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Behind the Scenes - Fire Island


Well-known Member
Nov 28, 2008
Reaction score
Did anyone in management even view this piece of crap before posting it on the site? What was the point of all this? The camera work was horrible- it's as if the camera was handed to a chimpanzee to carry around. I'm not even gonna talk about the sound level! What a rude blast that was!
What a waste of 13 minutes of my life. The entire "scene" had maybe 45 seconds of usuable footage in it.
Mark, I am dumbstruck :confused1: that you would even present this to be viewed by your card carrying, dues paying membership. If this video had been my introduction on what to expect from Broke Straight Boys, you would be minus one membership fee.

I read your post first, Jason, and then I watched the vid. WTF?!! Your chimpanzee analogy was right on! I seriously started having flashbacks. OMG! That is the way the world used to look! :lol:

Pretty bad, guys. Pretty bad..............
Well, some will like it, some won't. Sorry you guys didn't like it :( I didn't think it was that bad though, sure it is silly, but after a long day at work, this video looks pretty entertaining for me hehe
i am easy to entertain, but growing up across the bay from fire island, starting at the pines and moving on to cherry grove, i had no sense that i was in cherry grove. and i know the crowd and the bugs tried to eat the guys alive.
Well I was not all that entertained with it, but I am appreciative that we got a new behind the scenes video so soon after the last one since it seems like they do not usually get updated that quickly. Thanks. Keep them coming...
i liked it! it was fun and light hearted. i mean, when you hand the straight boys a camera do you expect movie quality footage? no, its the Broke Straight Boys home videos series and i think its wonderful!
It is kind of bad in the beginning. It is older footage and the newer stuff is better. Please realize this is bonus footage guys and not our regular updates. Sorry guys.


Fair enough Mark, you're right, it is bonus footage and not a regular update, and while the material may be "free chips and salsa", you are still charged with maintaining the high standards that Broke Straight Boys has come to be recognized for. I can not believe that you yourself really watched this video and decided with good conscience that it was "good enough" as it was presented to be included in this catalog.
Maybe with some really serious editing, you could have salvaged a couple minutes of usuable footage, but I doubt it. Better yet, put the camera in the hands of someone who knows how to hold a shot long enough to allow the viewer to see what is being filmed.The best part of the whole video is the still shot used as the teaser.
Speaking for myself, I would rather have a higher quality product less frequently, than an inferior "all you can eat" product any day.
Your sins are forgiven on this one my son, just be aware that you have had to use the old "it is older footage, the new stuff is better" disclaimer quite frequently lately, eventually the peasants will revolt.

With Love and Respect - Jason
I started watching the video and then decided this was too stupid even for me. I like BTS footage, but wasn't sure what "scene" I was watching behind. To me BTS are model interviews in a casual manner, with some fun footage thrown in. To each his own, I guess. And I'm still waiting for the new and improved site which was promised this month. I keep renewing my membership hoping the day is approaching, but it hasn't so far. And you're right. Old material and in the can stuff, and "wait till the new site is launched" crap is wearing thin.
I started watching the video and then decided this was too stupid even for me. I like BTS footage, but wasn't sure what "scene" I was watching behind. To me BTS are model interviews in a casual manner, with some fun footage thrown in. To each his own, I guess. And I'm still waiting for the new and improved site which was promised this month. I keep renewing my membership hoping the day is approaching, but it hasn't so far. And you're right. Old material and in the can stuff, and "wait till the new site is launched" crap is wearing thin.

Hi balboa,

With all due respect, we are working hard to get all the new stuff up on the site. Towards the end of 2009, we did promise many changes to the site for 2010. 2010 has 12 months in the year so within the year you and all the members will be seeing improvements and changes to the site. Rome was not built in a day so take a chill pill my friend. If we can press a magic button and everything can happen instantly, then please forward me that magic button. Nobody from management promised changes on any certain day or time....we just said in 2010. At the moment we only have had 72 days in this year and we still have another 293 days left to go in this year!

As for the information you receive on this forum. By becoming active on this forum, you guys are the first ones to get information that no other members receive. By being active on this site, you as members, actually get inside information of certain scenes, upcoming events, new models coming down the road, information regarding improvements and you get to chat with some models and we all get to share ideas. This site is not only a porn site, but has become much more then just another porn site. I don't think other sites are like ours and that is why we have great members and great support and both management and members appreciate each other. We know at times its frustrating to see a "so-so" scene, or a repeat model but look how many great scenes we have and how far Broke Straight Boys has come in over 5 years. We work hard and we listen to our members, we look at trends, and we are constantly changing and making improvements so everyone can have a better experience but this does take time and operating a site isn't just pressing a button and the magic happens automatically. I wish it did...LOL.

We are changing over servers to make the site run faster and to have larger, faster servers since we are creating new sites besides Broke Straight Boys In addition, this site gets updated 3X a week, I don't think any other site has that many updates in a week. As for the BTS, its a combination for the Broke Straight Boys events and things that happen in the studio and interviews. We mix them up so the members can see some of the events and what goes on. I personally apologies that the event coordinator at that time did a very bad job in filming, but give the guy a break...he's not a cameraman and we never claimed he was a cameraman and this is fun that we added to the site for you guys to enjoy. We are not asking your guys to critique it, its just added bonus footage to have fun with and just to get a laugh or two, yes, we do have better BTS footage coming, but we can't upload over 6 months worth of footage in one hour for you to enjoy.

Thank you!
See the "hatred" has certainly raised it's head on this thread. I cannot believe that people are complaining at, what in essence, is a freebie. When I signed up there were 2 updates a week, no model interviews and much less content. There have been no price increase and those who have subscribed to BCB have their membership at a reduced tarif.

I have taken a look at many US sites and all the British sites and Mark's sites by far offer the most than any other competitor. The word bonus should be taken as it's true meaning, and we should be grateful that we get bonuses.
See the "hatred" has certainly raised it's head on this thread. I cannot believe that people are complaining at, what in essence, is a freebie. When I signed up there were 2 updates a week, no model interviews and much less content. There have been no price increase and those who have subscribed to BCB have their membership at a reduced tarif.

I have taken a look at many US sites and all the British sites and Mark's sites by far offer the most than any other competitor. The word bonus should be taken as it's true meaning, and we should be grateful that we get bonuses.

I agree with Jon wholeheartedly. We get a lot of stuff that we wouldn't get elsewhere and need to be mindful of that.

Yes the filming was crap.... I think Johnny was filming most of it and he's a big ole puppy dog that bounces around. Maybe if Derek had filmed it or even Patrick it might have been better, but they weren't out to make a documentary! There were there to do their tour thing and just happened to turn on a camera.

I know that Wayne, Aleck, Derek and Johnny had a blast on Fire Island. Derek did a radio interview sitting on the interviewers lap (stark raving naked). Johnny was pissed cause Derek thought of it first.

Let's take some of the touring stuff for what it is..... just a cam turned on the boys when they are out and about. The interviews are something all together different.

Mark and David, Kudos for giving us soooo very much! And David..... I'm sure if you were as tipsy as the boys, you just might film like that!!!!!!!! LOL (just kidding).
I liked this with reservations. One thing that you should do more of is scene setting or context establishment: who we are, where we are, where we're going, what and why we're going to do.
Just for the record...I didn't film it :)

LOL David!! :lol: And if you had filmed it, knowing the high standards you set for yourself, I am sure you would have never let it see the light of day!

When an enterprise such as Broke Straight Boys/BluMedia/D&EProductions becomes known for the quality and high standards of it's product, it must constantly strive to better itself, or at least maintain the level it has worked so hard to achieve.

Let's say that instead of a porn site, you are the owner of a very successful restuarant serving Fine Mexican Cuisine. It's Friday, dinner hour. You discover that your stock of chips are stale and the salsa is starting to turn sour.
Do you:
A) Serve them anyway, and hope no one will complain, after all, they are free.
B) Not serve them and apologize to the clients that you ran out of chips.

What impact will each choice have on the dining experience of your clients?

As for me, I would rather have no chips than stale chips at my table.

As the critics of Mary Whitehouse used to say, if you don't like it you know where the off button is or in this case, you can always flip over to the othe channels.
Well i am gonna go against the grain here and say I actually liked it.

I mean come on guys, lads out on the beer who have a camera and turn it on. when you play it back you have someones ear in frame and things are a little out of focus....haha and there are quite a few girls in the centre stage. It made me laugh.

come on we have all done this I am sure (the only difference would be I wouldn't be focused on the girls so much I would have spent more time watching thee guys throw the football!! lol)
It is the true essence to me of what these guys must be like on their tours. Fun, with beer in hand and by the end of the day everything is a little out of focus :w00t::drool::biggrin:.
I liked it.......lookin forward to the next one....I hope it will be the one from Mardi Gras as we haven't had any behind the scenes with Logan in yet.

I think you guys rock and we get to see the raw stuff as much as the polished stuff.....don't change a thing keep it coming.
As the critics of Mary Whitehouse used to say, if you don't like it you know where the off button is or in this case, you can always flip over to the othe channels.

You really should be consistent in your thoughts Jon. In the Diesal and Jimmy thread you talked about that scene being disappointing simply because it was an older scene and being shown out of order. Here you defend a clip that by and large ISN'T up to the normal high standards.

Whether it's a freebie or not is irrelevant. It's on the site, and as such should meet the same standards as everything else. I watched it about 5 minutes and stopped as it annoyed me as it did others. That certainly doesn't mean I like the site any less, or I think it's going downhill, I just think it's a clip that shouldn't have made it on here.

And I've said it in other threads, but I too am getting tired of hearing the "Change is a coming" routine. We all know full well there are 365 days in the year, but we've been hearing this since late November-and here it is March and we're still hearing it. Add to that calling previous models "New", and it leaves a sour taste.

As for the Mary Whitehouse reference, I'm very close to letting my sub lapse until these "changes" finally make an appearance, but your arrogant attitude makes me just want to leave the forums period.
LOL David!! :lol: And if you had filmed it, knowing the high standards you set for yourself, I am sure you would have never let it see the light of day!

When an enterprise such as Broke Straight Boys/BluMedia/D&EProductions becomes known for the quality and high standards of it's product, it must constantly strive to better itself, or at least maintain the level it has worked so hard to achieve.

Let's say that instead of a porn site, you are the owner of a very successful restuarant serving Fine Mexican Cuisine. It's Friday, dinner hour. You discover that your stock of chips are stale and the salsa is starting to turn sour.
Do you:
A) Serve them anyway, and hope no one will complain, after all, they are free.
B) Not serve them and apologize to the clients that you ran out of chips.

What impact will each choice have on the dining experience of your clients?

As for me, I would rather have no chips than stale chips at my table.



Using your analogy, lets re-look at it.

Your in a fine restaurant and you make your order for a great dinner. In addition to you dinner selection that you are paying for, they have a desert and buffet bar with over two dozen choices that cost nothing, it's free with you meal. So you try several items. You find one you just don't like.

Therefore does that mean you will never go back because they had the nerve to serve/offer something you don't like? You had a free choice to try it with no one forcing you to. Should that restaurant be banned because they serve something YOU found offensive?

Now Lets look at Broke Straight Boys They came into existence to film a new concept in porn to entertain. You paid a fee to watch those filmed episodes. As part of this new program they also offer you over 2 dozen free bonus. You discover that in their free sites they offer two that do Bareback videos. For health reasons amongst others you totally oppose to these types of films.

Does that mean you will quit the site? Do you find another site that does not off this as a free option? Or do you just give up porn and do needle work?

The Point I'm making is that anything that is free, extra, etc. is purely CHOICE! Some of the choices will be good, some won't. There is no gun to the head that forces anyone to go to that buffet line that is free. The same is true at Broke Straight Boys with their Bonus sites.

Jason, I think you are being way to harsh and critical on this issue. I understand you not only did not like it, but you thought it was terrible. And you shared that with us. That's totally fine. We do that here all the time. But just because you don't like it means they should not do it, especially if others did like it. Yours and everyone else's opinion have and were heard. It will be taken into consideration and acted upon (if needed) based on these posts.

Live Long and Prosper,


"The needs of the many, outweigh the needs of the few or the one." Mr. Spock
Thank you vicekid....for making this point. I wasn't going to bring this up...but vicekid was one of the only members that came and visited our studio and myself several weeks ago.

Not going into to much of vicekid's personal life, vice came down here to go on vacation, he made it a point to visit me and the studio and the office. I think once vice came to our studio and spent most of the day together and I gave him the tour, he realized what really goes on behind the scenes and had a true account of what its really like running a studio.

I will let vicekid tell you guys the rest because I rather give him the opportunity to tell you guys about his tour.

The reason for me being pissy to the member named balboa and I notice ScottC is basically saying the same thing, I share your frustrations and understand. But what you guys are forgetting is that when your active on this forum, you are receiving information before any of the changes happen. When we made an announcement in November which is towards the end of 2009, we stated changes and new models are coming in 2010. Again the new year just started and we are working on internal improvements, such as the server update that Mark stated.

I think the problem with us here at management is that WE reveal too much to our forum members so that starts the frustrations when change doesn't happen as fast as our members want it to change. Change in our world can take months so if you are a type of person that is impatient, and thinks that all we have to do is wiggle our nose, or just press that magic button and change comes to the site instantly, then your mistaken.

The reason why I mentioned vicekid's visit is because I showed him some examples of our work, that we are in the "can" or "vault" and I think when I showed him the future episodes of Broke Straight Boys that is in the "can" he realized that when I state that we have lots of new scenes and hot boys coming down the pike, vice knows we have it...I showed him the proof. So perhaps its time for vicekid to tell you guys his experience and you can hear it from a fellow member rather then listening to me, that many may think I'm blowing smoke up your asses to keep you as members.

So I turn this to vice....vice