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Any one know what happened to Jason??

I don't know Mikeyank. I have mixed feelings about the models and their participation on the forum. At one time, it seemed the best way for the fans to get a little better acquainted with them. For those who were/are fortunate enough to have attended events (Pride, etc) and got up close and personal with the models, it was like an extension of that meet and greet! They could have an on going dialogue of thoughts and ideas shared face to face.

Models would introduce themselves on the forum as well. Now, we have more BTS, out takes...etc.. from the responses, members feel they are getting to know the models better as people too. Now, social media has an even bigger presence than it did 5 or 6 years ago. The forum interactions with the models/staff...have been sparse. Members have stated, the forum was created for the MEMBERS. Not all models can use the forum the same way as, say those who have been "effective" in doing so in the past. That's not a negative statement, but, a fact based on recent history of models/staff posting on the forum. While I do like when models pop in and say hello, share a thought...I fear for them sometimes too!

The forum is comprised of different types of people. There are people who: have been members of the site since the beginning. Some have been followers, attending Pride events and getting to know the Broke Straight Boys staff crew and models. They have become somewhat "invested" in the site. They tend to be "Loyal" to most things Broke Straight Boys (Models included). There is a different level of commitment from these members. (My opinion). Then, there are others, (to include myself) who've not been a part of the beginning but, have enjoyed the site for a while. While (I speak for myself) I have a different level of commitment, I still visit other sites and enjoy them as well. What keeps me on this site is; the porn I enjoy first. Second, is the ability to interact with others about topics related to the site and porn in general. I don't get to meet and interact with the models on the other sites. I don't think it is as important to my appreciation of porn. I enjoy it, but.. it's not as essential to my porn enjoyment as it may be for others. I just wanted to share a perspective or point of view of mine on that topic as, I don't speak for others:2c:


Hey, Betu -

Points taken, and understood. I mostly agree with your analysis, about the way this place works, and the various levels of interest in the site, and the different types of interest in the forum. However, I would much rather see the models talking to us, and sharing their real ideas and feelings on any part of the board they wish, in any way they wish: than see them sequestered in a "talk-to-the models only", section.

I think it is a FANTASTIC and IMPORTANT EXPERIENCE, for members to have the opportunity to get to know models (even a little) in an epistolary fashion: because (while there WILL INEVITABLY be mistakes and mis-steps, on both sides) I think it gives everybody a better sense of each other's HUMANITY. So that the board is not just a stale collection of "reviews"; and not just a tedious litany of critiques of individual scenes - which you can read on any gay-video preview site on earth, for FREE. . . But also, an opportunity to get to know people, AS people, both members and models.

Hey, Betu, I too have visited and been a member of many sites, over the years. Certainly, some sites are clearly superior to others in terms of videography, production, and customer service. (I think, by and large, Broke Straight Boys is one of these.) But I'm much more a model-loyalist, than a site-loyalist. There is a small handful of models whom I've really, truly, found inspiring over the years, and I've more-or-less followed them, wherever they go, as long as their run in the business has continued. And when they stopped - I usually left, and forgot about, the site where they last appeared. Broke Straight Boys will likely be different, because of the fantastic archive; and the opportunity to interact with nice friends like you.

But, I apologize, if I somehow gave a "false lead" that got us off on this particular line of discussion. (Though I usually WELCOME interesting tangents.) I think the issue of whether (and how) models participate on the general board is an important one; which has been discussed a lot already; and, doubtless it will be discussed again a lot more, in the future. . . .

However, all I was meaning to do, in this particular thread, was to pay tribute to my favourite model of all time, on the occasion of his retirement. That's it, that's all - that was my entire purpose!


* "Das lied ist aus", Marlene Dietrich ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o3F-LSdWQX8
Jason and Paul was a top 3 scene of 2013. Jason and Zander Floyd is a top 3 scene 2014. This guy always gave 100% with every scene he did, no matter who he was with. 6 years on this site he will be truly missed, but a well deserved retirement!! In my opinion he is in the top 5 performers of all time on this site and to do it for so many years is amazing.


Kisses, Peter.


P.S. May you be half-an-hour in heaven, before the Devil knows you're dead ;-) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L6QTwZDzak4
Jason is awesome! Went to my first club with him and the first 5 mins he was already on top of the bar in his boxers puting on a show. Jason is a true entertainer!


Thank you, Damien Kyle, for that lovely and funny story about Jason - I really enjoyed it, and you made me feel a whole lot better, today!!!!

Ha it's all this American football I'm watching. Getting me some smart moves lol


I dunno about the smart moves, Jon - I think we need to get you a HOT QUARTERBACK.


*You know, someone who can throw passes at you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v8YTxIB1NN0

QB Blake Bell 001.jpg
Quite sucking up Mikeyank, just because I'll be crashing at your bachelor pad in less then a week. But on a serious note: Jason was the ultimate porn model!! And I love his interaction with you on the BTS. Him and Blake were looking at you as if you were the star of Broke Straight Boys And I know for a fact it's a day you'll never forget...

Jason is awesome! Went to my first club with him and the first 5 mins he was already on top of the bar in his boxers puting on a show. Jason is a true entertainer!

That's one thing we agree about..

Jason and Blake (and Paul) have a way about themselves that turns fans into stars.
when sha introduced me to Jason, he said, 'this is another1 on the forum.' Jason said, 'hi, nice to meet someone from the forum.' pause! 'you're another1!' 'I thought sha was saying you were another one from the forum, not that you were another1 from the forum!' and we laughed. I like anyone who can make me laugh. I hope Jason finds the contentment he deserves. one hell of a guy! one hell of an entertainer!
Jason and Blake (and Paul) have a way about themselves that turns fans into stars.
when sha introduced me to Jason, he said, 'this is another1 on the forum.' Jason said, 'hi, nice to meet someone from the forum.' pause! 'you're another1!' 'I thought sha was saying you were another one from the forum, not that you were another1 from the forum!' and we laughed. I like anyone who can make me laugh. I hope Jason finds the contentment he deserves. one hell of a guy! one hell of an entertainer!


Another1 - thanks for your funny and beautiful story, about Jason! You and Mike were so lucky to meet him!!!!

Jason and Blake (and Paul) have a way about themselves that turns fans into stars.
when sha introduced me to Jason, he said, 'this is another1 on the forum.' Jason said, 'hi, nice to meet someone from the forum.' pause! 'you're another1!' 'I thought sha was saying you were another one from the forum, not that you were another1 from the forum!' and we laughed. I like anyone who can make me laugh. I hope Jason finds the contentment he deserves. one hell of a guy! one hell of an entertainer!

Thanks for that insight Another1. It is indeed very sad news for us that Jason has apparently retired from porn. I can't blame him for it though, just as we accepted Brandon's decision. Each model will eventually reach a point where even if he is still offered work, that the benefits and risks/downsides of continuing to put their images online no longer add up in their favor. Jason had mentioned that in the course of some workplace conference at his mainstream day job, that his secret alter ego Jason Matthews had been outed by someone to his coworkers. I'm sure it's embarrassing to say the least. I'm also sure it only becomes more difficult the older you get if you want to keep a steady job. Much easier to say you did it for awhile when you were very young and badly in need of money.

I too send him my best wishes for a wonderfully happy life. He deserves it. We are very grateful to have made his acquaintance, even if it was only a virtual experience. Love you Jason!! :001_wub: Mwah!
Jason is a bit done with porn. He has been on our site for a very long time.
Or perhaps not........................???????? :001_unsure:

One of the forum detectives informed me that he saw Jason on "Daddy Mugs". I have no verification of the date that Jason filmed his scene or scenes for that site, but it appears to me that it was after his last scene on Broke Straight Boys, "Sergio Valen Fucks Jason Matthews", released on January 22, 2014.

Or perhaps not........................???????? :001_unsure:

One of the forum detectives informed me that he saw Jason on "Daddy Mugs". I have no verification of the date that Jason filmed his scene or scenes for that site, but it appears to me that it was after his last scene on Broke Straight Boys, "Sergio Valen Fucks Jason Matthews", released on January 22, 2014.

To Bad. To Sad. If Broke Straight Boys let him go? What a Big Giant Mistake...Just Saying....Jason one of a kind.

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OMG what a shame that Jason should go down to that level. So what happens on that site, do all the guys get fucked by the fat daddy ?
Apparently there is an audience for older, "out of shape" daddies fucking young hot guys, as Johnny Forza got fucked on that site too, and we saw a preview here of Jimmy Johnson getting fucked on a different site also by a similar "Daddy" type. My preference is to watch the young pretty ones doing it with one another, but again, different strokes...........
I wouldn't get any dick if boys didn't have daddy fantasies!! So lucky me....:001_rolleyes:
I wouldn't get any dick if boys didn't have daddy fantasies!! So lucky me....:001_rolleyes:
And I've had my share of hot young guys who are totally into having "daddy" give them head, so while I certainly enjoy being the daddy for those youngins', it's not what I necessarily want to watch in my porn.
Awe man, I know Jason has to do what he has to do but geeez!!

Johnny ..I could care less. But are beautiful Jason. Makes me sad and disgusted .Guy must have needed money more than we new.
Old fat guys are nice people too. But watching that guy touching Jason's Beautiful skin. Just pissed me off.
Johnny ..I could care less. But are beautiful Jason. Makes me sad and disgusted .Guy must have needed money more than we new.
Old fat guys are nice people too. But watching that guy touching Jason's Beautiful skin. Just pissed me off.

I'm not having a go at fat old guys, I'm just saying I wouldn't watch them do porn and I'm surprised that Jason is doing porn on that site when there are other sites that would bit his arm off.