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Behind the Scenes - Fire Island

I love what you said in this bit Slim. I know my forum title says jr member, but I have been on this site sine 2007. I took a break because the movies started losing the appeal for me and they were not being updated enough at that time. I decided to return and this time I wanted to participate in the forum to voice my concerns in an effort to keep me from running away screamign again (not a pretty site to see). I think it is fine to voice your concern and I do feel a bit put off by 'management' jumping all over people's cases.
As a supervisor myself, I know how to take critisim and accept what I feel needs to be changed while disregarding things that are just complaints. If Bitching is what I decide to do, I think it is fine. I also think, as David said, it is fine for management to do what they feel is right. If membership fails then maybe things will change.

You're right. "Management" verges on defeating the purpose of setting up the forum in the first place if they scold people for voicing their frustrations or for taking aim at the deficiencies they feel they perceive. David has three voices: bragging about how great the site is, apologizing for how bad some of it is, and telling people to fuck off if they go OTT with their complaints. If I were David I'd have a 4th voice, "I think I see your point wallawallawanker01, but could you give me a little more insight into why those specific scenes were bad whereas the one you praised, which was done in a hurry with almost zero planning, is better? Technically? Creatively? Was it hotter, or just more fun?" The forum is for them to get feedback from us.
If I were David I'd have a 4th voice, "I think I see your point wallawallawanker01, but could you give me a little more insight into why those specific scenes were bad whereas the one you praised, which was done in a hurry with almost zero planning, is better? Technically? Creatively? Was it hotter, or just more fun?" The forum is for them to get feedback from us.


And David has come so far since the beginning of the forum when he was getting his feelings hurt and acting defensive to criticism. Of course some OTT attacks on content may call for a response that is less than diplomatic. Sometimes.... But David has his work cut out for him walking the fine line between nobly defending the content that he works so hard for...and his business decisions...while not berating paying members in general.

First, constipation only means you're full of shit.
Second, this forum was not started for the sole purpose of criticising the site. That's just slim using words to reshape the world to flatter his ego. You know - casper is a sweet little misunderstood urchin from Oklahoma and kodaa doesn't really go to a fundamentalist school at all.
If this site had only one purpose there wouldn't be two sections for threads - one site related and one not.
Amcovtime, you're certainly welcome to bitch, everybody is, but not to scream rudely and loudly - that's what this is about - and not to dominate every discussion by repeating your tired old dead horse arguments. See, that's what these gentlemen have been doing for quite some time and they've run away whole bunches of people who just wanted to belong who got tired of not being allowed a voice because they were constantly being laughed at or put down because their tastes didn't meet the narrow standards of this merry band of bullies. Now management got dragged along by them over and over again and finally had to stand up to them and now they're just livid.

The maggots are crawling guys. The flies are buzzing. In fact the flies are buzzing so thick you can't see the carcass. All you can hear are those nasty little sticks. Size does matter and those little willow branches are so small they can't even hit the flies. You're just flogging yourselves and the dead horse. You're welcome to talk, to criticize, to say anything you want to as long as you don't run it into the ground and do it with respect.


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listen, well all know i love to mastrubate and eat cake, that was exposed a long time ago. but i would never eat a gerbil, the meat on them isnt very good. i apologize if i offended you by assuming you had something large obstructing your bowels, i just figured for someone to be in such a sour mood 24/7 to naysay everything, there had to be something very large up there!

You say that like you know me. The fact is I wasn't in a sour mood, simply expressing my opinion. an opinion i in fact changed after exchanging some PM's with David, that were certainly more beneficial than anything you've ever had to say.

got any more pictures?:001_rolleyes:
The particular brand of bipolar asshole that this forum seems to breed is just astonishing to me. First of all, if you've been posting on here regularly long enough, people DO know you. That's not directed toward you specifically, ScottC, it's just a general issue I have with people saying that and you happen to be the most recent. Even if you're completely full of shit 100% of the time and/or making up a fake personality for the purpose of this forum, it still says something about the real you. It's a product of your being.

There's this amazing thing called Image Management. If you don't want people to think you're a complete asshole, don't ACT like a complete asshole. I know it sounds like rocket science, but I promise it works!

Before someone throws out that "you don't even know me!" line again, I challenge you to take a step back and think "With the information I've provided to these people, what could logically be inferred about my personality?"

You'd be surprised.
You say that like you know me. The fact is I wasn't in a sour mood, simply expressing my opinion. an opinion i in fact changed after exchanging some PM's with David, that were certainly more beneficial than anything you've ever had to say.

got any more pictures?:001_rolleyes:

pictures of what? im sorry i lost track of this whole thing
unless youre talking about the pictures of me in drag, and if you are? well suck it, because i know a lot of people are here enjoyed them
sorry mark, sorry tampa, i know i said it before but i wont do it again this time, i promise, im just gonna go back to mikes thread where i play nice!
Not wet blanket, security blanket. I have this problem with sometimes hugging you with one of those enveloping cradling timeless unhurried nuzzling heartfelt embraces but still whispering lovingly in your ear that you're full of shit and to stop being an asshole. Not always, only when the occasion demands it. And certainly not to you wantto, you would get the whole, premium, weltmeister hug in technicolor, and the only audio would be the theme from Titanic:001_wub:

Slim you gave me goosbumps buddy, you took a simple hug and described heaven.
That is what I call a hug and half.....seriously I am gonna wallow in that one for a hell of a long time.:w00t:
Now I am "King of the World"
You're right. "Management" verges on defeating the purpose of setting up the forum in the first place if they scold people for voicing their frustrations or for taking aim at the deficiencies they feel they perceive. David has three voices: bragging about how great the site is, apologizing for how bad some of it is, and telling people to fuck off if they go OTT with their complaints. If I were David I'd have a 4th voice, "I think I see your point wallawallawanker01, but could you give me a little more insight into why those specific scenes were bad whereas the one you praised, which was done in a hurry with almost zero planning, is better? Technically? Creatively? Was it hotter, or just more fun?" The forum is for them to get feedback from us.

I agree.
This forum has many purposes. For us its a way to communicate with our members...we want to hear feedback and comments. For members its a way for you guys and some gals to network and communicate as we all can share ideas and thoughts.

The problem with forums in general, everyone has an opinion. Some people on forums when voicing there opinions can be very rude and nasty while others can be kind and thoughtful. Some come to forums and become down right rude, its easy for someone to hide behind a "screen name" and they feel they have the right to threaten and be rude to everyone on the boards including management. While some are polite and nice. Some people are very politically correct and play it safe and go by the rules of the game while others try to push the envelope and like to push peoples buttons. Some will joke about something and some will laugh, others will be highly insulted. Some people will make a comment and others may not agree and some will agree with the comments. As management, we can't babysit and cater to all our members. We have work to do and we can't spend time breaking up fights and judging arguments and taking sides. We do accept that people maintain composure and act accordingly. When member gets out of hand, is rude or makes threats...then we have to step in and take action. There is no democracy here, even in our society and in the free world there is police that lay down the law and take action when someone in our society gets out of hand. We have to police our site for such actions. Its sad that we as adult can't act accordingly and respect others advice and opinions...its very sad, but we are human and perhaps we are our own worse enemy.

In business when dealing with the public, management is going to encounter all types of individuals. Before being involved in the porn business, my past careers were in the restaurant business and banking. In both businesses we would get the nicest people and rudest people and we would have to make certain rules because those rude and nasty individuals had to ruin it for everyone. Just like 911, has changed our society forever, the rules change because people can't conduct themselves correctly In business, management deals with a lot of people some nice, some rude and some down right crazy. Owning & operating a porn pay site is not any different then the bank or restaurant or any business for that matter.

We do our best to listen to feedback and to try to satisfy everyone's need's but at times, its purely impossible and we can only do our best but we can't satisfy everyone's needs. Some we can make improvement and adjust, some we can't. Some improvements we do on our own without our members feedback. There are always that are going to love the changes while others are going to hate the changes....some will embrace our site, while after a few months some will cancel there membership and new members will join up and the whole process of rude members and nice members starting all up again and we at management have to take the bunches and blows as the come and go.

In business, management/owners can't satisfy everyone, this is just the nature of being in business. Some are going to be loyal and love the business while others are going to hate the business. Its impossible for any business owner to satisfy every single customer.

But here are the facts if our members like it or not:

BluMedia Studios/D&E Productions and the sites we operate and film for, give all our members a great price and a great value of what you get. We don't scam or trick our members like many sites do. We may not have the best quality...but we have very good quality. We may not have the hottest guys on the internet, but our guys are good-looking and cute.

The Broke Straight Boys & College Boy Physicals and the other sites are some of the more popular sites on the internet...we even just got nominated for a Grabby awards. Although we may or may not win the award fact that we got nominated and we are grouped with other hot top sites, I'm am just honored that we got nominated and we are among some of the hottest sites on the web. This tells me we are doing something right and we are making some kind of impact. You may not be a member of Broke Straight Boys or College Boy Physicals, but at least people know who we are and we market and promote our sites all over the internet. I consider Broke Straight Boys the coca-cola of websites...we are everywhere!

In the industry we have a great reputation, amongst models we have a great reputation and with the consumers, overall, we are well liked. Why? because we give our consumers a great customer experience, a responsible price, several updates per week, we offer our members hot bonus sites and plenty of extras and we treat and love our consumers and respect them regardless of what a members state about management. For those members that are loyal to our sites, you know and feel the personal touch we give that you continue to renew your memberships. We don't force you to become members and renew...but we treat our members with respect and that goes a long way and for those members that had the chance to meet me and Mark and visit us and meet our models know that we are very down to earth, genuine, normal humble guys that just happen to run a good website.

For members that think otherwise or have issue's with Mark or Myself...please PM me or email me and we can chat privately...but when you guys start getting rude and offense, then there is some issue's we need to address and find out why this is happening and what we can do as management to fix or correct the problems so that future members and current members can have enjoyable experience here on this forum.
David, it takes a lot of time to think and write a post like that which I certainly do not have. I certainly appreciate what you and the team do, but also am man enough to challenge those decisions or make my own suggestions that you propose. My relationship with Mark is super and he and myself often discuss issues via pm which often solves issues that we both have. This is a 2 way thing that hopefully resolves things such as the many issues that I have had with streaming - but mark always resolves.

I have taken some time to read your last and other posts and, knowing how busy you are in your normal day to day job, appreciate the time out you have taken to respond to such issues. You do so to try and calm the waters especially in this and other quite emotional threads, for which I and probably a lot of the forumites are very greatfull.

I love you to bits David and Eddie too and definately Mark and all the other staff - sorry Tyler but the aforementioned take priority lol.. xxx

I have only just realised that I have passed the 1000 post mark as I wasnt keeping tabs on my numbers. WTF its not the number of posts that you make but the quality, all of mine of course are from the bottom of my heart, irrespect of what others think.

Keep kewl and keep up the good work.. Love you all xxjonxx
on a lighter note.....

This forum has many purposes. For us its a way to communicate with our members...we want to hear feedback and comments. For members its a way for you guys and some gals to network and communicate as we all can share ideas and thoughts.

David, thanks for the time you took to write that; it actually sounds like a collaborative effort between you and "Tyler", since I can "hear" you both when reading it.

I agree that the forum has many uses, but probably the main reason it was set up was as a market research tool, to get feedback. It's evolved to an extraordinary extent in the year and a half since it went online. The people who use it have stretched it to encompass the sharing of their personal stories, their fears, their joys and their sorrows, and to voice their opinions on matters totally unconcerned with the anguished and penniless young heterosexuals they see doing unspeakable stuff in the videos.

What surprises me is that a few people use the forum to get on here and be mean. I'm personally grateful to them for taking the trouble since seeing people in a rage over silly stuff is, while disquieting, also a welcome distraction from the weather. And depending on how red their faces get, almost amusing. But hey, it's not worth it. And unless it feels good afterward to have put someone down in an ugly way, probably bad for the health. But as I say, the forum's always more fun with a loose cannon rolling around on the deck.
Slim you gave me goosbumps buddy, you took a simple hug and described heaven.
That is what I call a hug and half.....seriously I am gonna wallow in that one for a hell of a long time.:w00t:
Now I am "King of the World"

The hug is only foreplay, KotW, wait till the good part starts :w00t:
David, it takes a lot of time to think and write a post like that which I certainly do not have. I certainly appreciate what you and the team do, but also am man enough to challenge those decisions or make my own suggestions that you propose. My relationship with Mark is super and he and myself often discuss issues via pm which often solves issues that we both have. This is a 2 way thing that hopefully resolves things such as the many issues that I have had with streaming - but mark always resolves.

I have taken some time to read your last and other posts and, knowing how busy you are in your normal day to day job, appreciate the time out you have taken to respond to such issues. You do so to try and calm the waters especially in this and other quite emotional threads, for which I and probably a lot of the forumites are very greatfull.

I love you to bits David and Eddie too and definately Mark and all the other staff - sorry Tyler but the aforementioned take priority lol.. xxx

I have only just realised that I have passed the 1000 post mark as I wasnt keeping tabs on my numbers. WTF its not the number of posts that you make but the quality, all of mine of course are from the bottom of my heart, irrespect of what others think.

Keep kewl and keep up the good work.. Love you all xxjonxx

John...thank you...you see what things can be resolved just by going to Mark. We all want to listen and learn...but people can't be rude and nasty about it. If you have a beef or a suggestion, why do forumites or members have to be pissy and mean. I don't understand why folks have to come here and bash the site and management.

You are a perfect example by going to management directly and getting your issue's resolved. Okay, in your situation its working out but not every situation is going to work out 100%, but we will try.

As Slim states, its nice to have some drama and I too agree with that...have your drama and fight...but try to keep it clean. I guess with all forums, drama is a good thing and it helps improve ratings in a weird kind of way and it keeps peoples interest. I guess if everything was nice and dande then this place would be boring. So lets see what the future holds for all of us :ohmy:
Thank you David, Mark and Eddie for all that you do for us. And all that you put up with in having to deal with us members. lol :wink: