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Giving a helping hand to Ronan Kennedy Who Was Stabbed

So as of 2:43 pm PST on January 28th the total was $4,630 of $200,000 goal. Ronan Kennedy still has a way to go but I see a lot of donations from a lot of people. Thanks to all of you who have done so already. I hope your efforts will encourage others to do so as well.
Hi, Just to let you know I just donated 300.00 dollars, sorry from UK so my lap top does not have the dollar sign - I really do hope Ronan Kennedy starts to get his life back together, he's a lovely guy, you can just tell he is by watching his time on this site. Really do hope he gets sorted. Mxx

Welcome to Broke Straight Boys and the forum. Thanks so much for your donation. :smile:
So as of 2:43 pm PST on January 28th the total was $4,630 of $200,000 goal. Ronan Kennedy still has a way to go but I see a lot of donations from a lot of people. Thanks to all of you who have done so already. I hope your efforts will encourage others to do so as well.

I hope that someone tells Ronan Kennedy that he really doesn’t have to pay those huge hospital bills. I hope he knows to use the money to take care of his living expenses while he is recouperating. He may need to pay his regular doctor or someone he needs to see on a follow up basis but the hospitals get some government help on these things and they charge the hell out of those of us with insurance to cover emergency stuff like happened to Ronan Kennedy. He does need to get insurance though. He is young it should be relatively cheep but he may have ongoing issues and he should get insured before Trump takes away the part where you can get insurance with pre existing conditions.
Hi, Just to let you know I just donated 300.00 dollars, sorry from UK so my lap top does not have the dollar sign - I really do hope Ronan Kennedy starts to get his life back together, he's a lovely guy, you can just tell he is by watching his time on this site. Really do hope he gets sorted. Mxx

Thanks so much for that MackyMacka! And welcome to the forum. :welcome:
Me and Zelda would like to extend a huge thank you to everyone who has donated. It means more then I can express to see that there is good left in the world.


I see life again in those beautiful eyes. Thanks, Ronan Kennedy, for never giving up. You are an inspiration for many people currently going through difficult times. We love you, son.

Doesn't he look Good though?! I'm so happy to see some light and sparkle in those beautiful eyes. He may have lost a little bit of weight in the face. Beyond that tiny clue to the hardship he has been through and is still enduring, he looks so joyful and happy to be cuddling with the one living being on the planet who is willing to make him her whole world...and give him nothing but unconditional love.
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Does anyone know what our Broke Straight Boys challenge amount is? I’m pretty sure we are over the 1000. But that’s no reason to stop giving. I hope more members find out about it.
RocketTube has already donated a matching $1,000. But I don't think we've reached the other matching thousand for Broke Straight Boys yet. Only someone on the staff would know where we stand on the other matching thousand.
Tampa my count is $1130 plus I think there may be more not listed here.

$30. Johnny started out with another 30
$300. I gave 300 next Repareur
$200. A second 200 by Juanjo
$150 Buckeye
$30 Old Fart
$25. Wloy.
$300. Mackey Macke
$95 Ntlefly

All of these are listed above and match up to actual donations on the go fund me. I think there may actually be more.
I donated $500 yesterday under my real name so please add that to the total. So glad to help out Ronan Kennedy in his time of need. Everyone hear is so amazing, giving of themselves to assist Roana and let him know there is good in the world. Thanks guys, for showing your care. You're the best!
I donated $500 yesterday under my real name so please add that to the total. So glad to help out Ronan Kennedy in his time of need. Everyone hear is so amazing, giving of themselves to assist Roana and let him know there is good in the world. Thanks guys, for showing your care. You're the best!

Thank you Cubbie for your generous donation, and welcome to Broke Straight Boys forum.
I donated $500 yesterday under my real name so please add that to the total. So glad to help out Ronan Kennedy in his time of need. Everyone hear is so amazing, giving of themselves to assist Roana and let him know there is good in the world. Thanks guys, for showing your care. You're the best!

That is indeed wonderful. We are way over our Broke Straight Boys goal. I’m sure I missed some people above and there are a few anonymous that I’m pretty sure are our guys. This is really great how the forum has come together to help Ronan Kennedy!
I donated $500 yesterday under my real name so please add that to the total. So glad to help out Ronan Kennedy in his time of need. Everyone hear is so amazing, giving of themselves to assist Roana and let him know there is good in the world. Thanks guys, for showing your care. You're the best!

Thank you so much for your donation. Welcome to the Broke Straight Boys message board. I hope you will stay and post here. :)

Tampa my count is $1130 plus I think there may be more not listed here.

$30. Johnny started out with another 30
$300. I gave 300 next Repareur
$200. A second 200 by Juanjo
$150 Buckeye
$30 Old Fart
$25. Wloy.
$300. Mackey Macke
$95 Ntlefly

All of these are listed above and match up to actual donations on the go fund me. I think there may actually be more.

It looks like we are and I figured we were but didn't want to announce it yet because I don't want donations to stop for Ronan Kennedy. I'm very happy to report that I will be donating the match of 1k. :D


I hope I didn’t slow things down. But I’m so excited we made the goal ++. I hope people will still keep giving and will post here. I think the majority of the gifts have come from the Broke Straight Boys family. I am sure this means a lot and if at any time Ronan Kennedy is put on the spot about his porn career he can tell them to fuck off that his fans and the company he worked for came through when he needed help and it will be a positive side of a very pad thing that happened to him. I was planning on giving as time went on. I upped my donation to help us make our goal but keep us posted on Ronan Kennedy. We may be able to keep the support coming.
It looks like we are and I figured we were but didn't want to announce it yet because I don't want donations to stop for Ronan Kennedy. I'm very happy to report that I will be donating the match of 1k. :D


Thank you Mark!

You make a good point about the matching donations. You don't want to slow down the momentum. While we all want to cheer on what we might call corporate donations and so on, I would hate for everyone to stop caring and donating after a few milestone numbers. I don't realistically expect Ronan Kennedy to reach the goal of $200,000. Even though I don't doubt that his actual medical bills, future medical bills and follow-up care, grief counseling if he can get it, lost wages and other sundry debts...will amount to something close to that.

We all know that after several weeks that people's attention spans veer away and Ronan Kennedy's circumstances can be forgotten. I just hope that people will keep Ronan Kennedy in their thoughts and prayers if they can't donate actual money. For others of us who feel a strong connection to him without ever having met him personally, I hope we will continue to donate something for at least the next several months, as I plan to do.