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Actor Leslie Jordan Passes Away

I've been catching up on my DVR backlog and I just watched Call Me Kat, episode Call me Phillium, what a beautiful send off and tribute for Leslie. I'd be a liar if I said I didn't cry 😭😭
I've got a backlog of Call Me Kat episodes too. I haven't seen that episode yet. Looking forward to it. I wondered how the show would handle Leslie's passing in the plotline.
I've got a backlog of Call Me Kat episodes too. I haven't seen that episode yet. Looking forward to it. I wondered how the show would handle Leslie's passing in the plotline.
I think it was a very heartwarming way they did it. I won't spoil it
I did get around to seeing the episode of "Call Me Phillium" on the show, "Call Me Kat". It was a wonderful and heartfelt sendoff they gave him. If You can't catch the episode in full, then hopefully YouTube will have clips of the most important final minutes of the show. Those of you with DVR's who didn't record it, may be able to watch the full episode using the "On Demand" feature.
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I did get around to seeing the episode of "Call Me Phillium" on the show, "Call Me Kat". It was a wonderful nad heartfelt sendoff they gave him. If You can't catch the episode in full, then hopefully YouTube will have clips of the most important final minutes of the show. Those of you with DVR's who didn't record it, may be able to watch the full episode using the "On Demand" feature.

Fox posted it on YouTube

Edit to add second part
As I've said in the past I am not a fan of country music in general. However I am huge fan of Dolly Parton. I respect her as an artist and even more so as a wonderful human being. It amazes me how there are so many one-hot-wonders out there in the music business who lose their fame and popularity in a short period of time. Whereas Dolly has managed to buck that trend, still put out quality material in her late 70's, and still stays relevant culturally to this very day. Not to mention that she is still a stunner looks-wise. haha
Does it seem more of the greats from our youth are passing on. Is that a not so subtle hint we are no longer young?
It's definitely true and we will see a lot of them pass away. :(

It is just a fact of life. My father read the New York Times and I know he read the obituary every day. I clearly recall him telling my mother seemingly every day, “Look who died…..”. They were often names I’d never heard of but were clearly important to them. Just the way of the world. Nothing new here. Just the way it is.
I did not realize Leslie Jordan knew Pee Wee who also passed away this year. :(
