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Any one know what happened to Jason??

I wouldn't get any dick if boys didn't have daddy fantasies!! So lucky me....:001_rolleyes:


Kisses, Peter. Same, same. And you're a HOT Daddy, whereas I am. . . not so much ;-) (My recitations of Alfred, Lord Tennyson, are really KILLER, though ;-) LOL!!!


Kisses, Peter. Same, same. And you're a HOT Daddy, whereas I am. . . not so much ;-) (My recitations of Alfred, Lord Tennyson, are really KILLER, though ;-) LOL!!!


Most of you lot are Grand daddies lol
Or perhaps not........................???????? :001_unsure:

One of the forum detectives informed me that he saw Jason on "Daddy Mugs". I have no verification of the date that Jason filmed his scene or scenes for that site, but it appears to me that it was after his last scene on Broke Straight Boys, "Sergio Valen Fucks Jason Matthews", released on January 22, 2014.


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Thanks for this, Mike. I DID click on the "url", and gosh, if Jason didn't look just as beautiful, and sexy, as EVER. Maybe even more so. . . . Jason is one of those guys who (to my eyes) just keeps getting better and better and better-looking, the more I've seen him, over the years. And his mischief, and his charm, and his seductiveness, and his erotic skills, likewise, have only increased, over time, I think!

I'll apologize, in advance, for needing (viscerally, and emotionally) to make a few comments about this, but, Jason is my favourite star of all time, on any site, in any period, from any studio, on any continent. (And I've downed a vodka or two, with some of the most wildly gorgeous Russian models, in history.) So (weak man that I am): I can hardly refrain from bending fellow forumites' ears, for an undoubtedly protracted paragraph, or two, on this subject.

First: in answer to Mike's implicit question (which I think was rhetorical, implicit as it was. . . and we have discussed this matter, on these pages, previously): Sure. There is a considerable market for scenes featuring older, less-than-statuesque men, ravishing young, beautiful ones. (Straight erotic video subsists on little else than less-than-compellingly attractive men, making love to beautiful women, because it allows the average viewer to project himself, into the scene.)

This taste and tendency is less pronounced in gay video than in its straight counterparts, but, for a certain segment of the viewing audience (believe it or not) it will always even be infinitely preferable to the sight of two equally (or similarly) beautiful guys getting it on - because it offers the fantasy of "attainability". (Just like certain formats offer the fantasy of an erotic encounter with an absolutely heterosexual man. In this regard, it is. . . a deep-rooted, long-lasting fantasy, which some people cherish.)

Second: while, like most of you, I too would much rather see Jason appearing on these pages, happily kissing another great beauty, like Mr. Paul Canon, or Damien Kyle, or Adam, or Danny. . . my sense is that, if Jason is wanting or needing to continue with some work in the industry - - - he is not just a pragmatist, and very open-minded: he loves his fans, and he always enjoys putting on a great performance, to make people HAPPY. In the most straightforward (spare me the double-entendres, please - I know what you're thinking!) and genuine sense, it seems to me that Jason is a real people-pleaser, who loves to make a connection with his audience.

And, with his unique sense of erotic mischief and playfulness, if ANYBODY could EVER make a scenario like that of "Daddy Mugs'" truly work for viewers who are die-hard fans of that format - - - that person would UNDOUBTEDLY be JASON. Because Jason knows how to draw people INTO a scene, and make them feel the FUN and the pure JOY of it. And, furthermore, I guess I am glad that people who are fans of that site, are finally getting the opportunity to appreciate Jason's charms, as we do.

Third: (Following from the above) - I don't think any less of Jason, for having appeared on "Daddy Mugs". It must have occurred to some of you (as it has, to me) that Jason probably loved some of his scenes on Broke Straight Boys, and probably didn't like some of them, so much. I imagine the same is true of any of our models. (As Jason always said, in this business, "It's all about the Benjamins!"

The difference with Jason was, though (and is): he is always so "game", and so charismatic, and so much fun in performance, every scene he ever appears in is infused (and suffused) with enthusiasm, passion, and erotic energy. If Jason was wanting or needing some further work in the industry, and "Daddy Mugs" offered it - I have no doubt he brought it to THAT site, just as he brought it to this one.

Fourth: (And finally - I know, I know, mercifully, all of you say, as you rub your weary eyes, and prepare to soak your contact-lenses. . . ) Mike's revelation (which, granted, is not temporally specific) makes me wonder: WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED? And, HOW DID Broke Straight Boys lose one of its greatest, and most beloved, stars???? We sort of got the impression that Jason was all done with this business, and we all (sadly) wished him a happy retirement. But. . . if Jason was still wanting to work in this industry - he, who was such a great and loyal employee of the BluMedia brand. . . . what happened???

I can only imagine that there must have been some sort of miscommunication, or misunderstanding, somewhere along the way. These things DO happen, in business, personal affairs, and all of life.

If that were the case, I suppose I am trusting in Mark's wisdom and acumen, as a great businessman, to reach out to Jason somehow (with the great persuasive powers, at his disposal) and bring him BACK, for a few more wonderful sets. . . even if Jason is truly considering ULTIMATE retirement from this industry, once and for all. Because - - - Jason is one of the highest-rated models ever to appear on Broke Straight Boys; he has legions of fans; and we will never, EVER, see his like, again.

Sincerely (and pensively),

P.S. Mr. K. still says, to this day, "A. . . Jason is the cutest guy you ever loved, who wasn't me - but I GUESS I can forgive you, for that: because. . . he's pretty damned cute!

*The Overture to Wagner's Tannhauser ~ also known, to fans of "Bugs Bunny" the world over, as: "Return! My Love!";-) (Maestro Christian Thielemann, with the Munich Philharmonic Orchestra, and special guests in attendance ;-)

Pool 001.jpg
Most of you lot are Grand daddies lol


Right you are, Jon. But, whereas I am a decrepit one (who looks just like Sir Winston, fat and toothless, at 85): Peter is yet a handsome devil, as his New York photos attest - and well worth the kisses of (dare I say it?) a beauty the likes of Tank Shane.

Should you dispute this, Jon, I shall be compelled to challenge you to a duel - in defence of Peter's honour. Muskets, or sabres? Your choice! LOL!!!!

"A" ;-)

I wouldn't get any dick if boys didn't have daddy fantasies!! So lucky me....:001_rolleyes:

Good Day Everyone..Every once in a while I see a post I just think is Great. Post come and go so fast. I am not one of the great detectives that can go back and find things easily.
It amazes me how fast and cleaver some of you are. But I just loved this post Peterh..
Some of the best posts are those one liners. That's all. Just saying....:thumbup:
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:smiley-love021: Ambi my hero!!!

Ambii beating Jon:smiley-sex020:
C'mon Peter, admit the truth. Ambi is your hero because he said, "Peter is yet a handsome devil, as his New York photos attest - and well worth the kisses of (dare I say it?) a beauty the likes of Tank Shane."

Just like when the lady cop in NYC near the World Trade Center site said, "I'll take a picture with you. You're so handsome". And you were flying around the city practically dancing on air all day after that. Papi loves to be complemented on his looks. :angel:

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you were flying around the city practically dancing on air all day after that. Papi loves to be complemented on his looks. :angel:

Although I do love a compliment it was the smog from NYC that I was floating on. Not used to a dirty city coming from seattle and all!!lol
Peter, handsome man! You look so debonair! I'm glad I now have picture of you and Mike Y from his visit with some of our favorite models during the NY Pride. I just feel so good dating you two.:cheeerleader::gequatsche:
Although I do love a compliment it was the smog from NYC that I was floating on. Not used to a dirty city coming from seattle and all!!lol
Therefore, if my NY Football Giants lose today out at CenturyLink Field in Seattle it will be because we are not used to the air in your part of the country. And it will be hard to decipher the funny accents out there as we talk real English here in the New York-New Jersey area. :001_tongue:
Peter, handsome man! You look so debonair! I'm glad I now have picture of you and Mike Y from his visit with some of our favorite models during the NY Pride. I just feel so good dating you two.:cheeerleader::gequatsche:
Don't try to sugarcoat it for me Mac. I know when I am being dumped for a younger man! :crying2:
Mike's revelation (which, granted, is not temporally specific) makes me wonder: WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED? And, HOW DID Broke Straight Boys lose one of its greatest, and most beloved, stars???? We sort of got the impression that Jason was all done with this business, and we all (sadly) wished him a happy retirement. But. . . if Jason was still wanting to work in this industry - he, who was such a great and loyal employee of the BluMedia brand. . . . what happened???

I can only imagine that there must have been some sort of miscommunication, or misunderstanding, somewhere along the way. These things DO happen, in business, personal affairs, and all of life.

If that were the case, I suppose I am trusting in Mark's wisdom and acumen, as a great businessman, to reach out to Jason somehow (with the great persuasive powers, at his disposal) and bring him BACK, for a few more wonderful sets. . . even if Jason is truly considering ULTIMATE retirement from this industry, once and for all. Because - - - Jason is one of the highest-rated models ever to appear on Broke Straight Boys; he has legions of fans; and we will never, EVER, see his like, again.
Getting back on topic, with the revelation that Jason has appeared on Daddy Mugs, it does make me wonder about Mark's statement:

Jason is a bit done with porn. He has been on our site for a very long time.
Is Jason done with porn, or is Broke Straight Boys done with Jason??????? :001_unsure:
Peter, handsome man! You look so debonair! I'm glad I now have picture of you and Mike Y from his visit with some of our favorite models during the NY Pride. I just feel so good dating you two.:cheeerleader::gequatsche:

Thank you sweetie, I shall boy out of this relationship gracefully. How could I possibly compete with the great Mikeyank!! just can't be done lol little johnny doesn't know it yet, but we're dating now!! lol
Thank you sweetie, I shall boy out of this relationship gracefully. How could I possibly compete with the great Mikeyank!! just can't be done lol little johnny doesn't know it yet, but we're dating now!! lol
But I thought that little johnny was mine. First you take "my" Tank Shane, then Mactee and now my johnny! You are a "hussy" moving in on all my men!!! lol :frown:
But I thought that little johnny was mine. First you take "my" Tank Shane, then Mactee and now my johnny! You are a "hussy" moving in on all my men!!! lol :frown:

Don't worry boy's.. I can take care of you both. LOL..mactee and Paul too......You can even throw in Zaks little Ass....johnny :biggrinangelA:
Most of you lot are Grand daddies lol


Secondarily, Jon (I've been puzzling over this ~ and you know I take your reflections to my pillow during my afternoon siestas, as old men are wont, to do): We all may be Grandfathers - but do you think, you could make any of us CHIME?

Creakily ticking,

C'mon Peter, admit the truth. Ambi is your hero because he said, "Peter is yet a handsome devil, as his New York photos attest - and well worth the kisses of (dare I say it?) a beauty the likes of Tank Shane."

Just like when the lady cop in NYC near the World Trade Center site said, "I'll take a picture with you. You're so handsome". And you were flying around the city practically dancing on air all day after that. Papi loves to be complemented on his looks. :angel:


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I only make passes at slender brunet gendarmes standing guard over the Louvre. Il est une belle maniere a passer un après-midi. Just saying ;-)


The Louvre.jpg

It's the shorts that do it for me lol


LOL, the shorts are cool - but the magnificent, aristocratic, cheekbones, are better ;-) Anglo-Saxon and Celtic boys almost never have beautiful cheekbones. . . like Latin boys so often, do ;-)

"A" :)

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