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BSB Gay Porn “One & Doners”


  • shane.jpeg
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Excellent Tampa, that took hard work. Thanks for the education.

Hey Frontier!

I assume you're referring to the earlier Dan White post. You're welcome. Yes. It did take some research and time. It was such a serious post that it almost stopped the thread from continuing further. I'm glad the thread got back on track. I didn't consider the post to be off-topic for the thread. But it did seem to briefly dampen the mood, which is understandable.

(A link to the original post.)

Here is another one and done, his name is Tommy. This guy was super nervous and actually walked out of the studio. Not surprised he only had one scene.

Wow! I had no recollection of that scene at all. Of course I remembered Braden but not this one and done scene with Tommy. Tommy seems very genuine and I can’t figure out why he agreed to do a scene in the first place. While the scene only has a 2.49, I just raised it one notch from 2.48 by voting five. I had no idea what would happen. I was surprised by the green room segment and then when he returned to the set, I didn’t know if he was going to be able to cum. But the not knowing kept me watching until the last second.

Thanks Mark for this one and doner, as it was like watching a brand new Broke Straight Boys-1 scene for me eleven years later. :cool:
I remember, Tommy. If I am correct I have seen him elsewhere as well.