Is somebody shy?

Actually you are in very good company there. Our beloved Jason as well as many other models don't like to watch their own scenes. (And don't worry Blake. You are beloved to us also.)
I finally figured it out though! At 5:25 you were giving the gift of oral to Anthony. I turned up the main volume control on my computer to a much higher than normal setting, I set the vloume of the video on max, I put on headphones, (LOL) and then I was able to make it out. With intimate parts of Anthony in your hand, you came up for air, chuckled, and said:
"If I could dicksuck myself in the mornings...!!!" [More chuckling]
You are such a gift to us Blake.

Your honesty, sincerity and willingness to share your perceptions of this very new exerience in your life make you truly unique. Between you, Jason and sometimes Colin, you bring us so much joy just by being yourselves and sharing your own stories, personalities and insights on life, love, sex, etc.