay people and straight people. After a relationship has run its course or unfortunately ends, many times one or both of them are left mentally and emotionally adrift for quite a while. They have to rediscover who they are as single people. Sometimes its a welcome experience. Other times it can be very traumatic and result in much soul searching. I can understand why he is gun shy about getting into another relationship. I do hope he can find another woman eventually who will make him very happy. Assuming of course that that is what he wants.

I did feel honored that Ronin gave us such a personal insight into his life, his personality and a glimpse into the way he sees the world. I really admire how he helps out the elderly and the handicapped in his job. I'm sure he brings some happiness to the people he helps out just being himself. It can be a depressing place in nursing homes, rehab centers, institutions and the like. I have close family members who are in the field. So I know wherefrom he speaks. Yet I do think his calming presence and patience makes his clients happier than they would be otherwise.

I love Ronin partly because he is so shy and admits to it. I'm happy for him that the character of Ronin allows him to be more confident and assertive than he normally is. After he's done filming, I would love to cuddle with his quieter and shyer alter-ego on the sofa and watch some of his favorite shows with him. He really is beautiful. :)