There's a wonderful scene in the movie "Naked Lunch" when Peter Weller sits down at his typewriter and it becomes a talking asshole. I always liked that movie for two reasons, it was so horrible that it was almost good, and I knew William Burroughs back in Kansas when he played with a bazaar assortment of guns in a hollow off behind his house. No, Slim, I don't long for my youth or to relieve the past. I long for the future. I love every step forward humanity takes and I relish technology and social and moral and ethical progress. And I truly don't think of myself as a sexual stormtrooper trying to bed every nubile young warrior who comes along in order to keep my grip on my youth. I am content to live life in the present and to grow up with the world. And Jon, I am saddened that you had rather perceive my call for politeness as a rude interjection instead of a request for rational behavior. Drama? Oh, my yes, there will always be drama on the forum, but not such belligerance, not such in your face rudeness, not such outright personal malevolance as displayed for the last few months.
I thought for a while that management was finally going to take a stand. Some really good stuff came from them. Some really positive direction. Some really great leadership. But, in the end, you won. It turned out that they are only concerned that you don't tear them to pieces, what you say to each other doesn't matter. So, in the spirit of that noble gesture, the arena is open. Ladies and gentlemen, there are two doors beneath the canopy. Beneath one is a keyboard and terminal to connect you to spirited discussion, friendship, social intercourse, and steaming sex, behind the other is a keyboard with a talking asshole. You are privileged to open your own door and use the terminal of your choice.
I thought for a while that management was finally going to take a stand. Some really good stuff came from them. Some really positive direction. Some really great leadership. But, in the end, you won. It turned out that they are only concerned that you don't tear them to pieces, what you say to each other doesn't matter. So, in the spirit of that noble gesture, the arena is open. Ladies and gentlemen, there are two doors beneath the canopy. Beneath one is a keyboard and terminal to connect you to spirited discussion, friendship, social intercourse, and steaming sex, behind the other is a keyboard with a talking asshole. You are privileged to open your own door and use the terminal of your choice.