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Giving a helping hand to Ronan Kennedy Who Was Stabbed

I donated $500 yesterday under my real name so please add that to the total. So glad to help out Ronan Kennedy in his time of need. Everyone hear is so amazing, giving of themselves to assist Roana and let him know there is good in the world. Thanks guys, for showing your care. You're the best!

Thank you Cubbie! That's so kind of you. I'm sure Ronan Kennedy sees numbers like that and it feels like a Godsend to him at a moment like this.
The total as of 9:00 om PST January 30, 2018, was $5,490.00 which is good to see but the truth is that Ronan Kennedy is going to need a little more than this to pay some bills and live while he heals. To do the surgery they had to do on his wounds, there was some seriously invasive surgery which takes months to heal enough that one can resume a normal routine. Ribs pryed apart and possibly the sternum sawed. I recall what my father went through some years ago and it was seriosly invasive.
The total as of 9:00 om PST January 30, 2018, was $5,490.00 which is good to see but the truth is that Ronan Kennedy is going to need a little more than this to pay some bills and live while he heals. To do the surgery they had to do on his wounds, there was some seriously invasive surgery which takes months to heal enough that one can resume a normal routine. Ribs pryed apart and possibly the sternum sawed. I recall what my father went through some years ago and it was seriosly invasive.

Yes. It's equivalent to open heart surgery as far as having to crack open the chest to repair everything. And if you're not independently wealthy and don't have the health and stamina to work full time...you're screwed if you don't have any outside help.
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I woke up this morning to a twitter update flashing on my iPad. Ronan Kennedy sent answers to my tweet to him and lots more info. I don’t know how to link twitter threads but it might not work anyway. I’m going to try to update you guys and you can go look at the threads. You have to hunt a bit and read the threads below the tweets.

I ask him if Zelda (his dog )was ok and he said she is. He also has another rescue that he met on his way to the bar. He is not supposed to drink after the heart surgery and he found Blue. Who had been abused on his way and he took him home. He says another dog saved his life. I am a big dog person myself and I know this kind of thing to be true.

I had also ask him if the caught his boyfriend. This was way back before I saw all of the news stories. Anyway he said yes and In another thread he went on to say that they caught him with a pipe in hand trying to break into a house of another person to hurt them.
When he talks about the boyfriend he is pretty kind. He must have been in love and it’s still hard to beieve all of this. If you look up the boyfriends face book there are only pictures of him with girls. I’m wondering if he was very confused perhaps the real Broke Straight Boys in the relationship? Anyway it’s a horrible situation and this guy must have really flipped.

I have tried to stick to our policy of not using real names. Ronan Kennedy has a new post about the real him which is touching. You guys can look it up. It’s on his Ronan Kennedy Broke Straight Boys account. He is very thankful and appreciative for all of the help from Broke Straight Boys members. I think most of his go fund me support has come from Broke Straight Boys members. He also said the Broke Straight Boys staff has been wonderful to him and helped him out way more than one would expect even before this happened. This makes me really feel good and I’m so glad we were able to pull together and help and maybe we can keep it up. I know many of us stepped up and gave more because of the matching pledge from Mark and the other site. I’m hoping over time we can do more. Ronan Kennedy says he has been on his own for some time. It’s wonderfuk that we can show him that he has lots of friends out here.
Thanks Rep for the update. It sounds like Ronan Kennedy will be okay, thank God! He always seemed like a real sweet kid since he first appeared on Broke Straight Boys, and the more I learn about him, the more I like him! I am not a social media person and I appreciate any updates that anyone sees on Ronan Kennedy. Thanks to all who keep me informed.
Thank you for sharing all that with us Rep. I guess I should not be surprised that the staff of Broke Straight Boys has been going above and beyond to help out Ronan Kennedy even before all these events came to light. At risk of sounding mushy and over the top, for what the rest of the world would probably see as just another adult website (and with all the negative stereotypes associated with that), I'm proud to be a member here.
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I see what you mean Rep about the post. I hesitate to post it here only because he uses his real name again. And I've always been of the mind that if a model shares his real name with me, that I keep it private. So it goes against the grain for me to share it. It's a beautiful post.
I see what you mean Rep about the post. I hesitate to post it here only because he uses his real name again. And I've always been of the mind that if a model shares his real name with me, that I keep it private. So it goes against the grain for me to share it. It's a beautiful post.

I agree Tampa, lots of our real names are associated with the twitter feed and the go fund me. Ronan Kennedy stepped up and used his real name for the go fund me. Then I think he had second thought because he made that post that he hoped people would respect him and not take advantage of him using his real name. I think most of us are big guys. I’m an out gay man. Big deal if they know my real name. But I think we should still respect the situation and if we find out some creep stalks Ronan Kennedy or something I hope the rest of you will join me in jumping down their throat! But as far as I can tell most of the go fund me comes from his Broke Straight Boys fans. I don’t think I’ve seen a single woman donate so it’s a good thing he did think to envolve us. I’m very proud of our community for stepping up to the extent we have and I appreciate Mark doing the challenge because I know that really got the giving going.
I agree Tampa, lots of our real names are associated with the twitter feed and the go fund me. Ronan Kennedy stepped up and used his real name for the go fund me. Then I think he had second thought because he made that post that he hoped people would respect him and not take advantage of him using his real name. I think most of us are big guys. I’m an out gay man. Big deal if they know my real name. But I think we should still respect the situation and if we find out some creep stalks Ronan Kennedy or something I hope the rest of you will join me in jumping down their throat! But as far as I can tell most of the go fund me comes from his Broke Straight Boys fans. I don’t think I’ve seen a single woman donate so it’s a good thing he did think to envolve us. I’m very proud of our community for stepping up to the extent we have and I appreciate Mark doing the challenge because I know that really got the giving going.

That's exactly where I was going with my line of thinking. I SO appreciate Ronan Kennedy's honesty along with the loving and grateful intentions with which he extends it. And I know he's doing it to show the deep level of appreciation he sends to all of us who have donated money and offered words of kindness and support. However... When models put their real names out there in a big way, they risk getting stalkers who do not have the model's best interest at heart at all. It's happened to a few former Broke Straight Boys models who were not nearly as forthcoming with their names or places of residence. I would hate for him to ever regret sharing so much information with the public. He doesn't need one bit more of negative drama in his life right now. He's got a very full plate already.
I woke up this morning to a twitter update flashing on my iPad. Ronan Kennedy sent answers to my tweet to him and lots more info. I don’t know how to link twitter threads but it might not work anyway. I’m going to try to update you guys and you can go look at the threads. You have to hunt a bit and read the threads below the tweets.

I ask him if Zelda (his dog )was ok and he said she is. He also has another rescue that he met on his way to the bar. He is not supposed to drink after the heart surgery and he found Blue. Who had been abused on his way and he took him home. He says another dog saved his life. I am a big dog person myself and I know this kind of thing to be true.

I had also ask him if the caught his boyfriend. This was way back before I saw all of the news stories. Anyway he said yes and In another thread he went on to say that they caught him with a pipe in hand trying to break into a house of another person to hurt them.
When he talks about the boyfriend he is pretty kind. He must have been in love and it’s still hard to beieve all of this. If you look up the boyfriends face book there are only pictures of him with girls. I’m wondering if he was very confused perhaps the real Broke Straight Boys in the relationship? Anyway it’s a horrible situation and this guy must have really flipped.

I have tried to stick to our policy of not using real names. Ronan Kennedy has a new post about the real him which is touching. You guys can look it up. It’s on his Ronan Kennedy Broke Straight Boys account. He is very thankful and appreciative for all of the help from Broke Straight Boys members. I think most of his go fund me support has come from Broke Straight Boys members. He also said the Broke Straight Boys staff has been wonderful to him and helped him out way more than one would expect even before this happened. This makes me really feel good and I’m so glad we were able to pull together and help and maybe we can keep it up. I know many of us stepped up and gave more because of the matching pledge from Mark and the other site. I’m hoping over time we can do more. Ronan Kennedy says he has been on his own for some time. It’s wonderfuk that we can show him that he has lots of friends out here.

Ronan Kennedy's post was wonderful He has always struck me as a kind soul and this only reaffirmed that. Made me like the guy that much more.

I'll echo the sentiments voiced by many already. Please, let's not forgot that Ronan Kennedy's needs are ongoing. Keep him in your thoughts and prayers, and, if possible, continue to donate to his cause. Sacrifice a "want" in you, something you spend money on but could do with out, and pass that money on to Ronan Kennedy so he can provide for his "needs", things require for his everyday life. Those sacrifices hopefully will give Roanan what he needs to get by until he is back to working full time. It pains me to think of the struggles he has gone through and the struggles he will continue to face. Small sacrifices on our part can be a big relief for him, make his burden a little less weighty.

Thanks to those who welcomed me to the forum. I've been a Broke Straight Boys member since 2013 and view the forum often, but did not register as a forum member until recently. I was horrified to read what had happened to Ronan Kennedy, and, if there was something I could do for him, whether it be monetary or words of support,, I wanted to do what I could. What Broke Straight Boys and the Broke Straight Boys community has been able to do for Ronan Kennedy is amazing, and shows such a depth of care and concern for him. It's a beautiful thing.

Love Broke Straight Boys, love the forum.

Ronan Kennedy-love you, man. Stay strong.
Ronan Kennedy's post was wonderful He has always struck me as a kind soul and this only reaffirmed that. Made me like the guy that much more.

I'll echo the sentiments voiced by many already. Please, let's not forgot that Ronan Kennedy's needs are ongoing. Keep him in your thoughts and prayers, and, if possible, continue to donate to his cause. Sacrifice a "want" in you, something you spend money on but could do with out, and pass that money on to Ronan Kennedy so he can provide for his "needs", things require for his everyday life. Those sacrifices hopefully will give Roanan what he needs to get by until he is back to working full time. It pains me to think of the struggles he has gone through and the struggles he will continue to face. Small sacrifices on our part can be a big relief for him, make his burden a little less weighty.

Thanks to those who welcomed me to the forum. I've been a Broke Straight Boys member since 2013 and view the forum often, but did not register as a forum member until recently. I was horrified to read what had happened to Ronan Kennedy, and, if there was something I could do for him, whether it be monetary or words of support,, I wanted to do what I could. What Broke Straight Boys and the Broke Straight Boys community has been able to do for Ronan Kennedy is amazing, and shows such a depth of care and concern for him. It's a beautiful thing.

Love Broke Straight Boys, love the forum.

Ronan Kennedy-love you, man. Stay strong.

Great post Cubbie. Thank you!!
Some members are worried that I won't be matching donations. As stated before I am trying to get more donations in before donating but I don't want members worried that I won't be matching donations. I am happy to announce that I will be donating the 1k as promised. Please keep the donations rolling in though. Ronan Kennedy needs all the help he can get. Thank you to each and every one of you for your donations. :D

Some members are worried that I won't be matching donations. As stated before I am trying to get more donations in before donating but I don't want members worried that I won't be matching donations. I am happy to announce that I will be donating the 1k as promised. Please keep the donations rolling in though. Ronan Kennedy needs all the help he can get. Thank you to each and every one of you for your donations. :D


Thank you Mark for putting that concern to rest. :biggrin: As I stated before, I plan to continue donating on a monthly basis into the future. But for anyone who has not yet donated, and is in a position where they can without too much sacrifice...I urge you to please consider doing so. :)
Ronan Kennedy's post was wonderful He has always struck me as a kind soul and this only reaffirmed that. Made me like the guy that much more.

I'll echo the sentiments voiced by many already. Please, let's not forgot that Ronan Kennedy's needs are ongoing. Keep him in your thoughts and prayers, and, if possible, continue to donate to his cause. Sacrifice a "want" in you, something you spend money on but could do with out, and pass that money on to Ronan Kennedy so he can provide for his "needs", things require for his everyday life. Those sacrifices hopefully will give Roanan what he needs to get by until he is back to working full time. It pains me to think of the struggles he has gone through and the struggles he will continue to face. Small sacrifices on our part can be a big relief for him, make his burden a little less weighty.

Thanks to those who welcomed me to the forum. I've been a Broke Straight Boys member since 2013 and view the forum often, but did not register as a forum member until recently. I was horrified to read what had happened to Ronan Kennedy, and, if there was something I could do for him, whether it be monetary or words of support,, I wanted to do what I could. What Broke Straight Boys and the Broke Straight Boys community has been able to do for Ronan Kennedy is amazing, and shows such a depth of care and concern for him. It's a beautiful thing.

Love Broke Straight Boys, love the forum.

Ronan Kennedy-love you, man. Stay strong.

Cubbie73, welcome to the forum. I did the same thing. I was a member for a good while and read the forum before I started posting. There are some great people here and we welcome you. Of course I feel the very same way about Ronan Kennedy. I’m hoping members keep giving over time. I am planning to. I had already sent money and was planning to sent money along in the future. I stepped up and made a larger donation because of the Broke Straight Boys challenge and Matching Money. You are so right we need to keep giving.

GIVING HAS SLOWED DOWN. PLEASE KEEP IT UP. The Broke Straight Boys challenge is still going!
The Go Fund me hit $7000 thanks to the Broke Straight Boys matching donation and all of pulling together. I’m so proud to be a part of this effort. Let’s keep it going over the long haul!
I just donated 1k to bring the total to 7k. Thank you so much to each and every one of you that donated. :D


Thank you SO much Mark for that additional $1,000! :biggrin:

I'm sure at a time like this for Ronan Kennedy, that that kind of money feels like a Godsend. You guys at Broke Straight Boys didn't have to put out $2,000 to help Ronan Kennedy and try to stimulate more fundraising in the process. But that's the kind of character you guys have and the way you choose to represent the site. It's been the sense of family we've had in here for close to 10 years that has kept me as a member for so long. The porn is fine and nice, and all that. But it's the sense of an extended family in here that I most enjoy about the site. It's exactly the way we've pulled together for the good of Ronan Kennedy, as fellow members in our sometimes dysfunctional forum family and the staff of the site, that reinforces my belief in the ultimate kindness and good intentions of all of us in here.
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Many of you have heard that one of our models Ronan Kennedy was nearly stabbed to death by an ex-boyfriend.

“For those of you who know me”, Ronan Kennedy writes on his GoFundMe page, “You’re aware that I was stabbed. What most don’t know is that I was stabbed by a man that wasn’t only my best friend but my boyfriend of three years.”

Somehow Ronan Kennedy survived. We can’t even begin to tell you how glad we are that Ronan Kennedy is alive and made it through this horrible incident. I can’t even imagine what he went through and is still going through.

As a rule, we don’t ask for donations on behalf of models but I think you’ll agree this is an exception. Ronan Kennedy is one of the most amazing people we’ve ever worked with. He’s one of the good guys so I personally want to bring awareness to his gofundme campaign.


Right now Ronan Kennedy has raised $2300. He’s a long ways from his goal, but for every dollar raised by our members after this post, I’ll match up to $1,000. Additionally, RocketTube is joining us in matching my $1000. That means your donation will actually be tripled. Just post below the amount you donated. If our members donate $1K, we can have Ronan Kennedy at $5300 in no time.

Sending you much love Ronan Kennedy,

I donated $100 last Saturday February 10th. I made arrangements with Mark to mail the contribution directly to him.
I donated $100 last Saturday February 10th. I made arrangements with Mark to mail the contribution directly to him.

I think that’s great KG. If others want to do this I think it’s a great idea.