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Any one know what happened to Jason??


BSB Addict
Apr 6, 2013
Reaction score
San Francisco Ca
Just wondering? Anyone know what happened to Jason? Sure miss him. Best ass ever.
Sorry Paul... You have it all. But just wonder if he will ever be back. Big loss if not.
Never a bad scene.
Hope I posted in the right place?
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Jason is a bit done with porn. He has been on our site for a very long time.
Jason is a bit done with porn. He has been on our site for a very long time.

Not an unexpected response, but sad nevertheless. With Brandon Beal also announcing his retirement, it is a sad time for members who liked the models. There are 3 models that I loved in front of the camera but also by their forum participation and that was Jason, Mike Robbins and Tyler Evans Current models would do well to try and emulate these 3 guys.
Not an unexpected response, but sad nevertheless. With Brandon Beal also announcing his retirement, it is a sad time for members who liked the models. There are 3 models that I loved in front of the camera but also by their forum participation and that was Jason, Mike Robbins and Tyler Evans Current models would do well to try and emulate these 3 guys.

Current members should try and converse with these guys instead of berating them.....
Jason is a bit done with porn. He has been on our site for a very long time.
Thanks for answering our question Mark, although it may cost you a member when Ambi reads this post. But I have to say that in addition to Jason being a beautiful and highly talented porn performer, he is also one hell of a sweet and warm human being from my meeting both him and Blake, (and Denver) at the NYC Pride event in 2012. I wish nothing but happiness and success to lovely, sweet warm and wonderful Jason!!!! Jason will go down as one of the great models ever on Broke Straight Boys :thumbup:
Thanks for answering our question Mark, although it may cost you a member when Ambi reads this post. But I have to say that in addition to Jason being a beautiful and highly talented porn performer, he is also one hell of a sweet and warm human being from my meeting both him and Blake, (and Denver) at the NYC Pride event in 2012. I wish nothing but happiness and success to lovely, sweet warm and wonderful Jason!!!! Jason will go down as one of the great models ever on Broke Straight Boys :thumbup:


Hey, Mike (XOXOXOXOXO) ~

I would also thank Mark, for graciously answering Johnny's question. Though it IS a sad day, for me, absolutely. If Jason has decided that his career as a model is done, and he is moving on to other things in his life, I am happy for him, in a genuine, heartfelt, way. I would disagree with Mark only with respect to this single clause, "He has been on our site for a very long time. . . . "

To me, it was an augenblick ~ the batting of an eyelash, the swift collapse of a butterfly's wing. To me, Mark, it seemed just an INSTANT, but a very blessed instant.

And to you, Mike, I would say, I don't think Jason Matthews will go down in history as one of the great models ever, on Broke Straight Boys I think (to my eyes, and heart, and mind) Jason will go down in history as THE GREATEST MODEL EVER on Broke Straight Boys - or Bel Ami, or CF, or SC, or so many of the other great sites, replete with models blessed with beauty and charm, who have graced what the great Canadian broadcaster, Allan McFee, once wryly liked to call, "Vacuumland." I think I know of only two models in my lifetime, who could compare in ANY WAY to Jason, in terms of beauty, or charm. . . and they're retired, too.

JASON is the sole reason I signed up for Broke Straight Boys in the first place - and he was the sole reason I came back. I once sent a couple of his photos to my beloved b/f, Mr. K.K., and Mr. K. said, "'A'! You love that guy soooo much - and he is sooooo goodlooking - are you sure you didn't have an AFFAIR with him, or something???"

Well, assuredly, I did NOT have an affair, with Jason!!! LOL!!! But I will tell you something. His famous beauty, warmth, and charm (to which Mike so eloquently alluded) never failed to warm my heart - even through long, dark, arctic, winter nights. It is no exaggeration to say that Jason gave me hope and joy and inspiration, in my little northern life: even when there was none other to be found. He is sweet; he is funny; he is charming; and he is BRILLIANT - and I daresay, we shall never see HIS like again, on this, or ANY OTHER SITE.

I followed Jason from College Dudes, to BSB1, and back to BSB2, again. I don't think (in fact, I KNOW) I will never chase a model all around the Internet, with quite the passion I chased Jason. (Or, at ALL.) All of you who got to meet Jason, and converse with him, at Broke Straight Boys functions across North America - I am GREEN with envy. But at the same time, so GLAD for you.

Jason is so gorgeous, and so agelessly beautiful, he is one of the few models I have ever known, who never HAD to retire, but could choose his own time to do so. . . and who was even more beautiful at the end of his career, than at the beginning. But, if Jason has decided that his time has come, and he has other, larger endeavours which are calling him - you know it, I am wishing him only love, and the best, in EVERYTHING he DOES. I hope he will be happy, healthy, wealthy, and successful - in his work, in his friendships, and in love, as well.

Mike, I am not sure what I will do next, exactly. (I need a little time to absorb this news.) I am not sure that Mark has, just by the fact of Jason's retirement, necessarily lost a member. All of this certainly gives me pause, though; and the joy and warmth has rather drained out of the site, for me. And I have many things to do, to take care of my precious Mr. K. But there is still the archive, and, I appreciate that Broke Straight Boys has SUCH a wonderful archive of Jason's performances. I also love talking to, and VEXING, all my friends here on the Broke Straight Boys board, and even in some limited capacity, I am sure I would enjoy continuing in this way. (I am pondering, upon it.)

But no mistake, with the apparent announcement of Jason's retirement, it certainly seems much more like autumn, around here - as far as this Canadian, is concerned. This is not Mark's fault - it is no one's fault. It is just the way things are. But it is still a melancholy moment, nonetheless.

I forget a hell of a lot of things, these days, but I will NEVER FORGET that Jason is my favourite model, of all time. If there were such a thing as a Broke Straight Boys gold medal, for the longest run of consecutively stunning and inspiring performances; or for wit or charm and kindness, in the breaking-in of new models; or for the deepest and most beautiful KISSES in history - JASON should SURELY receive that medal, hands-down. And I would part with a couple of gold rings, to cast into the crucible, in his honour.

"A" :-(((((

*"The autumn leaves" ~ Nat King Cole: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZEMCeymW1Ow

*"The famous final scene" ~ Bob Seger: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B-O1VqMUj2Q

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I don't know Mikeyank. I have mixed feelings about the models and their participation on the forum. At one time, it seemed the best way for the fans to get a little better acquainted with them. For those who were/are fortunate enough to have attended events (Pride, etc) and got up close and personal with the models, it was like an extension of that meet and greet! They could have an on going dialogue of thoughts and ideas shared face to face.

Models would introduce themselves on the forum as well. Now, we have more BTS, out takes...etc.. from the responses, members feel they are getting to know the models better as people too. Now, social media has an even bigger presence than it did 5 or 6 years ago. The forum interactions with the models/staff...have been sparse. Members have stated, the forum was created for the MEMBERS. Not all models can use the forum the same way as, say those who have been "effective" in doing so in the past. That's not a negative statement, but, a fact based on recent history of models/staff posting on the forum. While I do like when models pop in and say hello, share a thought...I fear for them sometimes too!

The forum is comprised of different types of people. There are people who: have been members of the site since the beginning. Some have been followers, attending Pride events and getting to know the Broke Straight Boys staff crew and models. They have become somewhat "invested" in the site. They tend to be "Loyal" to most things Broke Straight Boys (Models included). There is a different level of commitment from these members. (My opinion). Then, there are others, (to include myself) who've not been a part of the beginning but, have enjoyed the site for a while. While (I speak for myself) I have a different level of commitment, I still visit other sites and enjoy them as well. What keeps me on this site is; the porn I enjoy first. Second, is the ability to interact with others about topics related to the site and porn in general. I don't get to meet and interact with the models on the other sites. I don't think it is as important to my appreciation of porn. I enjoy it, but.. it's not as essential to my porn enjoyment as it may be for others. I just wanted to share a perspective or point of view of mine on that topic as, I don't speak for others:2c:
I don't know Mikeyank. I have mixed feelings about the models and their participation on the forum. At one time, it seemed the best way for the fans to get a little better acquainted with them. For those who were/are fortunate enough to have attended events (Pride, etc) and got up close and personal with the models, it was like an extension of that meet and greet! They could have an on going dialogue of thoughts and ideas shared face to face.

Models would introduce themselves on the forum as well. Now, we have more BTS, out takes...etc.. from the responses, members feel they are getting to know the models better as people too. Now, social media has an even bigger presence than it did 5 or 6 years ago. The forum interactions with the models/staff...have been sparse. Members have stated, the forum was created for the MEMBERS. Not all models can use the forum the same way as, say those who have been "effective" in doing so in the past. That's not a negative statement, but, a fact based on recent history of models/staff posting on the forum. While I do like when models pop in and say hello, share a thought...I fear for them sometimes too!

The forum is comprised of different types of people. There are people who: have been members of the site since the beginning. Some have been followers, attending Pride events and getting to know the Broke Straight Boys staff crew and models. They have become somewhat "invested" in the site. They tend to be "Loyal" to most things Broke Straight Boys (Models included). There is a different level of commitment from these members. (My opinion). Then, there are others, (to include myself) who've not been a part of the beginning but, have enjoyed the site for a while. While (I speak for myself) I have a different level of commitment, I still visit other sites and enjoy them as well. What keeps me on this site is; the porn I enjoy first. Second, is the ability to interact with others about topics related to the site and porn in general. I don't get to meet and interact with the models on the other sites. I don't think it is as important to my appreciation of porn. I enjoy it, but.. it's not as essential to my porn enjoyment as it may be for others. I just wanted to share a perspective or point of view of mine on that topic as, I don't speak for others:2c:
Although I have been a member "forever" and I did get to go to one pride event and met Sha and four models, (three from Broke Straight Boys + one College Dudes), but I do share similar feelings as you regarding the models posting when you say "Not all models can use the forum the same way as, say those who have been "effective" in doing so in the past. That's not a negative statement, but, a fact based on recent history of models/staff posting on the forum. While I do like when models pop in and say hello, share a thought...I fear for them sometimes too!".

To the best of my recollection, the models who've used the forum most effectively are Cousin Mikey, Mike Robbins, Blake, Jason and Paul. Others have had mixed results such as Tyler Evans Jimmy Johnson, Damien Kyle and Tyler White. All of the four mentioned in the second group are articulate, bright and personable, who could "play along" with our silliness, but each got angered by perceived slights by some forumites at times and either stopped posting all together or limited their interactions with us.

As far as staff postings, I believe that the most honest, truthful, upfront staff members are the one's who received the warmest support from the membership. That group includes my #1 favorite Sha, plus David and Johnny Robins, Scorpio, and the short-lived but very honest Webmonkey, and of course on technical issues Chuck is always accommodating and friendly. It seemed that Damian Christopher was going to join the group of open and informative staff, but I feel that he is too public relations oriented to be accepted as a straight shooting conduit between management and membership, and almost every post of his seemed to include something about the upcoming TV show. Mark does not post often but he usually does have something to say when he posts.

I guess it is on an individual basis and as you tell me, the forum is unique to Broke Straight Boys, and I appreciate that my only site does have a way for me to talk to my fellow members as well as on occasion, models and staff as well.
Jason and Paul was a top 3 scene of 2013. Jason and Zander Floyd is a top 3 scene 2014. This guy always gave 100% with every scene he did, no matter who he was with. 6 years on this site he will be truly missed, but a well deserved retirement!! In my opinion he is in the top 5 performers of all time on this site and to do it for so many years is amazing.
Jason and Paul was a top 3 scene of 2013. Jason and Zander Floyd is a top 3 scene 2014. This guy always gave 100% with every scene he did, no matter who he was with. 6 years on this site he will be truly missed, but a well deserved retirement!! In my opinion he is in the top 5 performers of all time on this site and to do it for so many years is amazing.
I can't believe I am saying this, but I agree 100% with peterh on this!!!! lol
I can't believe I am saying this, but I agree 100% with peterh on this!!!! lol
Quite sucking up Mikeyank, just because I'll be crashing at your bachelor pad in less then a week. But on a serious note: Jason was the ultimate porn model!! And I love his interaction with you on the BTS. Him and Blake were looking at you as if you were the star of Broke Straight Boys And I know for a fact it's a day you'll never forget...
Quite sucking up Mikeyank, just because I'll be crashing at your bachelor pad in less then a week. But on a serious note: Jason was the ultimate porn model!! And I love his interaction with you on the BTS. Him and Blake were looking at you as if you were the star of Broke Straight Boys And I know for a fact it's a day you'll never forget...

Jason is awesome! Went to my first club with him and the first 5 mins he was already on top of the bar in his boxers puting on a show. Jason is a true entertainer!