BSB Addict
How can they argue about ammendments when all these killings are going on..
We had a very bloody Civil War in this country that ended less than 150 years ago. We very much have two America's today too, with very different philosophies and beliefs as to what is right and wrong.How can they argue about ammendments when all these killings are going on..
Robert my friend. I think the lack of response from our American friends says it all. It doesn't matter how many killings there are over there - the Ammendments rule ok...
In the days of the founding fathers, people used to shoot a musket with a 5 minutes loading period per bullet. Not comparable with semi-automatic guns that can hold a 100 bullets magazine.
In Western Europe we had to defend our freedom against Hitler till the allied forces defeated his German army. It's not an excuse in Western Europe to carry around guns nowadays.
People do hunt here! And one can practice ones sport at a shooting range. The few people that do own a gun legally, need to lock up their weapon at home in a gun vault.
I'm not sure what it is I said that you disagree with Jon. I too am horrified by the massacres that have taken place in this country in recent years with the use of illegal guns. I fully support our President and Vice President, as well as New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo, and New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg to shore up the loopholes in the gun laws and to try to make this a safer country to live in.Exactly Robert. Sorry Mike but I disagree with what you say. There is a hellova difference protecting your property and your family and hoarding such weapons that has been used to kill innocent people and children of late. But the problem now is that there are so many weapons out there that you would have to have an amnesty if they were made illegal. A few years ago in the UK there was a lot of knife crime and there was an amnesty of so many days to hand in your knives to the police. Thousands were handed in and, whilst there is still the odd knife incident, they are very few.
Boy, 5, threatened with suspension for building toy gun out of Legos
A five-year-old boy has been threatened with suspension after he used Legos to build a toy gun at school.
Joseph Cardosa, attends an a after-school program at Hyannis West Elementary School, on Cape Cod in Massachusetts. Teachers gave him a written warning for play-shooting some of his friends with the toy gun.
His parents say they understand that teachers are parents are on edge after the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, but argue that school administrators are taking things too far.
'Kids are taught, "Here's a squirt gun, this is fun," so this is fun to him... he's running around playing,' Shelia Cruz told Fox 5 Boston.
Is this a gun: Joseph's mother Sheila Cruz said the school is over-reacting
Ms Cruz said teachers should have spoken with her son an re-directed his playing to a non-violent scenario.
'We were running around and we were shooting... we were jut pretending,' little Joseph said.
Teachers sent Joseph's parents a letter warning that if he play-acted with a toy gun again, he would be suspended for two weeks.
Suspension, Ms Cruz says, is excessive.
'It's not like he's designing a machine gun,' the mother said.
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