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Another New Cute Boy - BTS coming July 25 - Getting To Know Landon Wells

Pictures from Connor's Twitter
Thanks so much Bartirah. I'm not exactly sure who all of them are yet, but overall I'm impressed. Not a "clunker" in the batch from what I can see. Some not as straight looking as our new Damien, but that's fine too. But lot's of hot looking young guys on the horizon which to me is a very good thing! I am looking forward to meeting Landon this week and soon thereafter to and all his friends pictured above! :001_tongue:
I was posting from cell phone and that's why I didn't add subtitles on the pictures...

In the first post:
1) Landon looking at his cell phone.
2) Landon and Connor
3) Landon and Connor 'in action'
4) Connor 'Good Morning' picture with his own subtitle 'Let's Begin'.

In the second post:
1) The one and only Tanner!!! Connor: "That was one hell of a scene just now Tanner good game"
2) Landon and the subtitle was: "Breakfast with the bottom"
3) Landon and Connor. Connor: "Look him trying to look cute"
4) Landon and Connor.
5) Connor and Ashton
If you guys are ever mean to Landon, I'll make sure he knows he can put his shoes under my bed any time. :P haha
Things are looking up.

If you guys are ever mean to Landon, I'll make sure he knows he can put his shoes under my bed any time. :P haha
Again a great big thanks to Sha. When three of us "old curmudgeons" (pardon my stealing your title Stowe, lol), but as Elyot, Tampa and I all have "Oct 2008" next to our screen names and we are all gleeful about the newbies introduced so far and the one's on the horizon, I think that Sha deserves a lot of credit, We three Broke Straight Boys forum originals, among others have been vocal in our displeasure with the direction the site had taken in recent months and years and so Sha deserves all the praise for listening to our cries for younger, hotter, newer and some "straighter" guys to grace the sheets of his studio bed and our computer and device screens. As elyot 1 just said, "Things are looking up." :thumbup:
Again a great big thanks to Sha. When three of us "old curmudgeons" (pardon my stealing your title Stowe, lol), but as Elyot, Tampa and I all have "Oct 2008" next to our screen names and we are all gleeful about the newbies introduced so far and the one's on the horizon, I think that Sha deserves a lot of credit, We three Broke Straight Boys forum originals, among others have been vocal in our displeasure with the direction the site had taken in recent months and years and so Sha deserves all the praise for listening to our cries for younger, hotter, newer and some "straighter" guys to grace the sheets of his studio bed and our computer and device screens. As elyot 1 just said, "Things are looking up." :thumbup:

Amen to that! haha
We do have some new models here as mentioned. Landon Wells is not Kristian. There actually isn't a Kristian. We are filming: Landon Wells, Rick Hazard, Connor Ridge and Jos Alvarez

Thank you Sha for catching us up on this. :)

With total respect here I just have to say that I hope the site will do more in the future to keep us informed. Not that it should be you personally doing it of course. But as the point has been made on other threads, those of us who are already members and already paying our dues should be just as informed (if not more so) about happenings on the site, as other strangers and non-members who follow Broke Straight Boys ads or Broke Straight Boys models on social media.

I realize that the site has provided a link to the Broke Straight Boys Twitter feed on the main page. I also saw the other day that a Facebook link has also been added, or will be soon. That's great and all. And it's appreciated. It's not like you all are doing nothing towards that goal. The intention to keep members informed is there. For those who really like to, and have the time to follow several social media sites like Twitter and FB...that's wonderful. Thank you!

I myself don't like for porn to be the subject that all my hobbies and interests revolve around. I prefer more balance in my life. I don't really enjoy following the whole national porn industry on social media as a daily or even weekly ritual. I DO follow it to some degree intermittently for the sake of Broke Straight Boys mostly. Overall though (for myself) I find it a huge time waster.

I know that you (staff and management) would like members in here to follow Broke Straight Boys accounts on social media, increase the number of follows and so on, so that it draws more traffic and interest to bring potential new customers in here.

I know that for marketing purposes here on the site, that in the past there has been a desire to tease members and build up excitement for some unknown new model, scene or other news event. Nothing wrong with that in itself. That's one of the oldest and most effective marketing tools one can use. Of course now comes the BUT. With the advent of social media it's now reached a saturation point where there is more news and information about the site, upcoming models, upcoming scenes and so on...along with tons of photographs, all available to non-members...that aren't available to the already paying members in here who don't follow social media.

Of course I'm not referring to news or photos which models post themselves on their own social media accounts. You guys have no control over that. Nor do you have any effective way to disseminate that to us even if you had the time, money and inclination to do so. That will likely always be a hunt and peck search by those who are interested enough to follow social media. I don't want to sound hypocritical here. As I say, I do follow some social media. But I don't enjoy losing so much time in the process.

I don't claim to have all the solutions here. I don't know what the answer(s) should be. But I hope the staff of the site will consider other options to allow the paying membership here to get the benefit of seeing a majority of the photos and news announcements regarding the site that the general public gets to see for free. For those Broke Straight Boys members who want to follow Broke Straight Boys and particular favorite models on the side in social media, that's great! Wonderful. I also think though that a perk of paying membership in here should include not having to spend a bunch of time on social media finding out info on the site elsewhere, if we choose not to. It should be easier for those of us already in here to find out what's going on "In the Broke Straight Boys News" than the person on the street.
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Again a great big thanks to Sha. When three of us "old curmudgeons" (pardon my stealing your title Stowe, lol), but as Elyot, Tampa and I all have "Oct 2008" next to our screen names and we are all gleeful about the newbies introduced so far and the one's on the horizon, I think that Sha deserves a lot of credit, We three Broke Straight Boys forum originals, among others have been vocal in our displeasure with the direction the site had taken in recent months and years and so Sha deserves all the praise for listening to our cries for younger, hotter, newer and some "straighter" guys to grace the sheets of his studio bed and our computer and device screens. As elyot 1 just said, "Things are looking up." :thumbup:

Yes. By all means, thank you, Sha. Hey, Mike, I love being 'an old curmugeon'.
Again a great big thanks to Sha. When three of us "old curmudgeons" (pardon my stealing your title Stowe, lol), but as Elyot, Tampa and I all have "Oct 2008" next to our screen names and we are all gleeful about the newbies introduced so far and the one's on the horizon, I think that Sha deserves a lot of credit, We three Broke Straight Boys forum originals, among others have been vocal in our displeasure with the direction the site had taken in recent months and years and so Sha deserves all the praise for listening to our cries for younger, hotter, newer and some "straighter" guys to grace the sheets of his studio bed and our computer and device screens. As elyot 1 just said, "Things are looking up." :thumbup:

I do agree! The newer models in here lately have cheered me up greatly and given me much more optimism. I'm back to really looking forward to updates again. lol